Project Overview

One of the most beloved preschool shows "Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!" is getting a fan-made reboot, Created by Zath W. [Xathazo]  and CirclEyes, with a dedicated team. It's a non-profit, fan-based, and a passion project ran by Zath W. [Xathazo] and TheTSD based from the original series that formerly aired on Nick Jr. (US) that continues the adventures of Wubbzy along with his friends, Widget, Walden, and Daizy, as they go on with Wubbzy on their new adventures.  We're aiming for a late-2024/2025 release and it will premiere on Twitch and YouTube worldwide.  Currently, this project is in development, but we're stuck on getting the episodes done due to us having low production workers, along with low on Animators, Musicians, Writers, Singers, Storyboard Artists, and Voice Actors. We need your help, we're opening auditions to make way for more workers, Your contributions are highly appreciated and also make this project a reality!

We are now recruiting members interested in working for the project; We're looking for members that has interest in doing Voice Acting, Script Writers, Animation, Singers, Producing, Audio Engineering, Composing Music, and creating art for the fan-reboot.


MUST HAVE DISCORD: This is the only way we can get in contract with you for right now.

HAVE EXPERIENCE IN VOICE ACTING: As we're aiming at quality and faithfulness, we expect you to provide your best work and you must have experience in Voice Acting in the past years. We don't expect you having background noises, buzzing noise, and echoes as we want it to be noise-free and have clear quality as well.

BE EXPRESSIVE: Most characters tend to sound expressive and goofy, since we wanted to catch the feel of it, We encourage you to express yourself when auditioning for Voice Acting. (optional)


MUST HAVE DISCORD: This is the only way we can get in contract with you for right now.

HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SINGING: You must have years of experience in singing in order to audition, since most episodes have insert songs at the end, and there's some episodes where they sing during the episode.


MUST HAVE DISCORD: This is the only way we can get in contract with you for right now.


HAVE FUN: Even though this is a project I and Zath W. [Xathazo]
are working on, We mostly have fun depending on how kooky we can be.


THIS IS A LONG TERM PROJECT: Since we're making it a full-fledge series and we wanted people to work for the project, it's important to know that it's a long-term project because it's a fan-series. It'll consist of 26 half-hour episodes.

NON-PAID PROJECT: We're not paid to work on this series and it's a fan-passion project, because of it, You'll not be paid, if you object to this, you are free to decline this opportunity.


WOW! WOW! WUBBZY! FAN-REBOOT is a non-profit and a passion project created by Zath W. [Xathazo]
(Chroma Creations) and TheTSD (CirclEyes) that continues Wubbzy's adventures along with his friends, Widget, Walden, and Daizy.


It started production on March 21, 2022, and are aiming for a late-2024/2025 release, It will air on Twitch, and on YouTube.

If you interested in auditioning for the project, apply in any of the positions below, Your contributions matter and will help make this project possible.


NOTICE: This is a non-profit and fan-based project owned by Chroma Creations and CirclEyes. We're not affiliated with the original creator (Bob Boyle) and owners (Starz, Lionsgate, and Bolder Media) and is intended for free distribution and promotion of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! (Original). It was also made in dedication to Bob Boyle and it's original project. Under Fair Use.

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Episode Direction

Being involved with the episode's direction means you're involved with the episode's pacing, creative choices, and inputing charm for the episode.

I'd suggest you watch episodes of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! and get the grip on how pacing works and how the reboot's gonna do with the pace.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Episodes Writing / Screenplay

As a writer, you are required to write episodes that are 11 minutes long (or longer in some episodes), as usual for the OG series, on top of that, you'll need to understand the personalities of the characters and have an BIG understanding how the Original Series worked. (ex. clever ideas, moral lessons, etc.)

For those who are not familiar to the original series, I'd suggest watching episodes from S1 and a little of S2, to capture the feel the reboot's gonna aim at.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Storyboard Artist

After the script's finished, the episodes will move on into storyboarding, there's not that many storyboards at the moment and we really need to recruit more storyboarders for our project.

