The Walking Dead Comic Dub Series (Volume 3, 4 & 5)
Project Overview
This project is a comic dub series of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman. I am currently in production for my own zombie series. However, the animation for the series has been very slow. So the voice actors of my series are helping me on this side project while we wait for the animation to finish.
The video that is used up above is our first TWD Motion Comic/Comic Dub we did for the holidays. Starring Keep as both Morgan Jones and Duane Jones. Here is his CCC page if you want to check him out:
The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic comic book series created by writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore – who was the artist on the first six issues and cover artist for the first twenty-four – with art on the remainder of the series by Charlie Adlard.
I am looking for talented voice actors who can bring these characters to life. Hopefully, my direction will help XD. I am not looking for impressions of the characters in the TV show. I'm looking for people who discover the right voice for the character(s) they have. People who can give their own spin that feels right for the character.
You audition for the character you think you can do well in. If you are given the role, you'll be given the characters FANDOM Wiki page and an overview of the character to help you get to know the character (The overview will also be there in the characters audition spot down below). You will also be given the issues your character is in. Make sure to read the entire issue your character is in to understand the situation the characters are in and to know what lines your character has.
It is a NON-PAID project. However, like many free projects, I will make sure to share your social media pages and give you exposure to other projects. You will also get experience.
When you receive the character FANDOM Wiki page, the issues your characters are in for Volumes 1-3, and the overview of the character(s) you have: You can get started on the lines.
Make sure you have Discord so you can join the server with the other VA's :)
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Originally a good friend to Rick and his family, Shane's downward spiral began after his presumed-dead partner arrived to the camp and was reunited with his family. This friction between Shane and his best friend was primarily caused by Shane's infatuation with Lori, with whom he shared one passionate night with after both assumed Rick was dead. It is also implied that Shane had feelings for Lori even before the apocalypse. After Rick's return, however, Lori completely spurns him, leaving Shane heartbroken and deteriorating his mental health. As the conditions in the camp worsen, Rick and Shane begin to butt heads with increasing frequency over whether or not to move the camp.
While Rick correctly surmises that staying close to the city is dangerous, Shane almost delusionally believes the government is coming to rescue them, despite it becoming more and more apparent this isn't the case. After a walker attack on the camp that leaves Amy and Jim dead, the tension between Rick and Shane finally boils over and leads to a fight which culminates in Shane punching Rick. When Rick attempts to reconcile with him, Shane pulls a gun on him and is prepared to murder the man he once called his best friend. During is unhinged rant, Shane blames Rick for derailing his life, ruining his chances with Lori and slowly usurping his leadership. Because of this, Shane held out hope that the government would come and rescue them, but snapped once he was confronted with the truth, as in his eyes it meant that he was left with nothing.
Despite Shane turning on him, their relationship was strong enough that Rick felt obliged to travel back to the campsite weeks later and put down the now-reanimated Shane. Shane's transformation from his best friend to a desperate and unstable emotional wreck haunts Rick for years to come, and serves as a reminder that even the best people can turn into monsters under the right circumstances.
Gender: MaleHair: BlackAge: 25Occupation:Police Officer (Pre-Apocalypse)
Former Leader of the Atlanta Camp (Post-Apocalypse)
FamilyLori Grimes - Ex-Lover (Deceased)
Judith Grimes - Daughter (Deceased)
First Appearance:Issue 1
Last Appearance:Issue 37 (Flashback)
Death Issue:Issue 6 (Alive)
Issue 15 (Zombified)
Series Lifespan:#1 to #6
(Going insane/Full of hatred) "You really did it for me, buddy! You really did it! Oh, yes you did! I'm nothing now, Rick! NOTHING! I've got nothing, Rick!! No friends! No family!! No respect!! No fucking life!! This fucking world! This fucking God-forsaken world of shit! There's nothing for me here Rick!! Nothing! I thought I could make it... I thought I could hold out... wait until they came and rescued us. They would have brought us nice beds... and hot showers... and fresh clothes! They were coming Rick! WE WERE GOING TO BE OKAY!!"
(Feeling left out/Heartbroken/Friendzoned) "But what about that night when we-- on the road down here”
(Happy/Welcoming) "Rick, please. It was nothing. I had to make up for letting you get shot like that..."

