This Magical Girl is a B⭐tch - ACTS 2 AND 3!

 This Magical Girl is a B⭐tch - ACTS 2 AND 3!

Project Overview

This Magical Girl is a B☆tch (developed by Pastel Magic) is an indie visual novel coming to PC in Q4 2024. One fateful Halloween Spirit Week, 13-year-old Tabbie Bones is bestowed magical powers by a pixie named Strength, who vows to course-correct Tabbie and her delinquent ways. Tabbie, however, sees a better use for these powers: REVENGE. Tabbie embarks on a journey to right the wrongs of her life, get back at all the bullies who target her, and maybe, just maybe, learn a life lesson or two along the way... all in time for Halloween!

After a successful demo launch for the 2023 Spooktober Game Jam, our team is looking to develop two new acts to round out the game and complete its narrative. As such, we are casting for a variety of voiceover roles, ranging from baseball players to grandmas, to magical pixies, and everything in between.

For more information on the game, please refer to our Steam page.

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  • Deadline Change

    Hey everyone, thank you so much for your interest and for all the awesome submissions so far! Due to a prior mistake with the CCC page, the deadline is being moved to the 6th instead of the 7th. You guys still have a day to record and submit, so be sure to strike while the iron's hot! Have a great day y'all!

Project Roles: Love Hermit Star Lackey Nana Cory
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Love is the second pixie sent to help reform Tabbie and set her on the path to goodness. She has a principled personality, with a demeanor much like that of a children's show mascot. She believes that everyone has the potential to be good, but they need to work hard if they truly want redemption. Love is very optimistic and cheerful, but even she has her limits! If pushed too far, she turns into a harsh disciplinarian, and may even… say swear words! (Don't tell her fellow pixies!)

Her "snaps" are often played for comedic effect, but these periods of brutal bluntness help spur Tabbie onward when nothing else will.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • female young adult
  • any
  • female adult
  • visualnovel
  • video game
  • (Critiquing Tabbie’s destructive tendencies.) "For shame, Tabitha! More reckless power is not the cure for this predicament."

  • (Upbeat and happy, informative.) "Of course, I don't mean romantic love. You must find that on your own, if you choose to seek it at all… I'm talking about SELF love!"

  • (Releasing her bottled-up frustration.) "Listen to me, you little shit! Without a support system, you will remain SOUR and DESPICABLE until THE END OF TIME. Is that what you want, Tabitha?! To never open yourself up to anything better in life? BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE HEADING!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Hermit is a quiet and sensitive pixie who doesn't speak unless spoken to. She's meek but helpful, providing aid where she can. She makes up for her lack of physical strength with a great desire to help build a better future for everyone, regardless of how cruel they are to her in the present. She feels a great sense of responsibility to bring about this future, no matter how hurt she may be.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • androgynous
  • any
  • visualnovel
  • videogame
  • female young adult
  • (Voice trembling, on the verge of tears.) "W-we are doing this for you! All of you. For your happiness."

  • (Advocating for her friend, putting her foot down.) "I have to help him! We can't just leave him here! It’s our responsibility."

  • (Humbly making a request, fearful.) "I, um… I could really use a nap…"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Star is a no-nonsense pixie sent to aid Tabbie on her path to goodness, no matter what it takes. She may be a pixie of few words, choosing only to say what is necessary, but she won’t shy away from getting rough with Tabbie if it means getting her to behave. While her lack of tolerance for delinquent activity may put her at odds with Tabbie, Star still does care about her and has her best interests at heart. One might be surprised to learn just how much Star cares, given her often drastic teaching methods.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • any
  • (To Tabbie. “You’re in for one heck of a lesson, kid.”) “It’s time for the problem child to see how much of a problem she is.”

  • (Dismissing Tabbie, who is pleading for Star to slow down.) “I don’t ‘slow down’ for anyone. We’re behind enough as is.”

  • (Blocking Tabbie’s path, keeping her from leaving a safe refuge.) “No, Tabbie! It’s dangerous! I won’t let you go!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

    Despite his boss’ fits of rage and magical hi-jinks happening all around him, Lackey manages to somehow maintain an air of aloofness. He keeps his comfort at the forefront of his priorities, resting on the job whenever possible and often meeting requests from his impatient boss with snark, begrudging compliance. Ideally, he would be on a beach somewhere, living the high life, but quitting his job to get there would just be too much of a hassle. But don’t let his looks deceive you; Lackey is incredibly competent and intelligent. He simply chooses to apply himself as little as possible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • male adult
  • any
  • video game
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • (Reporting to his boss on yet another security breach into the company’s building. Oozing sarcasm.) “You guessed it, another security breach. That makes it the fifth one this week… Shocker.”

  • (Responding to his boss, who is, in a fit of rage, kicking a desk repeatedly.) “...You having fun with that? That’s quite the spirited kick.”

  • (Making a P.S.A. out of obligation.) “Attention: All drones are to be recalled to HQ for a safety re-evaluation. They’re safe to hold, though. Probably.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Nana is an optimistic old woman who takes care of her grandson in place of his parents. She has a habit of sweeping bad circumstances and feelings under the rug, exuding toxic positivity disguised as tenacity. She means well, but her grandson struggles to grapple with his negative emotions as a result of her influence. She's a creative who has an affinity for making doll clothes, much like her grandson.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • any
  • visualnovel
  • video game
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • (To her grandson. Trying to help, but dismissive.) "There's no need for tears, now. It's not the end of the world, is it?"

  • (To her grandson’s principal, taking things in stride.) "If disciplinary action needs to be taken, then what's done is done. Simple cause and effect."

  • (Imparting wisdom.) "The trick is to stay positive. Keep on keepin' on, that's what I used to tell your father."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

    Cory is an up-and-coming baseball star who is at their absolute prime, and really starting to make a name for themselves. Despite this, they keep their ego in check, and heavily value their relationships. Cory’s love language is a playful, teasing nature, but they are sincere and honest when it counts, making them a favorite amongst their baseball team. Due to a difficult home situation, Cory acts as something of a surrogate parent to their younger sibling.

We are seeking BIPOC, nonbinary actors for this role. This character uses they/him pronouns.

  • english
Voice description:
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • androgynous
  • any
  • visualnovel
  • nonbinary
  • (Being interviewed about a home run they just scored, out of breath.) “Yeah, that was… Well, I’ve never scored a home run like that, I thought my legs were about to fall off!”

  • (To their brother. Consoling, but giving space.) “Well, hey, if you ever need anything, I’m here for you, ‘kay, champ?”

  • (Teasing their brother, trying to get a laugh.) “I swear, with brains like yours, you’re gonna make it big when you’re older! You’ll probably… Invent auto-flushing toilets or something!”


Public Submissions

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