You can contribute by applying to be an storyboard artist, if you feel confident in drawing the show's art style, then this is the role for you.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Assistant Animatiors

The episode would be lifeless without animation, We're looking for animators that can make animation that resembles the original style of the show. You'll need good knowledge on how everything works in Wuzzleburg.

If you're interested in doing animation for the project, This is the role for you.

NOTE: This project will be animated with Adobe Animate/Flash. Current version is recommended.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Script Editing

As an Script Editor, you'll make sure that the script doesn't suffer from any errors, editing it to make sure the script looks good. (ex. Community Errors, inconsistencies, and unnecessary filler.)

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Background Artist

The episode wouldn't be complete without any background artists! Your goal is to create backgrounds faithful to Bob Boyle's (the show to an extent) style, and it also must be shown in vector format. (Since this project will be done with Adobe Animate)


If you're confident in drawing Bob Boyle-esque art for the project, then this is the role for you.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer(s)

Creating music is like playing the role of the show, You'll be tasked to compose music that resembles the style of the original show, This includes having a soundfont with similar instrumentals, The beat and the tune, and music cues from the original show.


If you interested in creating music for the project and satisfies the staff members, This is the role for you.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Lead Singer

Every song needs a charming singer, So we're looking for a lead singer who can provide vocals for our songs.

If you provide us your singing voice that satisfy our needs, this is the role for you.


  • english
  • ♪ Hey, lookee there, it's something cool ♪

    ♪ You want it so bad, but it's not for you ♪

    ♪ So, look, look, look, don't touch ♪

    ♪ Even though you want it so much ♪

    ♪ You've gotta know what's inside ♪

    ♪ A silly hat or a bike to ride ♪

    ♪ Like a crystal bowl in a china shop ♪

    ♪ You wanna touch, but you gotta stop ♪

    ♪ And look, look, look, don't touch ♪

    ♪ Even though you want it so much ♪

    ♪ You better run ♪

    ♪ You better hide ♪

    ♪ You better not ever look inside ♪

    ♪ It might be a monkey or a pig named Lou ♪

    ♪ Just don't touch it 'cause it's not for you ♪

    ♪ Just look, look, look, don't touch ♪

    ♪ Even though you want it so much ♪

    ♪ Just look, look, look, don't touch ♪


Prop Designer(s)

Props designers are needed to keep in line on the show's art style, if you design something that is closer to the W!W!W! art style and can export in vector format, this is the role for you.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Song Composer

One of the keys into finishing the episode is the song, We're looking for people that can compose songs that are catchy, fun, unique, and show a lesson in a fun way.

Here's what the songs look and sounds like.

If you composed a song that's closer to Brad Mossman's standards then you will be qualified for the role.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Sound Designer(s)

We're looking for Sound Designers who can help out creating the episode's sound effects 

I'd advise you to go to the link, which contains videos from the original series, and get a good grip of what the design gonna be. (ex. Cartoon Sound Effects)

If you interested in creating sound, this is the role for you.

  • english
  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The loveable yellowtail kid, the main star of the show, and he got a bendy tail. Wubbzy is a curious, yet carefree little guy, all he likes to do is play, play, play! and whenever he got a problem, his friends will help out!

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

He's formerly voiced by WubCake, due to having so much paid voice work in order to pay for her house and everything, and her having not much time for our project she had to resign. We're looking for someone who can permanently fill in the role of Wubbzy. If you're interested, and have good vocal range, You can apply and give it a shot. Any males and females are welcome to audition for the role.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • animation/character
  • funny
  • Curious
Other info:
  • shure sm7b
  • blue yeti
  • blue snowball
  • Wow! Wow! Everyone! My name is Wubbzy!

  • You wanna play with my kickity-kickball? I can't wait to have fun!

  • [giggles] I'm not an animal, I'm Wubbzy!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Widget is a pink-colored 3000 mechanical builder, Her solution is inventing machines to solve virtually any problems from their friends. Her inventions usually have "3000" on their names.