Glenn is described as clever, optimistic and resourceful. From his introduction, Glenn had proven over the course of the series his importance to the group's survival. His initiative to put himself in danger in Atlanta to get supplies was a vital necessity for the group. His jack-of-all-trades knowledge had proven useful several times, such as being able to hot-wire a car and siphon petrol. His youth and somewhat natural positive, humorous attitude frequently kept the survivor group's spirits up, and his loyalty to Rick Grimes and the group made him one of Rick's closest and dependable allies. He was shown always willing to do what was necessary to keep everyone together; even if it put himself in danger.
Gender: MaleHair: BlackAge:22 (Issue 2)
24 (Issue 100)
Occupation:College Student (Pre-Apocalypse)
Pizza Delivery Boy (Pre-Apocalypse)
Car Thief (Pre-Apocalypse)
Former Supply Runner for the Atlanta Camp (Post-Apocalypse)
Supply Runner for the Alexandria Safe-Zone (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:Maggie Greene - Former Wife
Sophia Grimes - Adopted Daughter
Hershel Greene - Son
(Unnamed) - Mother-In-Law
Hershel Greene - Father-In-Law
Billy Greene - Brother-In-Law
Lacey Greene - Sister-In-Law
Arnold Greene - Brother-In-Law
Susie Greene - Sister-In-Law
Rachel Greene - Sister-In-Law
Shawn Greene - Brother-In-Law
Andrea Grimes - Adoptive Granddaughter
Carl Grimes - Adoptive Son-In-Law
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 101 (Corpse)
Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#2 to #100
(Heart to heart) "Yeah... And I'm still here. Aren't I? Listen to me, Maggie... Really, stop and listen to me. Look in my eyes, you'll see that what I'm telling you is one-hundred percent true. C'mon. You don't need to hide anything from me. I love you. I love you. Not that flirty girl I met at the farm house... Not that sex machine I lived with at the prison... You. Every flaw, every quirk... I love everything about you-- Everything that makes you... You. I love you, Maggie."
(Cautious/Slightly Annoyed) "I can get you out of here. Follow me. And stop using that gun! You'll have the whole city on us!
(Sobbing but full of hatred) "She's alive.... She's alive! SHE'S ALIVE!!!"

Andrea was one of the first survivors from the camp at the outskirts of Atlanta to truly adapt to the new post-apocalyptic world order. She quickly became one of the most useful and utilized members of the group.
Her most prominent skill is her proficiency as a sharpshooter. Throughout the series this has come in handy against both the living and the dead being one of the most lethal members of the group. She has also at many times taken up the role of teaching other survivors how to shoot like Tyreese at the prison and various members of the Alexandrian community. Because of this skill she often has taken up as a position as the lookout for the group.
Andrea has been consistently resolute despite all the tragedies that have occurred throughout the series. She is brave and loyal to her allies, not only is she willing to risk her life for her allies she often goes out of her way to do so. The most notable example of this is when she returns alone to help protect the members of the community who remained at the prison for the assault led by the governor a more recent example would be her risking her life to save Eugene Porter when he found himself surrounded by walkers.
Andrea has been in two long term post apocalyptic relationships, with Dale and then Rick Grimes. She also took an adoptive motherly role to Ben and Billy and now has become a mother figure to Carl Grimes.
Gender: FemaleHair: BlondeAge:25 (Issue 2)
26 (Issue 68)
29 (Issue 167)
Occupation:Law Firm Clerk (Pre-Apocalypse)
Former Lookout for the Alexandria Safe-Zone (Post-Apocalypse)
Soldier for the Militia (Post-Apocalypse)
Member of the Herd-Duty Crew (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:Rick Grimes - Former Husband
Amy - Sister
Ben - Adopted Son
Billy - Adopted Son
Carl Grimes - Stepson
Jeffrey Grimes - Brother-In-Law
Dale - Former Boyfriend
Andrea Grimes - Step-Granddaughter
Sophia Grimes - Stepdaughter-In-Law
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 168 (Corpse)
Death Issue:Issue 167 (Alive and Zombified)
Series Lifespan:#2 to #167
(Heart to heart/Giving hope to her husband) “People still need you. You have to keep doing what you're doing. You have to stay strong! Otherwise...otherwise this was all for nothing... If this all falls apart...and it will without you...why did you fight so hard? You've built something...important. You have to keep fighting for it no matter what. These people are counting on you -- you've been a shining a world of darkness. You've made an oasis in a world of shit. You've made it possible for people to work be a be stronger... That makes you stronger. You'll keep going. You have to. That's what these people need. That's what this world needs. And that's...that's just what you do."
(Setting rules to new people in the group/Not taking shit) "You trusted us the minute you decided coming here was better than being out there. You're risking nothing... We're risking everything by bringing you in. You earn our trust. Don't like that... we'll escort you to the gate."
(After taking a beating/Breathless/Determined) "Don't forget, Rick... You and me... We're survivors... We don't die... We. Don't. Die..."

