The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Resurfaced

Project Overview
Ahoy there! I present to you the casting call listing for The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Resurfaced! This is a reanimated project for the second SpongeBob Movie helmed by one of the hosts of The SpongeBob Movie Rehydrated!
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Youthful and energetic, SpongeBob is the frycook at the Krusty Krab who goes on a hero's journey to save Bikini Bottom.
How can we make more Krabby Patties without the SECRET FORMULA!!! But as you are aware sir the employee handbook clearly states and I quote, "No employee may in part or in whole commit the Krabby Patty Secret Formula to any recorded, written, or visual form, including memories, dreams, and or needle point.
Teamwork! We can do anything when we have teamwork! Don't you think so my friend?
But working together is the key, nothing's impossible when it's you and me!
NOT IN THE SONG: (laugh)(Solemnly) Look at me. Why, I've become like all of you. Savage. Fear-ridden. Selfish. An entire town of formerly good citizens, turned into heartless freaks, bent on their own self-prever...self-preter...Yes! We've become alienated from each other. Each one an island unto himself, concerned only with ourselves. And in the name of all fishhood, I am not about to let that happen! And so, if a sacrifice is needed to restore Bikini Bottom to its former glory... then I am willing to take one for the team!
Plankton is an evil "genius" who is bent on stealing the Krabby Patty Secret formula.
I had it right in my greedy little mits, and then: poof! And now it's gone. Gone forever! Oh, I was so close to gaining the people's respect slash fear. Oh, when will my frustration slash humiliation end?
I'm doing just fine on my own
If I want it done right I'll do it by myself
I'm a target of a very scary crazy post apocalyptical mob
Right now I wish I was in a coma!
Good night, SpongeBob. (laughs) Good night, indeed. That's right SpongeBob, sleep. You're hiding that formula in there somewhere.
Mr. Krabs is a greedy, sailor talking business owner who is mostly concerned with money, but occasionally will show compassion and a fatherly type relationship to SpongeBob.
Oh, you were like an underpaid son to me. I would have expected Squidward to have stabbed me in the back! But SpongeBob, me most trusted employee? Workin' with me sworn enemy?
So it's a food fight he wants, eh? Extra ketchup, extra mustard, HOLD THE MAYO!!!
Well Plankton, like a reheated Krabby Patty, you've been foiled again! Why don't you scurry along, (laughs). Thanks for comin', have a nice day!
A swarthy pirate with a Spanish accent, who acts as both the film's narrator and main antagonist of the second half of the movie.
Once upon a time, under the sea, there was a little town called "Bikini Bottom." In this town, there was a place called "The Krusty Krab," where folks would come to eat a thing called the Krabby Patty. Every greasy spoon has a fry cook, and the one who worked here was named, "SpongeBob SquarePants."
Not that close! All right. Here we go. Now, SpongeBob loved his job as a fry cook more than anything. And that is saying a lot. Because he loved everything! He loved his pet snail, Gary. He loved his best friend, Patrick. He loved blowing bubbles, and jellyfishing.
He loved making Krabby Patties for the folks in Bikini Bottom just as much as they loved eating them. "Why," you may ask," do they love this greasy meal sandwich so much? Why did they eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, despite the doctor's warnings?
SpongeBob's slow-witted best friend.
Good morning, SpongeBob! I'm getting two today, one for me, and one for my friend! You know me, SpongeBob!
Good morning Squidward, I'll have the usual. (pauses, to think) With cheese...
(in disbelief) We're out of Krabby Patties? NOOOOOOOO!
Hey, what's with all the questions! Who are you guys?
Oh yea, well if you're SpongeBob, then what's the secret password? (is told the password) Correct! It is you! SpongeBob!
Squidward is a grouchy curmudgeon who works at the Krusty Krab alongside SpongeBob.
The only way we're going up there is if some fairy godmother shows up and helps us breathe air!
There's no way I'm climbing into some dolphin's mouth.
Rock hard abs! Aw, SpongeBob. You're okay in my book.
(embarassed) It happens when I'm nervous.
Bubbles is an intergalactic Dolphin who speaks with an English accent, and also has a stutter whenever he does dolphin clicks.
You're an inferior species, what could you know about taste?
You get excited by a pile of trash on a plate.
While I'm a space time traveler, fabric unraveller. Saving the patties in the past, but now I'm rappin' ya!
That song's so bad that I can't even stand it!
Dispense with this nonsense at once I demand it!
You all stand no chance against my power, don't try it!
Just sit there with your flappy beak shut and be quiet!
Hurt you? Why, I travelled back through time to thank you! I've been stuck in that job for eons. I needed a change, but I was too afraid to go for it.
Now--(stutters amidst dolphin clicks) I'm going to lose my job! And you...will lose your lives.
