The Shadow! - The Master of Darkness #1: The Living Shadow (An Audio Recreation)
Project Overview
He gives life and he takes it away. He answers to no law but his own. His enimes are legion, his followers, few - but loyal to the death. He is The Shadow, sinister savior iof justice. A black-clad wraith whose low, mocking laugh and strong arm reachbeyond the establishment to challenge the kinpins of crime.
Aided by legman Harry Vincent and deskman Claude Fellows, The Shadow follows a Chinese coin and a trail of dead men to an explosive finale, swift and surprising... a cunning brains in gangland. An evil genius who is no less a master of disguise than the mysterious man in black. But The Shadow Knows, and uses the oldest trick of all to tap the spider in his web
The Narrator - ManiacalZ
Harry Vincent - CBushovenVoice
The Shadow - Spencer Mak
Mugger #1 -
The Chauffeur -
Hotel Desk Worker -
Bell Boy - cwesmedra
Phone Messenger - radioeng
Bob Scanlon -
Steve Cronin -
More Characters will be added within the following weeks.
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The Narrator will be reading the pulp novel to the audiance. However all dialogue from actual character will be voiced the those who I casted. For the Audition, please read of the three selected parts (Bonus Points for doing all 3)
His Voice should be calm in a low or medium range tone
The fog was thick at the center of the bridge where the man stood leaning against the rail. Although the streets of New York were scarcely a hundred yards away, he might have been in a little world of his own. For the only light in the midst of that cloud of black night fog came from an arc light on the bridge. A taxicab, carrying a late passenger home, shot through the mist.
The stranger's face was entirely obscured by a broad−brimmed felt hat bent downward over his features; and the long, black cloak looked like part of the thickening fog. The man who had attempted suicide was too startled to speak. Fear had come upon him, and his only desire was to shrink from this grim and eerie master of the night. But he felt himself pulled across the sidewalk, and at the curb he stumbled through the open door of a large limousine, which he had not seen until that moment.
His arm was freed, and he shrank into the far corner of the car. The door closed and the car moved onward. Fear still clutched the man whose life had been saved against his will. Rescued, he sensed that the grim stranger was in the seat beside him. He expected new evidence of that weird personage’s presence. The evidence came. A voice spoke through the darkness. It was a weird, chilling voice − scarcely more than a whisper, yet clear and penetrating. "What is your name?" It was not a question. Rather, it was a command to speak
A toobit Ganster trying to rob from Harry Vincent and his unseen host
Only Lines for Character - Voice Range: Low/Medium
(Voice: Rough) [Bark] Stick 'em up!
*Muffled cry*
Harry Vincent is one of the most versatile of all The Shadow's agents. It was he who aided The Shadow, long ago, in his battle against a gang of diamond thieves. But that was only after the crime fighter had saved Vincent from the brink of suicide, and thus won The Shadow's everlasting loyalty and subservience.
As an agent, he has several tasks. However, his main objective is to be a man about town, and take up leads in the fashionable districts. He is quick at making friends and gaining the confidence of others who happen to be involved in the case The Shadow is working on.
This is the begining of his story as an agent. Voice Range: Medium/Low
"It's not much of a story,"
"Perhaps I was a fool. I'm all alone here in New York. No job, no friends, nothing to live for. My folks are all out in the Middle West, and I haven't seen them for years. I don't want to see them. I guess they think I'm a success here, but I'm not."
"I'm wearing a light overcoat, and the weather hasn't scarcely begun to be chilly. But that's only appearance. Everything else is in hock. I have one dollar and thirteen cents in actual cash."
"She married another man," *Pause* "That was the reason I was on the bridge to−night. I might have struggled on for a while if I hadn't been so hard up. But when the letter came that told me she was married − Well, that ended it."
[Blurt] "This is all like a dream; I don't understand it. Perhaps I did fall from the bridge, and this is death that I am now experiencing. Yet it seems real, after all. What good is my life to anyone? What will you do with it?"
The chauffer is a tall african american man who drives a luxury Supra. He takes Harry Vincent from the bridge to the Hotel Metrolite
Voice Range: Medium/Low
*Please Note* The lines come exactly from the Pulp Novel.
"Yes, suh"
"Whah's de uddah man?"
"Lawdy, sah, Ah didn't even stop at dat time."
"Dis am Mr. van Dyke's cah, an' Ah hadn't no right to take you men along."
"It was dis way, boss. Ah was keepin' the cah in town to−night an' de man in de black hat come up to me when Ah was startin' for de g'rage. He come up jus' like a ghost. Yas, he did, sah. "He says to me: 'Boy, Ah wants a ride. It's all right; Ah know who you is, an' Ah knows Mr. van Dyke, an'heah's one hundred dollahs. Ah must find a friend o' mine.
"So Ah drives him all ovah, an' as we crosses the bridge, he says, 'Stop,' an' the nex' Ah knows he has you−allin de cah with him. An' he had said befo' dat when he gets his friend, Ah was to drive aroun' little streets until he taps the window − den Ah was to come heah. Dat's all Ah knows, boss, 'deed it is."
The Desk Worker at the Hotel Metrolite.
"Room reserved for Harry Vincent?"
"Fourteen−nineteen, Mr. Vincent,"
"That was the room you wanted? Funny, we didn't catch your name when you called up from Philadelphia this morning, but when you called again, ten minutes ago, we put everything right. Will you register, please?"
"I gave you the mail for 1417. There's nothing in your box."
Bell Boy helps bring Harry Vincent's luggage to his room
"That's your bag, isn't it, sir? It was marked for this room when it came in this evening."
"Want your breakfast sent up, sir?"
"It's after ten o'clock."
The Phone Messenger gives Harry Vincent his next orders from the mysterious man in black - The Shadow.
When Speaking the "Message" Please stressed the words slowly with the 'Example'
"Watch − man − in − next − room."
"Mr. Vincent?"
"This is the jeweler. I have a message for you."
"Your 'watch' was sent to another 'man' by mistake. We expect to have another 'in' very soon; perhaps by 'next' Tuesday. It will be delivered to your 'room'."
"Was my message clear?"
Bob Scanlon is the man Harry Vincent was ordered to follow. Things occured as Scanlon meets with a unfamiliar face...
Voice Range: Meduim / Low
"I suppose I met you in Chicago all right. Hard to remember all the shoe men I meet."
"I thought you had an appointment."
"That's just why I'll stay. I'll find out why you don't like me."
"All right, Cronin − if that's your name − tell me what you want."
"What disk? Don't know what you're talking about."
Steve Cronin will be a major part in this recreation, claims to have been a shoes salesmen before; but what are his true intentions?
Voice Range: Medium / Low
"You're Bob Scanlon, aren't you?"
"Shoe salesman from Frisco?" "You don't remember me, then?" "Steve Cronin, from Boston,"
"Used to sell shoes myself. Met you at the convention in Chicago, five years ago. Out of the game now. Been here in New York four years. Remember you, though. Good time we had out there."
"I can tell just where I've met a fellow and just when. Funny, isn't it, that I should happen to see you come walking in a restaurant this way?"
"I'm glad to see you again. You told me you were staying here; but you probably forgot you mentioned it. I think I can help you make some sales. I'll only be with you a few minutes."
"Why argue here in the corridor?"
"I have my reasons. You can go along. I don't want to be bothered with you."
"You know what I want, Scanlon. I want the disk."
"The Chinese disk. The coin. You have it."
"You know what I'm asking for. Be reasonable. I'll buy it. Name your price."