At first, Ben seemed like a regular child, who would often play with his brother Billy, Carl, and Sophia. As time goes by, however, he starts exhibiting signs of psychopathy. The first clue is Ben's seeming indifference to the death of his father, and quick acceptance of Andrea and Dale as his parents. After the fall of the prison, Dale finds a house with a barn, where he, Andrea, and the twins take shelter while Rick, Carl, and Abraham are away. It is heavily implied that Ben killed one of the cats from the barn, and showed no emotion, only warning his brother not to tell Dale. He ultimately ends up stabbing his brother to death, thinking that he would "come back". Ben dies unaware that anything he did was wrong.
Gender: MaleHair: BlondAge:4 (Issue 2)
5 (Issue 61)
Occupation:Assumed Pre-School Student (Pre-Apocalypse)
Family:Donna - Mother
Allen - Father
Billy - Twin Brother
Andrea Grimes - Adoptive Mother
Dale - Adoptive Father
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#2 to #61
(Disturbed/Calmly reassuring his mother) "Don't worry, he's going to come back. I didn't hurt his brains."
(Threatening) "You don't tell anyone about this!"
(Confused but angry) "They are all afraid of me... Are you afraid of me?"

IMPORTANT: Carl is 9 years old when we first meet him, we do see him grow up throughout the series so his voice will change throughout the course of the show. Child to Teenager to Adult.
Personality wise, Carl is described as vindictive, blunt, stubborn, and habituated. At the beginning of the series, Carl was a normal 9-year-old kid, playing with dirt and things alike. He seems to have a better notion of what's going on with the world, as he wanted to learn how to use a gun, much to his mother's displeasure. Carl matured pretty quickly when he saw Shane trying to murder his father, right before shooting Shane in the neck. He would remember this occasion several times in the future, but, still thinks Shane was a "bad man".
As time goes on, Carl slowly becomes hardened, due to the severe loss of life of the loved ones around him. He has also had to adapt to the new world which Rick was reluctant for him to do, but has done so with as much brutality and animosity as him. Carl is one of the two remaining Atlanta survivors and is the sole surviving member of his family.
Lori Grimes - Mother
Rick Grimes - Father
Andrea Grimes - Stepmother
Judith Grimes - Half-Sister
Jeffrey Grimes - Uncle
Amy - Step-Aunt
Sophia Grimes - Wife
Lydia - Ex-Girlfriend
Andrea Grimes - Daughter
Carol - Mother-In-Law
(Unnamed) - Father-In-Law
Maggie Greene - Adoptive Mother-In-Law
Glenn - Adoptive Father-In-Law
Hershel Greene - Adoptive Brother-In-Law
First Appearance:Issue 1 (Photograph)
Issue 2 (Physically)
Last Appearance:Series Lifespan:#2 to #193
(Crying/Angry/Horrified) "Don't hurt my daddy AGAIN!!!"
[23:29](Trying to process/Accepting the truth) "I miss Mom, but even though I don't remember... it doesn't feel like she's alive. She feels... gone."
(Confessing)"I shot a man in the neck. I didn't like him much. I didn't like how he acted around my mom. But he was nice to me... Most of the time. Then he went crazy -- was going to kill my dad... so I shot him. I saw him bleeding to death. He was scared. Not as scared as I was... I think about it sometimes. It used to make me sad -- But now I'm glad I shot him."