Most of the time, Her inventions malfunction and typically cause chaos for most of the time, Her catchphrases are "That wasn't supposed to happen", and, "Pickles and prune juice!)

Widget is similar to mother-figure to Wubbzy, and is one of Wubbzy's friends.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.
She's currently voiced by MilkProductions, but if you want, you can audition to be the Alternative VA* if the original VA is busy at the moment.


  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • texan
  • funny
  • Inventionist
  • television
Other info:
  • blue yeti
  • shure sm7b
  • Howdy partner! Would you like to try out my new invention, you're gonna like this one!

  • Ta Da! Presenting the RoboCluck 3000! It's an robotic invention that lays over 100 eggs a minute, Now, I'm gonna put the finishing touches and this baby will be done.

  • Oops! That wasn't supposed to happen!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The wise-genius bear. Walden is a scientist that observes everyday objects, use advanced vocabulary, and, like other pals, likes to help out his friends.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference 

He's currently voiced by Electric_Man, but if you want, you can audition to be the Alternative VA* if the original VA is busy at the moment.


  • english
Voice description:
  • australian
  • male teen
  • smart
  • Genius
  • Animal
  • animation/character
  • television
Other info:
  • blue yeti
  • blue snowball
  • shure sm7b
  • Hmm. I wonder if this belongs to the Stinkodone, or the Gackasaurus Rex.

  • Oh, yes, yes, yes! I love problems!

  • Being kooky isn't a problem. Just look around you Wubbzy, Everything you see here, they're all kooky.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The happy-girly-type girl. Daizy lives in a flower-shaped house, she loves flowers (hence the name) and she grows them with passion, she also help out her friends along the way and shows care to animals. She is Wubbzy's neighbor.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.
She's currently voiced by MilkProductions, but if you want, you can audition to be the 
Alternative VA* if the original VA is busy at the moment.


  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • Ooh! What's this? Golly! I just love candy. [sniffs], And flowers.

  • [giggles] How cute! He'd be a perfect addition to my doll collection.

  • My, my! My hands sure are dirty. I'm glad I gave my ring to Wubbzy. I'm sure he's taking good care of it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Azure is a gay and transgender character, They're the new citizen to Wuzzleburg and they're very kind as long as others are kind to them back.

Their pronouns are he/they, although they prefer they/them but he/him is acceptable too. 

We're looking for a transgender VA to voice act this character, you can apply if you want if you feel like it's the right fit. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • (Shy, but confident at the end)  Um, hi, Wubbzy. My name is Azure, it's pretty nice to meet you! I just moved to Wuzzleburg and I wanted to meet new people in this fine city, I hope you don't mind.

  • (concern) What do you mean I'm the glowing one? Am I really that special?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Buggy is one of Wubbzy's recurring friends, he's also friends with Huggy and Earl. He likes to practice with his own guitar, and he's usually not good with that.

He wears glasses and looks somewhat like a rabbit, as he has long ears, but his ears aren't as long like Widget's. 

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Sorry, Wubbzy. I have a gitty guitar lesson. Maybe I'll play with you once I'm finished with my lesson. [nervous giggle]

  • Are you going to the Wuzzleburg Boogie Bash tonight? Only the coolest people will there be.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Huggy is a kind-hearted and light-blue kid who are friends with Earl and Buggy, along with Wubbzy and Daizy.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • There are lots of fun things to do in school. And when we have recess, we got out and play kickety-kick ball and hippity hopscotch. 

  • (sniffs) Sorry Wubbzy, I have the sneezy sneezes. (Sneezes)

  • You bet! It'll be a lot of fun!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Earl is a clumsy, yet, lighthearted kid who loves to play at the park. He is like a big teddy bear and consists of being a best friend of Buggy and Huggy.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • This is the best party I've ever been too! I had lots of fun!

  • Yay! I love Kickity-Kick Ball!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chef Fritz

The french cooking chef! 

