The Crown and the Rose (Animated Show)

Project Overview
What is this project about?
This project is an original animation written and directed by someone who is new to animating. I took a bit of inspiration from the owl house so you might see some similarities in it. This entire world that the story is based in also has two documents outlining the lore and everything anyone would need to know about it (I'll link them somewhere). If the first episode does well, you'll be paid as we will probably go on from there. The character's pictures in each thing about them where you audition are not their final designs, I am still working on the final ones.
Please also make sure to keep in mind that I do get busy as I have an internship, a job, and school that will always have to be a focus for me. This project is also something that will be graded by my teacher so please make sure to understand that.
I have other characters that will be coming in later on, so if you don't like these main ones you can wait to check out the other characters. The purpose of this project was to make an inclusive animation series that will capture the minds of most people. If you think I am showing a certain disability/condition wrong, feel free to tell me as I love getting feedback from people!
Requirements to audition:
Since this is a paid project that I am funding out of my own pocket: a significant level of technical and performance quality is going to be expected. Please ensure that your microphone is capable of recording your performance without picking up overwhelming background noises or excessive peaking/clipping. I also need you to have Discord to talk with me as I am not always looking out at my inbox here at CCC. I would also like it if you don't like a disability/condition these characters have for you to not audition as this project is supposed to be a safe space for all kinds of people.
As I mentioned above- this project is going to be funded directly out of my pocket and as such the audition deadline has been set significantly down the road to better ensure my ability to pay everyone who is selected. As I also said though, I need you to understand that there is no full assurance that you will be paid $40 for your work. It all depends on what you do and the quality of it. The range of payment is $20 - $50 per episode that gets sent out.
1) I need 100% dedication and I need you to have excellent communication.
2) I am looking for people confident enough to play these characters.
3) This is made by someone new to the animation industry so please be patient as we go along.
4) This is will end up being a long-term commitment so please take into consideration the time you will need to put towards this
Important Links:
Here you can find the links to both documents that talk about the lore of the setting in this story.
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I need someone to help me finish with the script ASAP because I've been so busy. If you're able to take in that time, please be sure to help! I am also needing someone with good grammar and also someone who is good with showing certain disabilities and give feedback on my writing.
*Say something you think would fit*
*Say something you think would fit*
Since I am new to animation, I am hoping to find someone who will be able to help with the animation process. I am willing to pay a bit more than $40 if you want since I am flexible. We'll talk about it when you try out.
*Say something you think would fit*

Sage is an 18 year old elf who uses crutches to get around her forest home. She uses she/they pronouns and is a lesbian, dating Emely. Sage is the main character.
- english
- female young adult
- irish
- warm
- female teen
You're a angel to me, even if you're not perfect like the others... I love you so much
Oh please, I can do the same things as you even if I need crutches to get around. [Chuckle] I'm even faster than you...
So the princess is actually asking for help from a simple elf? You took our land and decided that you rule over everyone.

Lucile is a 19 year old tiefling who practices dark magic and has type 1 diabetes. She uses she/her pronouns and is bisexual. She currently isn't dating anyone though.
- english
- film
- female adult
- female young adult
Aw, you're so cute!! Maybe we should be friends? Seeing as we'd make a cute couple.
Wait a minute, I feel as though I've seen you somewhere... Yeah! You're that girl who stole my necklace at the park.
[Chuckles] Oh no sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you at all... You just have some information that I want to know.

Emely is a kind and gentle 20 year old Angel who was born with vitiligo, because of this most of the other angels look down on her for being "imperfect" she is dating Sage and is a lesbian. Emely uses She/they pronouns and has light magic.
Seriously, guys... Can't we all just get along? We need to figure out how to help the kingdom...
No, I mean it. You can have my lunch, I can wait until tomorrow's breakfast.
Angels are no less better than demons or tieflings! We all have a different type of magic and the only different is we have feather wings and you have wings that don't let you fly!

Aristide Blue is a 16 year old fairy who loves to practice flying and is battling asthma. They go by they/them pronouns and they
I think that if you listen to them, you'd understand what they mean.
Please, I can handle that! I'm only a small fairy but I have a lot of magic.
PFFT!!! You did WHAT??

Thea is the next in line to succeed the throne of the empire. She doesn't like how her family got to the throne though. She is deaf and for the most part she signs to communicate. I do want her to have a voice though so the person playing here will be more of her mind and how she sounds in her head. She is one of the main protagonists and she goes by she/they pronouns and is a demon.
I bet if mother knew what it was like to not hear and to be stuck in your own head she'd be less harsh on me. I just want to explore and not have to worry about my duties as the future empress.
Please, that is so simple that even I know it... How do I even show them that I know though? Every just looks down on me for what I can't do and ignores what I actually can do.
What happened... I only remember going down the weird path with the group then all of a sudden no one was there... But where am I now? I only see plants and bright lights... Are we where the angels ended up going after the war??

Felix is half-cat half-human, it was cast out by society since it's species is so rare in the world that everyone is in. Felix goes by it/its pronouns and loves to cause trouble for others. It has a pet cat named Luna though and it doesn't think that the fact it owns a cat and is a cat is weird.
Pfft!! You really think you can run faster than me? I just happen to be a cat meaning I have cat like reflexes and I can always land on my feet!
So you really are trying to save this empire? Even though it is way past gone? Alright... I won't stop you I guess. But I am going to make it harder on you. Ha!
No, I don't want to come along. I prefer staying to my own place out here in the trees like my ancestors did.

Freye Einar is the youngest twin of the Einar family. They are 16 and goes by they/them pronouns. Them and their sister are identical twins and always get mixed up. Freye is an elf and is a lesbian. They are also very shy and like to try and keep to themselves and out of danger.
- female young adult
- female teen
- neutral
No-... Gaia I think that will get us killed... Or I guess we could just ignore what I have to say.
I like wearing pants and not a dress. Unlike you who's always "Little Miss Perfect" over here.
I'm not her at all!! We don't even look alike!!

Freye Einar is the oldest and most known twin in the Einar family. She loves expensive things and she tends to be very loud when needed. Unlike her sister, she likes to put herself out there and could not care less about the outcomes(Which are usually good for her). Gaia goes by she/they pronouns and is pansexual. She is an elf.
- female teen
- female young adult
- neutral
Calm down Gaia, why don't you ever trust your older sister?
Hi! I'm Freye and this is Gaia, we're twins but I'm older by a full minute. So they're basically my baby sister.
Why do you even think I'm Gaia? I'm obviously not!
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