Accent: South American/Farmer
Maggie was never a religious individual, often annoyed by her father's extreme religious attitude, which he was awakened to after her mother's death.
She's shown herself to be both physically and emotionally weak, relying on Glenn for protection and comfort. She often struggles with her own insecurities as well, worrying about what people (including Glenn) think of her, even within the most least affecting situations, and trying to hide her emotions so as not to have her weaknesses be fully exposed. These insecurities and Maggie's constant mood swings bring a strain to her and Glenn's relationship and leads him to become confused about where they stand. In time, Maggie has been shown to overcome her fears and concerns as Hilltop leader.
Maggie grows severely independent and hardened over time, mostly after Glenn's death. She is shown to stand up for what she believes in and has become an important voice in the survivors. She convinces the population of Hilltop to fight against The Saviors, showing great leadership and strength. She soon becomes their leader. Two years after the events of "All Out War", Maggie continues to have a tight grasp on things at the Hilltop. The residents respect Maggie as a leader and have faith in her that she will make the right decisions.
Over time, as she became the President of the Commonwealth, she became more distant and even neglected her biological son, ironically becoming somewhat similar to Pamela Milton whom she took a dislike to years earlier.
Gender: FemaleHair: BlackAge19 (Issue 10)
21 (Issue 109)
23 (Issue 128)
48 (Issue 193)
OccupationFormer College Student (Pre-Apocalypse)
Farmhand on the Greene Family Farm (Pre- and Post-Apocalypse)
Former Teacher at the Alexandria Safe-Zone (Post-Apocalypse)
Leader of the Hilltop Colony (Post-Apocalypse)
Co-Leader of the Militia (Post-Apocalypse)
President of the Commonwealth (Post-Apocalypse)
Leader of the Commonwealth Army (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:(Unnamed) - Mother
Hershel Greene - Father
Glenn - Former Husband
Billy Greene - Brother
Lacey Greene - Sister
Arnold Greene - Brother
Susie Greene - Sister
Rachel Greene - Sister
Shawn Greene - Brother
Hershel Greene - Son
Sophia Grimes - Adopted Daughter
Dante - Boyfriend
Andrea Grimes - Adoptive Granddaughter
Carl Grimes - Adoptive Son-In-Law
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Series Lifespan:#10 to #193
(Firm while having a heart to heart) "That's not our world anymore. That's all behind us now. Am I saying no one will ever be bitten again? No... I'm sure it'll happen, but that doesn't mean things go back to how they were. You need to let go... for your own sake. Live life and be happy. Enjoy the world your father helped make for you... for all of us. Stop looking for danger around every corner. It's just not there anymore."
(Shouting/Scared/Angry) "You've snapped! Look at you! Are you crazy?!"
(Cold/Disgusted) "Every time I try to picture Glenn's face, all I can see is him screaming my name... With his skull bashed in and his--his eye hanging out! When I hear his voice, it's screaming my name--garbled in agony--that's my memory of him. And with that... I see you smiling..."

Accent: Southern American/Famer
Despite his grumpy and cold demeanor, for a significant amount of time Hershel ultimately served as the moral center of the survivors. The man was quick to help people whenever they were in need while also spreading his influence of hope and reassurance, all the while wanting nothing but the best for most of the people around him.
Whilst giving off an outwardly stern and cold appearance, he was a gentle man at heart, as he loved his family and nature; he only ever wanted the best for everyone close to him. He became a deeply religious man after the passing of his wife, and it's shown that his main and only reason for life since his her passing was the protection and survival of his children.
Hershel grew up at the farm and because of his love of the animals around him, aspired to be a veterinarian, which he later went to college for out in the city. He ended up staying in the city where he met the girl of his dreams, whom he later married and had seven children with. The two of them started up a business together, with his wife handling the financial end while he would be handling the physical end (caring for the animals and performing on them).
After his wife had passed, he had desperately tried to hold onto life by forcing himself to become increasingly more religious, and yet even despite this, he remained an emotional wreck, being convinced that his life now was empty even with his sons and daughters by his side. The business that they had operated soon fell apart despite his best efforts to keep it alive. Soon after, he began to take into consideration his father's last wishes, which were to look after the farm and tend to what needed to be done on a daily basis. With nothing else left in his life, he had decided to follow this wish and a year after his wife's passing, moved back to this childhood home along with his children (who would help him with the various daily tasks) to start his lifestyle anew.
He and the children continued to run the farm, with the youngest continuing to attend school until they graduated, and some of the older ones attending college at one point or another - all of which he gladly paid for. They still couldn't shy away from their required tasks however, as their father didn't feel like he needed to do all of it alone. As in the past, he continued to raise all of his children under a religious household.
Gender: MaleHair: GrayAge:Late 50s
Occupation:Veterinarian (Pre-Apocalypse)
Farmhand and Head of the Greene Family Farm (Pre- and Post-Apocalypse)
Group Medic (Post-Apocalypse)
Member of Committee of Prison Survivors (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:(Unnamed) - Former Wife
Maggie Greene - Daughter
Billy Greene - Son
Lacey Greene - Daughter
Arnold Greene - Son
Susie Greene - Daughter
Rachel Greene - Daughter
Shawn Greene - Son
Hershel Greene - Grandson
Sophia Grimes - Adoptive Granddaughter
Glenn - Son-In-Law
Andrea Grimes - Adoptive Great-Granddaughter
Carl Grimes - Adoptive Grandson-In-Law
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#10 to #48
(Proud) "It's all about faith, honey. My faith ain't never been stronger."
(Full of anger and sadness/Holding back tears) "My son is in there GOD DAMMIT! Shawn was bitten. It was before we put up the barrier around the house. I--I couldn't help him, he died after a couple days... And turned into one of them... I didn't know what else to do. So I kept Shawn in the barn. He tried to attack us... To--kill us. But I couldn't kill him... I couldn't bring myself to do that. When we found others... We just... We kept them too..."
(Horrified but calm/Crying/Given up life) "Dear God... Please... Just kill me..."

