The Host: Creepypasta Audio Drama

The Host: Creepypasta Audio Drama

Project Overview


Hello everyone! This is my first project I've decided to share in public. I'm excited to get to work on this. This casting call is for an original audio drama (creepypasta). For those who are unfamiliar what a creepypasta is, it's basically reading a horror story and trying to bring it to life through the narrator and character's dialogue and some sound effects. 

Quick Summary About The Host:

The story is told in first person perspective from Nathan's, the narrator, point of view. Nathan is a simple young adult going through college trying to get his bachelor degree. Nothing crazy about him. However one night he finds himself going to the weirdest social event his college is hosting. He finds himself recalling memories of his encounters with this strange unnamed man "hosting" the event. Spoiler alert: the place isn't real, but its a dream. In his dreams he encounters other people who are indeed real. A couple chapters later he finds himself awake, but quickly finding out his life is no longer the same and to find out that his life might actually be in danger along with everyone else. 


Since this is unpaid, and more for fun than anything, I'm not requiring any professional level of quality or acting. I'm also not giving out strict deadlines because I'm kind of figuring this out as I go. I DO require however:
1. A reliable way of communication.
2. A Mic
3. A voice
Not required, but would prefer:
1. Discord
2. A really good quality mic 

What to expect:

As mentioned in the previous paragraph this is unpaid. This is for fun, so that's what I'm aiming for as well as learning something from this project and even those who choose to do this. There's no deadline for this needing to be done, so there's no need to rush or stress over your lines. This project is currently a story still being written so I'd really like to ask if you can stick around for the trip if you can.

The main source of communication and collaboration will be done through a discord server. So although it isn't required, you'll get the quickest and reliable responses from there. The reason I'm doing it this way is because the story is eventually going to be told from multiple perspectives and will form from different sources. Once you're in the discord you'll officially be in the family and can help shape the reality I call "The Host." Once you get access to the discord server you'll also have full access to the story (not yet published.) If a character you've previously voiced comes back into the story I may reach out to you to see if you can or want to do more lines for them. 

When sending the audio samples I'd like multiple takes of your lines. The standard I go with is around 3 or 4 takes per line. If you feel more comfortable sending more than that than its perfectly okay. The main thing is leaving space between takes to make it easier for me to cut the audio.

I don't have an exact plan on how to end the story, BUT if I find that this is going longer than I originally intended than you might find this project being re-published for more cast members.


There is no deadline to submitting your auditions here. I put in February 1st when publishing this because that's when I plan to go ahead and begin working on the project, and hopefully get a good ways ahead of the written aspect of the story. 

Feel free to audition for more than one character if you're unsure of which character fits you. Some characters will have an expectation in terms of behavior and accents, but for the most part you'll have a ton of creative freedom. 

If I feel unsure or indecisive on who will get the part of a character I'll share a link to the dedicated discord server and will ask if you can send another take so I can get a better feeling from you.

Last second notes:

I'm just a guy trying to learn and collaborate from others. The videos WILL be posted on YouTube for everyone to see.

This post has been altered. The character Sarah has been changed to Ace and audition lines have been modified. Those who have already auditioned do not need to re-audition. 

The story as of right now has 4 chapters written about (Each about 6-8 pages on average.) It's a little on the heavy side in terms of dialogue frequency.
There's not a specific plan for how long this story will last but this story will be told in multiple arcs. 

The story is going to be updated later, so there's a chance you'll see this project or more of this story posted. 

The word count and minutes for word are inaccurate because I'm still writing out the story. Some of these characters will actually be telling the story as well. Ace is the only "confirmed" secondary story teller. Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me as well. 

Looking forward to working with you!

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  • Thank you all for auditioning

    Thank you so much for auditioning The Host Audio Drama. There was overwhelmingly large amount of great auditions. You guys certainly didn't make it easy. With that being said, if you weren't cast for everyone I would love to see you again in the next volume. I have everyone's info saved for later because there are some that were really hard to not cast. Again, thank you and until next time! -John
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Host
Role assigned to: theoverlordbear

The Host (as well as other hosts) is considered to be a loose cannon and a mystery all in one package. He talks and acts like a friendly House Host, but always carries this really evil aura around him that gives everyone around him a sense of dread. Think Negan from The Walking Dead. 

