The Dark Brotherhood - Rise of the Black Hand (Skyrim Mod)

Project Overview
UNSLAAD Voiced - (Coming very very soon!)
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...and I said to the baker, 'You're not dead! You're a faker!' But if that's your wish, I'll oblige...
...madness is merry, and merriment's might, when the jester comes calling with his knife in the night...
...What? Mother? Is that your voice I hear? Hmm... No, no... Just my head playing tricks... Foolish Cicero...

Astrid decrees her unbeatable dictatorship, comparable and "stronger" than the The Five Tenets. She tires of the laws and restrictions that limit the Brotherhood, deciding that a sort of family-like unity benefits the members of the Brotherhood better than structure. Her voice is lullful and seductive, alluring those weak willed with her appeal.
You see, that little Aretino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood. For me, and my associates. Grelod the Kind was, by all rights, a Dark Brotherhood contract. A kill... that you stole. A kill you must repay.
Well now. Funny you should ask. If you turn around, you'll notice my guests. I've collected them from... well, that's not really important. The here and now. That's what matters. You see, there's a contract out on one of them, and that person can't leave this room alive. But... which one? Go on, see if you can figure it out. Make your choice. Make your kill, I just want to observe... and admire.
See, I knew we could resolve this civilly. A debt owed must be repaid. You understand that. Well, get to it then. Pick your guest, and send the poor fool to the Void. I'll give you the key to this shack, and you'll be on your way.

He is an ex-member of the Companions. He was asked to leave because his "unorthodox" methods were offensive to other members. It is unclear what these methods were or how they were offensive, however, given his current status, it seems possible he used underhanded, duplicitous techniques that would have offended the Companions' sense of honor. He joined The Circle and became a werewolf prior to his expulsion. His voice is deep and gruff, and accompanied by a North American accent, however given that he is a Nordic man, I would love to see a more Scandinavian portrayal.
Here's all you need to know: I'm a werewolf. I like killing things. I love Astrid. I hate annoying people. And the color blue gives me a headache.
Ahg... that damned clown cut me deep. That blade had to been poisoned.... I can feel my flesh singe where he cut. My head is... I'm not- can't even think straight.
Do me a favor and kill that little jester twice. Just to make sure.

Neloven is a new assassin being introduced in this mod. His has been with the Brotherhood since his early years and has stayed loyal since the beginning. In his experience, he has been apart of several separate other sanctuaries, and has knowledge of those that have been abandoned. His voice is lower and gruff, and should sport a English or Cockney accent, but you are free to get creative.
Ah, a new blood. Welcome to the family.
As much as I'd love to stay and tell you every bit and piece of detail of a crazed homeless man, I'd like to think I actually have better things to do.
I like your thinking. I think it's about time we establish the Black Hand.

Nazir is a Redguard member of the Dark Brotherhood. After the entrance quest, Nazir is the one who gives the Dragonborn their first set of missions/contracts. Early along in the Dark Brotherhood questline, Nazir can be typically found on the lower level of the Falkreath Sanctuary in the dining room, usually sitting on a chair. Later on, however, his location changes to the Dawnstar Sanctuary. His voice should be smooth, deep, and clear.
You reek of death, my friend. I salute you.
Good luck. And try not to get yourself killed.
I'll follow you 'til I'm dust in the breeze. You do realize that?

At the age of ten, Babette was bitten by a vampire, becoming one herself. She has lived over three hundred years as one, and boasts about how her innocent appearance makes killing easier. Due to her age, it can be inferred that she was alive during the Oblivion Crisis of 3E 433. Her voice is of course that of a child, but a wise one to be precise. The issue with vanilla Babette is that despite being hundreds of years old, she still acted the part of a child.
In truth, I'm no more a little girl than you are. I was once, of course. Three hundred years ago. Vampirism tends to keep one remarkably... fresh
I'm just a little girl! The Dark Brotherhood killed my mama and papa, and then they took me captive! Please, please help me!
My targets make the mistake of not perceiving me as a threat. Last mistake they ever make.

Veezara is an Argonian member of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. A Shadowscale since birth, he once served as an assassin to the king of Black Marsh. He believes he is the last living member of his order. His voice is fairly regular, but gravel-y. As always, be creative!
I am Shadowscale, you see. Born under the sign of the Shadow.
With your permission Listener, I would like to be re-assigned as one of your Silencers. I was practically one before with Astrid, but now...
I understand. The contract will be killed, Listener.

The ethereal enforcer of the 5 tenets. He appears in one scene to strike down the betrayer of them all. Their voice can be anything. Any gender, any pitch, just try and make the Wrath sound displeased and somewhat like a whisper, or mysterious.
Astrid... you have broken several sacred Tenets. You have betrayed your family.
Silence! You will atone in your blood. Beg Sithis for forgiveness.

A mod of this status does require plenty of work on the technical side of things, so we're willing to lend some 'coin' for someone to help us along.
Please state your name and how long you have been using the Creation Kit for.
Mention your specialties and talents with the Creation Kit.
Any previous work is also greatly appreciated and surely worth mentioning.
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