The Dark Brotherhood - Rise of the Black Hand (Skyrim Mod)
neutralizer for Arnbjorn, the Werewolf

He is an ex-member of the Companions. He was asked to leave because his "unorthodox" methods were offensive to other members. It is unclear what these methods were or how they were offensive, however, given his current status, it seems possible he used underhanded, duplicitous techniques that would have offended the Companions' sense of honor. He joined The Circle and became a werewolf prior to his expulsion. His voice is deep and gruff, and accompanied by a North American accent, however given that he is a Nordic man, I would love to see a more Scandinavian portrayal.
Here's all you need to know: I'm a werewolf. I like killing things. I love Astrid. I hate annoying people. And the color blue gives me a headache.
Ahg... that damned clown cut me deep. That blade had to been poisoned.... I can feel my flesh singe where he cut. My head is... I'm not- can't even think straight.
Do me a favor and kill that little jester twice. Just to make sure.