

Joined Jun 2020 46 Following0 Followers
About SterlingMatthewOliver

Howdy! Thanks for taking the time to look at my profile.

My name is Sterling Matthew Oliver. I am a 26 year old Chicago-Based Actor, Writer, Director, Designer, and Geek. 

Acting is my passion - I take developing characters and providing a great experience extremely seriously, and I'd love to work with you on your next project.

I also compose music and video edit; so please reach out if you'd like assistance in that area, as well. 

Kansas State University - 2020

Bachelor of Science in Theatre

Instructed by

Vocal performance, Shakespeare, on-camera, classic & contemporary training 

Find Your Voice Coaching - 2022

Instructed by Leslie Grey Robbins
Skills Hub for Actors - 2023

Instructed by

Coaching from Spike Spencer, Gina Scarpa, more to come :) 

Demos & Samples
Character Reel
animationanimation/characterfilmgeneraloverdubvideo gameinternetvideogamevirtual reality

Sterling Matthew Oliver's 2023 reel of animation and video game narrative content

Commercial Demo
video gametelevisionanimation/characterbroadcastcommercialproductpresentationpromoradio

I try to follow GVAA but willing to cut down for passion projects that I connect to :)