Sandy is a texan Squirrel who speaks in a southern drawl. For a large portion of the movie, she's gone mad with paranoia due to the lack of Krabby Patties.
(crazily) I think I figured it out. Look! When this came down from above, I knew it could only mean one thing! It means it's THE END!!! The sandwich gods are ANGRY WITH US! I just don't know how we're going to appease them.
I'll have two Krabby Patties: extra ketchup, extra mustard, and hold the mayo.
I done figured it out! We have angered the sandwich gods and only a sacrifice will appease them! Soon, our post-apoca-whatchamacallit will be over and Krabby Patties will rain down from above!
Karen is Plankton's robotic computer wife. Please don't put a robot filter over this audition!
(mocking voice) Laptop.
You do realize that nickname is demeaning. I have twice the processing power of [with a mocking voice] a laptop.
Well I was trying to tell you that there was an angry mob outside. But now they're inside.
Okay, Plankton, this is it. It's gonna take all my processors and energy to power this time machine. So, if you have anything you wanna tell me, you better tell me now.
Oh, Sheldon. That's the sweetest thing you've ever s--
A news reporter fish
Perch Perkins reporting live from Downtown Bikini...Bottom. Complete chaos here today as our town attempts to deal with a sudden and complete shortage of Krabby Patties.
(building falls in the background) Whoa! Events here have this reporter wondering, what is the secret ingredient in Krabby Patties, anyway?!
SpongeBob's pet snail who becomes leader of the snail tribe. Only speaks in "meows."
A scratchy voiced seagull who does a rap battle against Bubbles the Dolphin.
Hold up fish guts, you can't insult us!
We're in no mood to hear (censored) from you!
We're flyin' on the breeze, party in seven seas!
You got your nose on your head!
Why's this guy so mean?
All alone up in space!
Why don't you take us back in time so we can finish our song!?
Aw man, I like that song! What happened?
Well this music is terrible!
Another scratchy voiced seagull rapper with a slightly higher voice than the other one.
(rapping to
The seagull crew!
You blow up when you sneeze!
Yeah, that must be awful.
A third scratchy voiced rapping seagull.
(rapping to
'Cause he's older than a fossil.
The pirate that sings the theme song, has a piratey accent.
(rapping to:
Yarr, knock it off! You're makin' the movie too long!
Ohhh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
If nautical nonsense be something you wish!
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBoooob, SquarePaaants!
Mrs. Puff is SpongeBob's boating school teacher but she doesn't really do anything in this movie.
Well, someone had to do it.
Sandals from the SpongeBob SquarePants series.
You can hear his voice here:
Hey, it's raining fries!
Hey, it's raining pickles!
Haha, now it's raining-- (gets crushed by a tank) Tanks...
The brown fish that says My Leg.
My leg!
A Krabby Patty.
The classic Doctor fish from SpongeBob SquarePants.
(solemnly) He'll be gone in a week.
The surfer dude from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Excuse us! We'd like 3,000 Krabby Patties, please!
A woman fish who mourns the death of her husband whilst eating a delicious Krabby Patty
Oh, Harold!
A random male fish that points and yells.
Hey, they're getting away!
A fish that falls and dies. What a loser lol
Please tell me there's something soft below me...
(falling) AHHHHHHHHH!
Creepy popsicle twins that melt
Hello, Plankton. Come and play with us. Hurry. Before we melt.
A sentient ice cream cone.
Fudge Fight!
It's all over me! (laughs)
A rainbow that is born from Plankton's vomit.
A fish that says "they're in cahoots!"
They're in cahoots!
A fish in the mob surrounding the Chum Bucket that also, coincidentally, hates tires.
Well, what do we have here?
So you won't talk, huh? Let some air out of it.
The realistic fish head from SpongeBob SquarePants.
We interrupt your regular program for an important news bulletin!
Andy is a deep voiced seagull voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. You can hear his voice here:
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
You'd better keep reading, Mr. Pirate! Or else...
Restaurant? I thought this was a pirate ship.
Kyle is one of Burger Beard's seagulls and also has a speech impediment that causes him to pronounce Rs as Ws.
You may use digital pitch altering since that's how it was in the original.
use this as reference:
I can't fly without my feathers!(scared) Just drive...
Oh, hey Mr. Pirate! I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Heh heh.
A part of Burger Beard's seagull gang, a seagull with an English accent.
You can hear his voice here:
There is no way that's the end of the story!
I know I shouldn't be littering, but that ending was rubbish! (evil sounding laugh)
Hey, I need that to fly, you jerk!
Okay, I promise not to (sings) SIIIIIIIIING!
Oh this is bad! Really bad! SpongeBob's in trouble, and the story's over!?
A gruff talking taxi driver who is a pidgeon
Where to, mac?
Looking for people to redo the score of the movie for the dubbing track! Link some orchestral/score type stuff you've done!
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions