The Brass Tower - An Original Pokémon Audio Drama

The Brass Tower - An Original Pokémon Audio Drama

Project Overview

Many know of the legend of what happened to The Brass Tower in Ecruteak City of the Johto region long ago. How it caught fire one fateful evening from a bolt of lightning and burning it to the ground, where three unknown Pokémon perished in the fire, only to be resurrected by the Legendary Pokémon Ho-oh into the now known Legendary Beast Pokémon, Entei, Suicune and Raikou. But that's not the full story. This original audio drama tells the story of the highly respected Kimono Girls of Ecruteak City and their lives leading up to that historic event. 

Hello all, my name is Kevin and this is a project idea I have had rolling around in my head for a couple years now. Originally planned as a short novel to make and post online for Pokémon's 20th anniversary back in 2016, I decided now to take it an extra step further and turn it into an audio drama, which is kind of fitting given the era this story takes place in. This is going to be around a two to three part audio drama. Probably spanning an hour to an hour and a half in total length.

I am looking for voice actors for all my roles. All nine of the Kimono Girls, as well as other minor cast members. This page will be updated as more minor characters are added to the script. 

All "Female" roles are also open to all feminine sounding non-binary and trans voice actors as well. All ethnicities, dialects and accents are welcome to help diversify how everyone sounds and makes sure the audience can easily distinguish one character from another. 

Since this is an audio only drama. Audio quality is important. Any style of microphone is acceptable as long as it is sound treated properly and is of good quality. 

Feel free to audition for as many characters as you see fit, and let me know if you are ok with accepting a role you didn't audition for if I feel like you might be a good fit for it. No one voice actor will be cast as multiple characters. But a voice actor may be a character as well as some Pokémon if they would like. Or you can audition for just a Pokémon if you so desire!

Update: Massive THANK YOU to the wonderful Gabrielle Allen that I found here on this site for the incredible character designs that are now posted here and will be used in the production. Check out her other work at 

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Latest Updates

  • We got art!

    We got some beautiful art done for the project for all 9 of the Kimono Girls thanks to the wonderful Gabrielle Allen ( Shame the images here are so small, but look forward to seeing them in the final production!
  • In Case You Were Wondering About If I Heard Your Audition Or Not

    For those members who are able to view if the project manager has listened to your audition or not and are wondering why I haven't listened to yours yet. Let me explain. I am purposefully not listening to any auditions until I close the search. Knowing me I will develop some kind of bias to those who auditioned early and will just compare later auditions to the one I liked from the earlier auditions, which I know will be unfair to those who audition later, especially given we're going into the holiday season and people are busy to either audition or even check this site regularly for auditions. (Hence also why I set the end date for this casting call to the end of January, well out of the holiday season) So to give all auditions an equal chance I won't be listening to any of them until the casting call is closed and I listen to them all at once, each character at a time. Happy December everyone!
  • Now with Male Roles!

    Mosu was originally only going to have 1-2 lines that I would just cover myself. But some new inspiration has struck for a scene that will involve him. So now he’s been upgraded to an actual role that needs a voice actor. Mr Furuse should have been in the initial line up of auditions. I just completely forgot…oops.
  • Profile Image Creator Found

    Wow was not expecting the response that I got for the artwork section. Thank you all for your submissions. You all are very talented and I'm humbled you want to work with me. But I made my decision and will be further discussing plans with them. For the Voice Actors, images for the characters will be up as soon as they are ready. Hopefully that will inspire you more. So stay tuned for that!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bashira "Shira" Kishimoto
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Trina

(Bah-shee-rah) (shee-rah) (kish-ee-moe-toe)

The lead of the story. Bashira is her full name but prefers to go by Shira. Traveling from her home town to Ecuteak Village to audition to join the famous Kimono Girls. A bit clumsy and a little lost in this new adventure in her life. A failed Pokémon Trainer and not the greatest with handling Pokémon. But is super determined to join the Kimono Girls to perform and bring entertainment and joy to others like the Kimono Girl performances of the past have done for her when she was younger. Even if it means overcoming her anxiety of handling Pokémon again. 

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Kamala Khan from The Avengers. Which you can sample her voice here.

  • [Answering people's questions] 

    Oh please call me Shira, I much prefer it. Bashira makes me sound so old. And no, I was never much of the athletic type. But I would love to join you sometime. 

  • [Getting ready to head out] 

    Yeah, I have a lot to pack up and bring here. I did kind of rush out out the door to make it to the audition and didn't pack much when I did. Should only take a day or two with the train. 

  • [Being offered food, nervous]

    Umm sure I'll take some if you don't mind. I was so nervous this morning about the interview I kind of forgot to eat breakfast.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nari Igarashi
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Melissa

(Nar-ee) (E-gah-rah-she)

The Jolteon Kimono Girl.

The most athletic of all the Kimono Girls. When not performing Nari can be found jogging alongside her partner Pokémon Jolteon or doing various other sports with the local kids. Comes off as loud mouthed and brash due to her very active personality clashing with the more laid back and calm personalities of the other girls. But even beyond all that she sees the Kimono Girls as her extended family and is quick to accept Shira into the group. 

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Saki Nikaido from Zombie Land Saga. Which you can sample her English voice here.

  • [After hearing Shira's response]

    Is that so? But you're right, Jolteon and I love to race each other. I was just about to head out when Haunter here grabbed me. That's a shame though, I could really use a sparring partner. None of the other girls ever want to join me. 