  • [You're making some quick announcements](You're best talk-show host voice)"There are a couple of things to tell you all before we get started. First thing, This ceremony is going to take some time and for reasons I don’t have time to explain, you guys can’t leave. So if you have anywhere to be, or need to leave then right now would be the time to do it."

  • [Something has suddenly possessed you. With your voice distorted carrying the voices of two entities you become irrationally angry as someone tries to leave your event you worked so hard on](You can use a filter for your voice if you want.) "I gave you all the chance to leave. I warned all of you that none of you can leave until I’m done. You chose to remain here. And now you will all stay here until I'm finished…''

  • [You're trying to be discreet, making a deal that seems impossible to refuse]: "Not everyone will find their partners when they wake up, Nathan... and if you want to find your "better half", "your soulmate for eternity", "your reasoning to live" than you can take your chances on your own or.... I can help you find her! Whaddaya say Nate?" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Tensive

Brett's voice is almost raspy, but not in the same way a smoker's voice would be. He carries the weight of killing someone in an accident, and he has a blunt-like attitude. 

  • [You're trying to convince someone there's something wrong with the place](Almost whispering):
    "Look... this is going to sound crazy but you're dreaming.. Everything seems off because it is, I've been through this before.."
    "Every time he was done with somebody they'd vanish, but not us! I can't think of any reason he'd still want us here."
    "I've already tried that. I think he's doing something to me, I can't wake up."

  • [After coming to a realization of the danger you're in you try to escape and reach for the doors. THEY'RE LOCKED]: "Hey! Let me out! I can't be here! Please! You have to let me go!" (Make up stuff if you want.)

  • [You're in the verge of tears, trying to apologize for killing someone years ago]: (This one you can just improv. Use the example if you're unsure.)
    Ex: “I swear I did not mean to do it. It was dark outside, I couldn’t see you, and by the time the paramedics got there it was too late!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MochiBelly

Annabeth is almost what one would hope to get out of a companion, from a guy's perspective. She tends to be sarcastic even when the situation doesn't call for it. 

  • [Struggling to come to terms of your situation, you aggression is rising by the second and you begin to lash out]
    "Lauren is Jacob's mom. Brett has a son, and everyone that guy brought togethe rwas linked to each other somehow as a dead relative, murderer, or something. Are you my dad or my son? Who the hell are you!?"

  • [You're trying to convince your loved one they're not the reason someone is dead]: "It wasn't your fault! You did everything you could." (You can make some lines up if you want)

  • [A guy just told you he loved you by writing a poem. As much as it sucked, you were touched.]: "That was... really.... cheesy" *chuckle* "But I really liked it!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AndrewWood

Jacob is soft-spoken, young, and easily persuaded. He speaks almost in a "whispery" way.

  • [You're venting, heartbroken, and you just found out your mother isn't really dead. Someone asks you "How do you know its her?"] "Because I remember that night so vividly….I was just at my friend Allen’s house when HIS mom got a call explaining everything. the whole trip there no one would say anything to me, and I have to find out for myself when I saw her laying there lifeless!"

  • (uncomfortably) "I... guess? I mean.. I barely know her."

  • [struck with the same possession as the host. He becomes enraged finding out who killed his mom. You can use a "scary" filter] "You expect me to forgive him? No! Now that I have him in my grasp I will make sure he suffers for what he did... I will enjoy EVERY. SECOND. OF IT."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: moorenarration

Lauren is friendly, hospitable, and very protective of her loved ones. Think "single mother."

  • [Having trouble understanding what just happened you try to explain it] "Well um... hes... somehow my son.. That guy claims I'm actually dead.. and I'm here. I- I know.. I don't understand it either."

  • [Someone looked familiar and it's been bugging you all day. You just realized this person actually killed you.](Loud and kind of angry)"THAT WAS YOU?? I knew I saw you before!"

  • (Scared, confused) "Something has happened to my son! The police can't find him. Oh my God.. I really hope he's okay.."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Smearlull

Soft spoken. Very conservative. Cody is like a brother to anyone he's friends with. Always looking to help someone even when the help isn't really needed. He's orderly, clean, and takes care of himself very well. HOWEVER, his eating habits do not reflect on that at all. 