Accent: Southern American/Farmer
Not much is known about Arnold's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he moved to the family farm after the death of his mother. He didn't speak much before his death, and seemed to have a rather cool demeanor. Hershel described him as, "having a chip on his shoulder", however, Arnold was loyal and reliable to his father and siblings.
Arnold remained on the farm as the outbreak began. Soon after the outbreak, a group led by Rick Grimes arrived and Hershel allowed them to stay until the leader's son, Carl, was healed. Following the group's target practice session, and the capture of a roamer, Arnold and Lacey climbed from the back of the barn into the hayloft to distract the occupied barn "inhabitants". Following the accidental release of the zombies, Lacey became frightened as Arnold leaped to save their father. Before Hershel could be grabbed, Arnold rammed the roamer with his shoulder, knocking it to the ground. He jumped on top of it, beating it with his fists in retaliating of his father's near-death. As he was doing so, his reanimated brother approached from behind and ripped open his neck with his teeth.
Then, he was put down by his distraught father in order to prevent reanimation. Following his death, he was buried on a patch of land on the farm, and a funeral was held for all three Greene children lost in the accidental release.
Gender: MaleHair: BlackAge:Early 20s
Occupation:Farmhand on the Greene Family Farm (Pre- and Post-Apocalypse)
Family:(Unnamed) - Mother
Hershel Greene - Father
Maggie Greene - Sister
Billy Greene - Brother
Lacey Greene - Sister
Susie Greene - Sister
Rachel Greene - Sister
Shawn Greene - Brother
Hershel Greene - Nephew
Sophia Grimes - Adoptive Niece
Carl Grimes - Adoptive Nephew-In-Law
Andrea Grimes - Adoptive Great-Niece
Glenn - Brother-In-Law
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#10 to #11
(Protecting his father from zombies/Full of anger) "DAD! I'M COMING DAD! NO! NO! NOT MY FATHER! NOT MY FATHER!"
(Screaming in agony/Horrified/Eaten by zombies) "No!!! Please!!!"
(Zombie noises/He turns into a zombie after he dies)

Accent: Southern American/Farmer
While not renowned for his intelligence, Otis is a good-natured and well-meaning person, who is friendly towards most people he meets. Although sometimes reckless, he has a clear sense of right and wrong. He exemplified numerous times, such as feeling a great amount of guilt over accidentally shooting Carl, stopping Hershel from shooting Rick, and being outraged upon discovering that Patricia sided with Dexter and Andrew over the survivors. Otis has also shown himself to be prejudiced at times against black people, although this seems stem from ignorance rather than any kind of genuine malevolence, as Otis doesn't seem to have a problem with Tyreese or Michonne, being usually quite friendly to both when interacting with them.
Not much is known about Otis's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he and his girlfriend Patricia narrowly escaped from Wiltshire Estates. Hershel Greene allowed them to stay at his farm
Gender: MaleHair: RedAge:Mid 30s
Occupation:Farmhand on the Greene Family Farm (Pre- and Post-Apocalypse)
Family:Patricia - Ex-Girlfriend
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 35 (Zombified)
Death Issue:Issue 34 (Alive, Off-Panel)
Issue 35 (Zombified)
Series Lifespan:#9 to #30
WARNING (Talking down on his wife/Full of hatred) "You let that killer out and he almost killed you--and then--then you was gonna let them two--them two kick alla us outta here. You sided against us with--with--a couple niggers. I just want you to know I ain't talkin' ta you neither. Yer dead to me."
(Joking about Billy's lack of facial hair) "'Sides, you been nursin' that little stubble for months. How do you expect to turn that into a mustache?"
(Grateful/Out of breath) "Ya--ya saved my life! I don't know what to say."