Chef Fritz usually has an easygoing personality, However, He does get upset if something he is cooking is ruined. He owns the Yum! Yum! Restruant and also speaks in a french accent.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • french
  • Ah. Just a little bit more yum-yum cream on the frosting.

  • I was just cooking up a batch of my famous high-rise panny-pancakes. Oh, sad to say, they are a little soggy now.

  • Magnifique!

Shine (The Wubb Girlz)

The leader of The Wubb Girlz, they are the most popular singing group in Wuzzleburg and Wuzzlewood. With their hit song "Sing a Song", they're cherished by lots of people in the world. See video for reference.

You can also submit your demo reel here.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • singing/vocals
Other info:
  • blue yeti
  • Hi, everyone. I'm-- ♪ Shine ♪

  • Are you ready for the big show, Wubbzy? 'Cause we wouldn't want all those millions of people watching on TV to miss out on seeing our Wubbzy in action.

  • [Sing any song here, or use "Sing a Song" for reference]

Shimmer (The Wubb Girlz)

Shimmer is a magenta-haired singer for the Wubb Girlz. She is often seen with her fellow singers, Sparkle and Shine.

See video for reference.

You can also submit your demo reel here.

  • english
Voice description:
  • music
  • female young adult
  • singing/vocals
Other info:
  • blue yeti
  • shure sm7b
  • Hi, everyone. I'm Shimmer, and we're the Wubb Girlz!

  • One, two, cha-cha-cha. Three, four, cha-cha-cha. One, two, cha-cha-cha. Three, four, cha-cha-cha.

  • "Sing any song here" (or use "Sing a Song" for reference)

Sparkle (The Wubb Girlz)

Sparkle is a singer for the Wubb Girlz. Her other fellow singers are Shimmer and Shine. She usually starts off the practice rehearsals. See video for reference.

You can also submit your demo reel here.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • singing/vocals
Other info:
  • shure sm7b
  • blue yeti
  • Hey everyone! I'm Sparkle, and we're the Wubb Girlz!

  • [Sing any song here, or use "Sing a Song" for reference]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Whoozle

The Mayor of Wuzzleburg, wise but quirky, he makes sure that nothing's going wrong according to plan.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
  • [scared and worried] Ohhh...this is terrible, terrible! I think I'm late for a meeting, but I don't know what time it is! Ooh!

  • Well, hello, Wubbzy. We're building the ultimate super deluxe playground of the future. It'll have fully automated swingy-swings, complete with cup holders, A new, deluxe teeter-totter, and titanium monkey bars, with actual monkeys. We're bringing you the playground of tomorrow, today.

    So what do you think?

  • It's almost parade time. I need to go practice walking on my stilts. I can't lead the parade without them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Madame Zabinga

The ballet teacher in Wuzzleburg! Madame Zabinga runs a ballet school, where she loves teaching her students. She helps others not only with learning ballet but she finds other ways to help the residents of Wuzzleburg, such as checking on progress. She normally teaches Buggy, Huggy, and Earl, and even mice.

She is a very kind ballet teacher, and she is usually kind to other people. She also speaks in a thick french accent.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • french
  • Now class, We dance! Pirouette. Arabesque. Plie.

  • [gasps] Amazing! Still, I can see that you have a lot of natural talent. All you need are some dance lessons.

  • [Announcing] Come one, come all, to the Wubb Club dance party tonight!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Moo Moo the Magician

The Magnificent Magician! 

Moo Moo the Magician usually encourages his students not to give up even if it is difficult, he's also a magician and owns Magic School to teach students on using Magic.

NOTICE: Since we're aiming at faithfulness to the originals for the reboot, you're required to match the original voice as close as possible, since we want the characters to have accurate impressions to their original counterparts. See video for reference.

  • english
  • Welcome to magic school! I am Moo-Moo the Magnificent!

  • Now today, students, anyone who performs a trick successfully will receive a gold star.

  • You know, Wubbzy, with a little practice, I bet you'll be able to do that rabbit trick, too.


Public Submissions

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.