This is a short animated film that belongs within The World of Albion along with my other projects, The Prince of Flickering Light & The Rise of Albion.
This story follows Six musicians ensnared by a hag into a garden of many stone statues, their destinies set to become just another one of the statues within the garden.
They encounter many different characters along the way and try to find their way out of the garden to no avail. The curse is a heavy burden to bear but together they can get through it right? Right?
If your interested in this project or more like it join The World of Albion's discord for a great community + project updates regularly as well as more auditions etc (There will be more after this so please do consider joining, if you're not picked this time you likely will the more I see your name <3)
If you'd like any more information please reach out to me on Discord, I'd love to hear all your questions and I would love to make this audition process as easy and as un-stressful for everyone involved.
I also wish to clarify that this project will not be using AI in any context what so ever + This project will be crowdfunded the link to that will be posted once it has been set up 😊💕
- Joy <3