Not much is known about Julie's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that she had a father and a boyfriend.
Julie and her boyfriend Chris traveled along with Julie's father, Tyreese, in the onset of the zombie apocalypse. While sitting on top of the RV, Tyreese reveals that on a supply run to a local supermarket, Julie was nearly raped. Before, the act was able to be committed, Tyreese found his daughter and killed the man that was harassing her. Upon joining Rick's group, Julie and Chris were forced to babysit, something they hated. Nevertheless, they still had time to comfort each other.
The end of the world hadn't stopped her from seeking independence where she could find it. During the initial stages of clearing out the penitentiary, she and her boyfriend Chris acted as babysitters to Carl and Sophia.
Once settled after having sexual intercourse for the first time with Chris, she carried out an ill-fated suicide pact with her boyfriend (mostly pressured by him). Chris pulled the trigger on his weapon too quickly, killing Julie before she shot at Chris. Hearing the gunshot, Tyreese immediately came to her side, picking up her lifeless body. She soon reanimated in Tyreese's arms, and almost killed him, before being fatally shot by Chris again.
Gender: FemaleHair: BlackAge:Late Teens
Occupation:Assumed High School Student (Pre-Apocalypse)
Babysitter (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:Tyreese - Father
Chris - Former Boyfriend
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 15 (Zombified)
Death Issue:Issue 14 (Alive)
Issue 15 (Zombified)
Series Lifespan:#7 to #14
(Nervous but ready) "Yeah--I think I'm ready. Let's do it."
(Discussing) "Yes. We'll do it as soon as the time is right. I love you, Chris."
(Zombie noises)

Not much is known about Chris's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was going out with Julie, and he got into a fight with his parents, causing him to stay with Julie and Tyreese right before the apocalypse started.
Chris and his girlfriend Julie traveled along with Julie's father Tyreese in the onset of the zombie apocalypse. Upon joining Rick Grimes's group, Julie and Chris were forced to babysit, something they hated. Nevertheless, they still had time to comfort each other.
After finding the prison, Chris seemed to want to prove his worth to Rick and the group or at least not be treated as a child. He often grumbles and curses in annoyance when he and Julie were asked to stay with the children, while the others invaded the jail. Unbeknownst to everyone else, Chris was pressuring Julie into a suicide pact, believing they could truly be together forever. On the night they executed their plan, Chris fired too early and only Julie was killed. Tyreese noticed the first gunshot and picked up her lifeless body. When Julie reanimated, he shot her again. However, Tyreese strangled Chris to death over this. After Chris reanimated, he brutally attacked the zombie, mutilating it. He burned both of their corpses and later told Rick what had transpired.
Gender: MaleHair: BlackAge:16
Occupation:Assumed High School Student (Pre-Apocalypse)
Babysitter (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:Julie - Former Girlfriend
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#7 to #15
(Voice shaking is horror/Knowing he messed up) "It wasn't to supposed to be like this. We were supposed to be together forever. Fire at the same time--It was going to work. Together forever."
(Nervous but ready) "Okay, no backing down. This is it."
(Annoyed at a child) "Shut up, brat!"

Thomas initially came off as quiet and "nerdy", but also polite and helpful. For this reason, as well as his supposedly non-violent crime, he was deemed the least threatening of the prisoners. In complete contrast to this persona, he was soon exposed as a bloodthirsty psychopath with a horrific obsession with decapitating women, evident by his murders of the Greene twins and attempted murder of Andrea and Patricia. Thomas' logic also seemed to be hypocritical, as he berated Andrea's use of strong language but then proceeded to shout graphic profanities at her, both whilst trying to kill her.
Even though he died quite soon after his introduction, Thomas' role was partly significant. As a minor antagonist to the survivors, he exposed the biggest threat to stability in a zombie apocalypse: fellow survivors. The survivors had not encountered many violent or extremely dangerous humans before their arrival at the Prison, and as such, were unprepared for the deceitfully insane but crafty Thomas.
Before the apocalypse, Thomas was imprisoned for an unknown crime. Though he initially claimed it to be tax evasion, this was proven to be a lie, and his real crime was most likely murder.Gender: MaleHair: Black (Balding, Graying)Age:Late 40s
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 20 (Corpse)
Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#13 to #18
(Creepy/Threatening/Smiling) "Come back here you slut! It's time to get your medicine, you fucking whore!"
(Calm/Lying about his conviction) "Tax evasion."
(Crying/Talking to himself) "Momma! It's all a big mistake! It wasn't me!"

