

Joined May 2020 47 Following80 Followers
About BingBongVO

My voice acting implements comedy. I specialize in real-time fandubs when it comes to the comedic genre. Though recently I've been getting involved in more serious projects. I do these online projects as a hobby. I started voice acting in 2017 with a little YouTube plush series I've done on my old channel.

My Channel:

My Fandub Channel:

My Discord: bingbongvo


I'm completely willing to work for free!

  • @oraflame

    I am currently in a on-going project with him, and I'm glad to be able to work with him! Talented at improv, good at voice acting, and he's funny, so that's another con I suppose. XD

  • @max-stockton

    I've worked with Bing Bong on some of his "Real-Time Fandubs" projects as both a VA and an editor, and I'm glad to have been able to work with him. His improv skills are hilarious, and he's very talented at what he does. If you ever need a voice actor for a comedic character, he's your guy!

  • @daksdoesstuff

    The Bing-est Bong you'll ever meet. Such a pleasure working with him!

  • @eyelessjamie

    Bing Bong is a great Guy. Very Funny. I edited one of his fan dubs and have worked with him as a voice actor in other fan dubs and he is really good at voices.   Checkmate Liberals