The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog

Project Overview
Hello! My name is BurntChickenNugget, If you're reading this, you probably just found out I'm doing a, Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog, Fandub. If you'd like to help please audition!
All I ask is that you have decent mic quality with minimum background noise, and Discord. if you're cast I'll invite you to the projects discord server, where you can get the lines, info on the project, etc.
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It's their very first day at the Mirage Express and they're a bit anxious about it! Expecting a rather normal first day, they are suddenly roped in on Amy Rose's Murder Mystery Party, where they end up assisting Tails in solving the Mystery Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog!
You attempted to hit the shelf out of the way, but you failed.
What cast of characters am I stuck with!?

Amy is a cheerful, though slightly erratic girl, with a positive attitude and boundless energy. However, she has a scary temper and her infatuation with Sonic makes her short-sighted and a bit obsessive about him, having followed him everywhere since meeting him. Nevertheless, she has a pure heart and will not let anything stop her.
What did you all expect!? You know I always go all out for my birthday party!
AAAAH, this is so exciting! A mystery is unfolding right under our very noses
There's no one else here, Knuckles. So I'll ask again, which one of you did this?

A bright, energetic, and curious fox, Tails was initially timid and lacked courage. After meeting Sonic, however, he has become more confident, eventually growing into a more outgoing, brave, independent individual and a hero in his own right.
No thank you. When I travel I always pack my own Sparkle Gelatin. It's a sparkly jelly that can melt any jaded heart!
Wow, this train is incredible! What fascinating tech.
This is inexcusable. Sonic's hurt. I'm gonna expose the monster who did this.

A loner by nature, Knuckles is independent, headstrong, and serious, yet gullible and short-tempered to a fault. He is entirely devoted to his duty, spending most of his time on Angel Island protecting the Master Emeral.
Calm down their, Rouge. Did I not just catch you stealing from the train gift shop...?
(cowboy voice) ...Ye varmints. What're ye all doin' in my saloon?
Just wait till I see Eggman, I'm gonna clobber 'em!

Rouge is in short, an enigma, as her motivations are always in question. In truth, she is usually just out for herself. She is incredibly smart, sassy, and knows how to get what she wants.
This train's as elegant as you are, Amy. Can't promise I won't take anything though.
It's just a little push! That Chao's low to the ground, it won't hurt them.
A woman can have multiple goals! I gave Amy her birthday present already, so everything's well taken care of.

Blaze is normally calm and elegant, but tends to conceal her true feelings. Devoted to her position, she sometimes gets herself bogged down by her own strict discipline, which made her anti-social, shy, and unfamiliar to the concept of having friends. After spending time with Sonic and Cream, however, Blaze has discovered the true meaning of friendship, allowing her to accomplish tasks for the good of her people and the innocent which she could never do alone. Despite the initial boundaries separating them, Blaze now travels freely between her dimension and Sonic's to visit her friends.
A princess such as myself must always be punctual.
I quite prefer the birthday cake from this world more than my own, so I admit I'm a bit excited.
I'm going to help you get to the bottom of this, Tails.

He is the former conductor of the Mirage Express, who has recently retired after thirty-two years of service.
Alas, today's my last day as conductor! I'm retiring after thirty-two wonderful years. Time for me and the Mirage to say goodbye to one another.
You'll do what you promised, right? You'll do everything in your power to make sure our guests have a safe and enjoyable time on The Mirage Express?
I'll be comin' around to collect everyone's tickets! Please have them out and ready.

Mirage Express is a decommissioned cargo train that worked with the Conductor for over thirty-two years. Recently, it was modified into a passenger train-like Badnik by Dr. Eggman to transport civilians away from their hometowns. During Amy Rose's birthday, amid fears of being abandoned by the Conductor, the Mirage Express selfishly served the doctor under the promise that it would reunite with its friend but met its demise at the hands of Sonic and his friends.
You said we would be friends forever!
My wish will keep us together forever... That's what being friends is all about!

She is the wife of the former conductor of the Mirage Express.
Honey! You're late! I've been waiting here for hours!
I'm glad you're here, quick, we leave for Spagonia in the morning and you need to pack.

Noted for being very selfish and filled with ego and greed, Eggman is as well extremely narcissistic and egotistical, having a tendency to plaster his persona all over his creations and bases to fuel his ego. Other times, however, he may also focus his work around other themes. Because he places so much value on aesthetics, specially his own, his design philosophy regarding his inventions often focuses on design and gimmickry more than necessary. Overflowing with self-confidence and pride, he always highlights his "scientific genius" when introducing himself, and due to his self-centered character, he hates it when others interrupt his speeches.
Hohoho, you spikey blue pest! Seems like you've finally taken passage on one of my passenger trains!
First to capture you pathetic creatures gets a generous reward!
When you're dragged to my base you'll regret the day you ever crossed me, hedgehog.
Public Submissions