Not much is known about Andrew's life prior to or as the outbreak began, expect that he was a drug dealer and had been sent to prison at the Meriwether County Correctional Facility on at least two occasions. He was also addicted to narcotics, and turned to religion to get clean. He also started a relationship with Dexter, a fellow inmate.
A little was revealed about Andrew's past. He, along with Axel, Dexter, and Richards, were encountered by Rick Grimes and Tyreese in the cafeteria of the Prison, which was initially locked by a night stick in the pull slot. The four convicts explained their isolated survival attributed to the wealth of food and supplies that was meant to feed the entire prison population for weeks. When each of the four introduced themselves, Andrew revealed he was in jail for drug offenses. He offered his disturbing opinion on the epidemic situation; he believed God sent the zombie apocalypse to help him "get clean" from drugs. He explained with the undead ruling, he had no way of acquiring substance or selling it. A homosexual relationship between him and Dexter was hinted at, and explored later. Compared to the revelation of Dexter's murderous past or Axel's armed robbery charges, Andrew seemed less of a threat than the other convicts.
Not much was seen of Andrew in the short time the convicts had total freedom alongside the survivors. There was a brief conversation between him and Axel concerning the availability of women now that the new group was among them. Andrew dismissed Axel's claims that because of the women, Dexter would turn heterosexual again, believing in his faithfulness to him and confirming their relationship.
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Late 20s to Early 30s
Drug Dealer (Pre-Apocalypse)
Dexter - Former Lover
First Appearance:
Issue 13
Last Appearance:
Issue 19 (Alive)
Death Issue:
Issue 19 (Alive, Off-Panel)
Series Lifespan:
#13 to #19
(Reflecting on his mistakes) "My life was a wreck--all because a' my addiction. I couldn't function, y'know... I was here--again... I didn't know what else to do."
(Confessing his conviction/Not proud of it) "Drugs..."
(Making small talk/Answer his friends question) "Dexter's taking a walk, or something. He said he needed to get some air. 'Sides, we don't go that way anymore. Not since we hooked up, y'know"

Despite his grizzly and rough appearance, Axel is a gentle and casual man. He is one of the few characters who seems to be unfazed by trauma, and retains his passive and casual attitude at all times. He is very ambivalent and relatively lazy, occasionally ditching his responsibilities while at the prison. He remains cool headed at all times, and such is displayed in the battle of the prison where, compared to the other survivors, Axel is relatively calm and has accepted the probable defeat. An example of this attitude is his reaction towards The Governor's army, instead of panicking Axel simply exclaimed "We're fucked."
Axel was a trustworthy character, even for a prison inmate. He helped to clean out the zombies in the prison and when the prison got overrun or attacked and would help to burn the corpses. Axel was also slightly perverted, 'accidentally' walking in on Lori and Carol while they were showering and would make sexual comments about the female members of the group. He also had a habit for ending most of his sentences with "You follow me?". Axel died when helping the group defend the prison, during Woodbury's attempt to take it for themselves.
Not much is known about Axel's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was convicted for armed robbery and subsequently incarcerated in the Meriwether County Correctional Facility.
Axel is welcoming of the survivors and fits into the group without much trouble, despite their knowledge of his criminal past. He also had a caring and understanding side, shown when he tried to help Andrew realize that Dexter didn't really love him, though this was subsequently rejected by Andrew. When Dexter tries to force the survivors out of the prison, Axel stands up for them.
Gender: MaleHair: GrayAge:Mid 50s
Family:Patricia - Former Lover (Deceased)
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 75 (Back-Up Story)
Death Issue:Series Lifespan:#13 to #47
(Making a bold confession) "I was never out there. I was never in danger, hunted, terrorized by those things. I was in here before they came to life and started killing people... and I was in here after. So yeah--it's a new world, but god help me... I like this world better."
(Optimistic) "Well, I hope God brings more grenades"
(He always says this/Question) "You follow me?"
Public Submissions