The Private Collector, Audio Drama

Project Overview
Hello all! We have some immediate paid casting needs for our show The Private Collector, an offshoot of our podcast, The Wicked Library (
The Private Collector is in its first season and features a former detective turned paranormal collector and follows his exploits as the man tasked by The Librarian to collect the world's most dangerous mystical books and artifacts and bring them into the safety of The Librarian's care.
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Ah! Just so, just so. You do understand! Carp is coming home to swim in my pond as I have won his boon, his protection. We go way, way back into the misty days of long ago, he and I, yes, and my family before a hundred generations ago swam under the protection of Ancient Carp, and his kin before him back to the days of….
[conspiratorially, whispering] …back to the times of so long ago when we all swam together in the sea as one great clan!
Iga Ueno Castle, young man. [cackles]
White Phoenix Castle, on this road and much bigger than my humble abode of peace you see before you.
Go! Find Iga Ueno, you cannot miss it!
Sardonic, friendly, wise and slightly mysterious
[smiling, friendly] Of course, travelers who find their way to Iga Ueno are always welcome, please, you honor these walls with your presence. Come, have tea while food is prepared for you.
Continue with your story, please. I am a great lover of stories from a long line of storytellers who take them very, very seriously. We may make some sense of these things yet, when you have told me all you have to tell.
[firmly] Please, I must insist.
Characteristics: Sardonic, friendly, deep resonant voice
About: This character is an ancient Jinn with a significant role in the episode he could be played by the same actor playing Hamid al-Wasi but needs to sound younger and more vibrant
Then there is the woman! Ah yes, the woman, the glorious woman! Tall, hair like wheat drying in the summer sun, eyes the color of the sky after the rains of spring. The woman is like Diana of the Greeks, her mighty bow of victory ever ready! Her arrows called bolts fly, fttt, fttt, fttt! And, they never miss. She fires once, twice, ten times or a hundred, she never misses.
Characteristics: Conspiratorial, eager to make a sale
About: This character could be played by the same actor playing the Jinn but needs to sound older and more world weary
Be extra careful Mr. Enfield, I’m afraid this book is beyond your usual expertise and there’ll be no aid of the sort you typically enjoy. Cairo is a terribly old place and its streets are teeming with very odd magics that don’t hide themselves among the shadows and the nightmares of the mad.
Age: 30's
Accent: New Orleans Yat
Characteristics: Stoic, resolved
About: This character is a 1940’s detective and friend of the main character - only two lines in the episode currently casting
You took your time old buddy, but glad to see you made it, now, do what you gotta do!
Age: 30’s
Accent: Cajun / Creole
Characteristics: Shifty, overly friendly, unreliable
About: This character is is always looking for the next mark and runs a boat taking folks into the bayou
You gotta go someplace Shag? I got business, see, but I can always make time for the nickels ‘n greenbacks.
Shore do, know it real good. Let’s head out now, sure, I take you right now Shag!
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