  • [Your friend just woke up from the hospital bed](Relieved) "Oh thank God.. We were really starting to worry."

  • (Suspicious)"I think someone is lying to you doc. None of that adds up."

  • [Nathan is venting about some stuff, but your also a sloppy eater. You have a mouthful of food almost the entire time]

    (Nathan pauses for a second to tell Cody to chill out with the beans in his mouth)

    (Cody with a mouthful of beans)"What? I'm still listening."

    (Mouth still full of food few lines later)"I hate to play devil's advocate here.... But I think you two aren't ready to get married."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted8087

No specific personality for this character. Only information for this character to work with is this is the narrator's soon to be ex-girlfriend.

  • [You're going on and on about your day, even if no one is listening]: (Freestyle it or use an example)
    "So first Mr. Mallard gave me a big fat C on my math test even though I like.. worked SO hard on it. And then Jennifer told me she went to harvest festival even though she told me WE'D go together but she went with Sam instead like 'dude why?'

    It doesn't have to sound like an annoying school girl, I just want to see what you got.

  • (you were just proposed to) "YES! Oh my God Yes I will!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: lofloto

Nothing particular about this role other than she acts weird.

  • (Friendly, almost "too" friendly)"Why welcome to the community hub! Is there anything I can help you with?"

  • [Giving directions] "Well you're not the first person to ask me that. Just go out those two doors, follow the walkway until you see a large building with another set of double doors. You can't miss it."

  • (Speaking over the intercom) "Attention everyone, we are about to close the building in five minutes. Please leave the premises at once."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Langford
Role assigned to: hudsoninhere

I'm not looking for anything specific for this character. He is the doctor that'll check up on his patients. No specific characteristic; make it your own.

  • "You're lucky to be alive, son. That accident could've had you killed."

  • "He's going to need a couple of weeks of physical therapy. You may want to inform his teachers he'll be missing some classes."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: i.M.hoshi

Ace is a strange one. She tend to break the fourth wall at times, and at one point actually confiscates the entries being written and starts to tell the story herself. Ace is known to be very flirtatious and she loves to roast the main characters. This character will be narrating a chapter, possibly more. She becomes a main character in the second arch of the story. Her voice is a little throaty and lower than the average girl.

EDIT: This character has changed. Those who have already auditioned for this role won't have to re-apply. 

  • [You hear someone talk about your favorite game] "YO! BRO! I FRICKIN love this game! Me first!"

  • [You're insulting the way the narrator has been writing the story](Blunt, sarcastic) "Wow, yeah that does kinda sound cliche doesn't it, Nathan? Maybe if the writer of this story didn't completely SUCK at story development than maybe the audience wouldn't be so freaking bored like me!"

  • [narcisstic like, almost in a snarky way.] “Since I am the almighty goddess of realms, and my knowledge knows no bounds, start by writing them down. I do it. So can you, scrub.”

    Side note: I did not write this character. The "original" writing of this character is much more...... "exotic" and that's not what I'm going for in this story.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: i_am_not_daredevil

Jaxon has knowledge about "The Host", but also cursed with symptoms from Chronic Insomnia after working for "The Host" Jaxon also tends to overthink things a lot.

  • (Really tired, and almost frustrated) "No.. No.. that's not what I'm saying.. What you just experienced that night is by no means a normal...*stutter* dream."

  • [You try to ask for an interview doing your best to persuade even when the client has continuously refused] "Hey do you have a couple minutes for me to ask you some questions?" "It's important, if you just give me a minute of your time I might be able to help." "Look I'll even buy you lunch, just tell me the place and time and I'll be there."

  • (Trying to stay calm but ultimately failing) "OOOOooooohhhh this is not good.. thats- That's not a good sign.. I've seen this! This is not- oooh WWEeeeeee (prolonging 'e' in we) need to get out of here right now!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ms. Jenny
Role assigned to: lofloto

Ms. Jenny plays a small role. She is the Lisa's loving grandmother who's always been the one to give the hard truth but in the loving manner. I'd always picture as the "grandma" in the movies. In terms of how her voice is, nothing stands out. Just make it your own.

  • "Oh, my cat just gave birth to three little ones. They're the most adorable little muffins."

  • "Actually Nathan, I was hoping that you'd heard from Lisa. She was suppose to show up yesterday and she never called me."


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