The Shadow! - The Master of Darkness #1: The Living Shadow (An Audio Recreation)
njones21usa for The Chauffeur
The chauffer is a tall african american man who drives a luxury Supra. He takes Harry Vincent from the bridge to the Hotel Metrolite
Voice Range: Medium/Low
*Please Note* The lines come exactly from the Pulp Novel.
"Yes, suh"
"Whah's de uddah man?"
"Lawdy, sah, Ah didn't even stop at dat time."
"Dis am Mr. van Dyke's cah, an' Ah hadn't no right to take you men along."
"It was dis way, boss. Ah was keepin' the cah in town to−night an' de man in de black hat come up to me when Ah was startin' for de g'rage. He come up jus' like a ghost. Yas, he did, sah. "He says to me: 'Boy, Ah wants a ride. It's all right; Ah know who you is, an' Ah knows Mr. van Dyke, an'heah's one hundred dollahs. Ah must find a friend o' mine.
"So Ah drives him all ovah, an' as we crosses the bridge, he says, 'Stop,' an' the nex' Ah knows he has you−allin de cah with him. An' he had said befo' dat when he gets his friend, Ah was to drive aroun' little streets until he taps the window − den Ah was to come heah. Dat's all Ah knows, boss, 'deed it is."