(NEW ROLES) My First Project-Murder Drones: Shellshock, an Animated Fan Prequel

Project Overview
Heya, this is the first time I'm using this website for my first big project
Murder Drones: Shellshock is a fanmade 2D animated series on YouTube based on the show of the same name. It follows JCJenson's founder and creator of the Worker Drone, Jessica Clyde "Jessie" Jenson, during the Murder Drone invasion of Earth, separated from her company and friends and on the run from the threat she inadvertently helped create, alongside a ragtag group of war veterans that she learns to appreciate the hardships of over the course of the show, before the Disassembly Drones rip it away from her
Shellshock will stick to the canon show's horror/comedy roots, replacing the more sci-fi elements for lots of grittier World War 1-esque imagery mixed in with futuristic stuff. Things like rundown bunkers, navy bases, JCJensen's headquarters, etc. The show will also feature an (almost) entirely new cast of characters and a unique look into what the human/drone war was like for both the military and civilians, providing new perspectives on a part of the show that wasn't explored in a lot of depth. If you want reference to something similar, I would highly recommend watching the trailers for the MD fan projects "The Fall of Mankind" and "Extermination" to get a feel of the tone I'd like for the show
This is the first major project that I'm doing on this scale, so I'd really appreciate any help I can get for this project, preferably people who're way better at art compared to me, as well as additional writing staff to bounce ideas off of to make the project the best it can be.
Initial ideas
The show would mostly consist of scenes in the thick of the war, with a few outside the war, really getting into the psychology of how this kind of war would affect everyday society and whatnot.
A lot of war imagery, like trench warfare, letters to the front lines from loved ones, a bunch of people being comrade-like despite the cringe vore robots. There’ll also be an unlikely group of human characters traveling from bunker to bunker, forcing Jessica to adapt to their way of combat, or, uhh, have J deal with her
The show would conclude with the Earth being exploded with some of the main cast escaping in a spaceship, which is where Jessie adds the “in space” tagline and resigns from her company
Pilot/Teaser: A scene in a somewhat abandoned but still functioned city, with many of the citizens evacuated from Murder Drone reports. 2 children wake up late since schools been cancelled and go downstairs to see their mother watching the TV, keeping up to date on Murder Drones sightings. The kids ask when their father will be coming back and it pans to the news on the TV, then cutting to a warzone, where the kids’ father is, in a trench. He’s enjoying some beverages in the front lines with some war comrades when a Murder Drone crashes down on them, triggering an explosion that kills everyone else and leaves him injured. Terrified, he surrenders and begs for mercy, before being struck down by the Murder Drone, who’s revealed to be J
No pressure though, have a good day :)
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Help and feedback with where the story should go, as well as any additional characters or ideas to the projects
- english
*Say something you think would fit*
This project uses a lot of new characters unique from the canon show, so it's imperative to give them recognisable designs with a lot of character. This project will be in 2D, so there's no need to make models for them. There's about 10 or so unique characters for this show.
- english
- Expressive Designs for Original Characters
- Artistic Skill
- procreate
*Say something you think would fit*
This show will take place on Earth, so there's a lot of unique set pieces distinct from the canon show. The project's locations would take heavy inspiration from WW1 and gritty imagery, things like trenches, wartorn bunkers and towns, naval bases, and military camps
- english
- procreate
*Say something you think would fit*
This project uses a lot of new characters unique from the canon show, so it's imperative to give them recognisable designs with a lot of character. This project will be in 2D, so there's no need to make models for them. There's about 10 or so unique characters for this show. I've decided to provide 2 roles for this in order to lessen the load for each person, since there is a lot of characters I intend to be in this show
- english
- Artistic Skill
- procreate
- Expressive Designs for Original Characters
*Say something you think would fit*
This project would need an animator to help produce a 1-2 minute teaser trailer for the project. The rest of the crew, myself included will provide the storyboards. It'll be 2D animated
*Say something you think would fit*
This project would need an animator to help produce a 1-2 minute teaser trailer for the project. The rest of the crew, myself included will provide the storyboards. It'll be 2D animated
*Say something you think would fit*
This project would need an animator to help produce a 1-2 minute teaser trailer for the project. The rest of the crew, myself included will provide the storyboards. It'll be 2D animated
*Say something you think would fit*
We're in the storyboarding phase now, and I'd like people to refine the storyboard guides. I'll be doing basic drawings with voice sync and sending that as well as the current character designs, What I'd like you to do is make it more "animatic-like" as reference for the animators
*Say something you think would fit*
We're in the storyboarding phase now, and I'd like people to refine the storyboard guides. I'll be doing basic drawings with voice sync and sending that as well as the current character designs, What I'd like you to do is make it more "animatic-like" as reference for the animators
*Say something you think would fit*
We're looking for people to help animate a 7-ish minute teaser for the project. It'll be 2D, and ideally we want animators who can do high-quality and expressive animations, expression and fluidity is the most important thing to capture with the designs, so ideally more experienced animators would be welcome.
The style and equipment isn't too important, as long as it can pull off expressive human designs
*Say something you think would fit*
We're looking for people to help animate a 7-ish minute teaser for the project. It'll be 2D, and ideally we want animators who can do high-quality and expressive animations, expression and fluidity is the most important thing to capture with the designs, so ideally more experienced animators would be welcome.
The style and equipment isn't too important, as long as it can pull off expressive human designs
*Say something you think would fit*
We're looking for people to help animate a 7-ish minute teaser for the project. It'll be 2D, and ideally we want animators who can do high-quality and expressive animations, expression and fluidity is the most important thing to capture with the designs, so ideally more experienced animators would be welcome.
The style and equipment isn't too important, as long as it can pull off expressive human designs
*Say something you think would fit*
We're looking for people to help animate a 7-ish minute teaser for the project. It'll be 2D, and ideally we want animators who can do high-quality and expressive animations, expression and fluidity is the most important thing to capture with the designs, so ideally more experienced animators would be welcome.
The style and equipment isn't too important, as long as it can pull off expressive human designs
*Say something you think would fit*
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