The Walking Dead Comic Dub Series (Volume 3, 4 & 5)
Spleencil for Andrea

Andrea was one of the first survivors from the camp at the outskirts of Atlanta to truly adapt to the new post-apocalyptic world order. She quickly became one of the most useful and utilized members of the group.
Her most prominent skill is her proficiency as a sharpshooter. Throughout the series this has come in handy against both the living and the dead being one of the most lethal members of the group. She has also at many times taken up the role of teaching other survivors how to shoot like Tyreese at the prison and various members of the Alexandrian community. Because of this skill she often has taken up as a position as the lookout for the group.
Andrea has been consistently resolute despite all the tragedies that have occurred throughout the series. She is brave and loyal to her allies, not only is she willing to risk her life for her allies she often goes out of her way to do so. The most notable example of this is when she returns alone to help protect the members of the community who remained at the prison for the assault led by the governor a more recent example would be her risking her life to save Eugene Porter when he found himself surrounded by walkers.
Andrea has been in two long term post apocalyptic relationships, with Dale and then Rick Grimes. She also took an adoptive motherly role to Ben and Billy and now has become a mother figure to Carl Grimes.
Gender: FemaleHair: BlondeAge:25 (Issue 2)
26 (Issue 68)
29 (Issue 167)
Occupation:Law Firm Clerk (Pre-Apocalypse)
Former Lookout for the Alexandria Safe-Zone (Post-Apocalypse)
Soldier for the Militia (Post-Apocalypse)
Member of the Herd-Duty Crew (Post-Apocalypse)
Family:Rick Grimes - Former Husband
Amy - Sister
Ben - Adopted Son
Billy - Adopted Son
Carl Grimes - Stepson
Jeffrey Grimes - Brother-In-Law
Dale - Former Boyfriend
Andrea Grimes - Step-Granddaughter
Sophia Grimes - Stepdaughter-In-Law
First Appearance:Last Appearance:Issue 168 (Corpse)
Death Issue:Issue 167 (Alive and Zombified)
Series Lifespan:#2 to #167
(Heart to heart/Giving hope to her husband) “People still need you. You have to keep doing what you're doing. You have to stay strong! Otherwise...otherwise this was all for nothing... If this all falls apart...and it will without you...why did you fight so hard? You've built something...important. You have to keep fighting for it no matter what. These people are counting on you -- you've been a shining a world of darkness. You've made an oasis in a world of shit. You've made it possible for people to work be a be stronger... That makes you stronger. You'll keep going. You have to. That's what these people need. That's what this world needs. And that's...that's just what you do."
(Setting rules to new people in the group/Not taking shit) "You trusted us the minute you decided coming here was better than being out there. You're risking nothing... We're risking everything by bringing you in. You earn our trust. Don't like that... we'll escort you to the gate."
(After taking a beating/Breathless/Determined) "Don't forget, Rick... You and me... We're survivors... We don't die... We. Don't. Die..."

Brilliant audition! The voice fits so well for Andrea! And ya, you can do a non-sappy version XD Andrea is feeling a mix of anger/sadness but hopeful in this situation. She's angry and sad at first because she's close to death and she wants to give her husband the advice he needs. She's angry that he blames himself for not being a good leader so she sets the record straight with him. She loves him with all of her heart and she's the only one that can get through to him. It's a brilliant moment in the comics. The second quote is perfect! She's not taking any shit from anyone and she's the one in control. The third one can be a bit more, I'm not sure how to describe it. The start was very good but the last "We. Don't. Die" could be a bit more determined, more impactful. I'll let ya play around with it for a second audition! Thank you so much!