  • [Concerned that one of the other Kimono Girls has gone missing]

    And I didn't see her out in her normal pasture in the forest playing with the Pokémon.

  • [Being blunt, unaware of how saying this might upset some others in the group]

    It was just a little hiccup in our group dynamic a little over a year ago when Takane was new. She couldn't stand being here with us, her mom was a former Kimono Girl and pretty much forced her to come and join.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Atsuko Iida
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: MiloSings

(At-soo-ko) (ee-duh)

The Flareon Kimono Girl

The oldest out of the current line up of the Kimono Girls. Also the reason the Kimono Girls are currently holding auditions for a replacement, as Atsuko is planning to retire from the group and move to the Hoenn region with her new fiancé to build, own and operate a spa resort with him. She loves to cook and is usually helping in the village kitchen when not performing. Though she may be the oldest, she is far from the leader of the group and enjoys her position helping anyone she can from the sides. 

Warning: This character will be required to cry near the end of the story, crying over loss

Open to interpretations for the voice. 

  • [Talking to two other Kimono Girls]

    That is wonderful you two. I was honestly beginning to get a little worried with how little you two left the performance hall. But I did appreciate how much cleaning you two did around here. 

  • [Giving details]

    Once the construction is finished at The Brass Tower and officially opened at the end of the Summer Festival. Like I said at the auditions. I'll be retiring from the Kimono Girls to move with my fiancé to the Hoenn region to a newly established town called Lavaridge, where we plan to construct and operate a spa resort. 

  • [Ending a speech to an audience]

    But this isn't goodbye just yet. I will be around until the end of the month for the Ecruteak Summer Festival performance being held at The Brass Tower, one final big performance to show my gratitude to you all!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wakumi Fujisawa
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Melissa White

(wah-koo-me) (foo-gee-saw-wa)

The Vaporeon Kimono Girl

She has a calm, sometimes aloof, and level headed demeaner and is usually the median of the disputes between the other Kimono Girls. When not performing she is usually studying or doing activities like painting or calligraphy. While she might not actively show it on the outside, she deeply loves her position on the Kimono Girls and has dreams of running the group in the future.  

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Shinobu Kocho from Demon Slayer. Which you can sample her English voice here.

  • [Putting the others at ease before getting sidetracked]

    She should be fine, with how hot it is I doubt many of the wild Pokémon would be up and about to be considered dangerous. Also in that forest is an amazing waterfall Vaporeon and I visit often to do our meditating. We should go up there sometime Shira!

  • [Giving a tour]

    We have the quaintest little garden that Himari tends to for growing all sorts of exotic berries and what not for us and our Pokémon. 

  • [Got caught and disappointed in herself]

    You knew I was oversleeping too? (sighs)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chiasa Aki
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Jodi Hansen

(chee-ah-sah) (ah-key)

The Espeon Kimono Girl

The unappointed leader of the Kimono Girls aside from their manager. Usually taking charge in decisions in what needs to be done. Also the most adept Pokémon battler of the group. She is pretty competitive and finds any excuse to battle anyone. Dreams of moving to a bigger town and qualifying to be a Gym Leader alongside her partner Pokémon Espeon and other Psychic type Pokémon that she loves. 

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Anabel from the Pokémon anime Battle Frontier arc. Which you can sample her English voice here.

  • [Slightly boasting]

    Then let's get the introduction started. I'm Chiasa Aki, you may know me as the Espeon Kimono Girl. I'm kind of the leader around here.

  • [Ending a conversation between many other characters]

    We actually do need to cut the chit chat short, Atsuko almost has lunch prepared and we're going to do all the proper introductions for Shira there. So, you two just get your butts over to the dining table.

  • [Explaining]

    Some of us live here at the performance hall, by either choice or necessity. I'll explain as you meet them. But for the most part we all have our own places here in Ecruteak Village. Yua here is too young though and is one of the few that does live her under the care of Ms. Atsunoril.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mikazuki Hoshino
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Ixy

(mee-ka-zoo-key) (hoe-shee-no)

The Umbreon Kimono Girl

Mikazuki comes from a wealthy family in the Johto region. But they do not enjoy taking part in the lavish lifestyle of the upper class and has chosen to live in the Kimono Girls Performance Hall to live among what they consider “regular people” living a “regular life” as much as possible. They have a strong bond (and possible love interest?) with Takane due to both of them spending most of their time together at the Performance Hall. They are the most blunt of the group, the first to make a sarcastic quip that may or may not come off as rude. But deep down does care about the group as much as any of them. 

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Phoebe Spengler from Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Which unfortunately there isn't a lot of clips online of the character from the movie, aside from the little she speaks in the official trailers

  • [Examining Shira, being blunt and trying to crack a joke]

    Not gonna lie, you look exactly as I thought you would from your application. Maybe a bit taller though. 

  • [Happily Embarrassed] 

    It’s just that, I won’t lie, going to see the Kimono Girls perform was my first real outing from my parents estate. Almost like seeing the real world for the first time. I was enthralled. A life beyond the gates. I became obsessed. And even though we butt heads a lot. I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything. 

  • [Describing what their parents do and realizing they are somewhat rambling]

    Business mostly. They invest in a lot of companies across the Johto region as well as own a lot of racing Pokemon like Ponytas. They also do a lot of gambling which...I just have no interest in any of that and they want me to join so badly in their endeavors to pass it on to me someday.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Himari Chiba
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Maia Harlap

(hee-mar-ee) (chee-ba)

The Leafeon Kimono Girl

The loving and affectionate type, always there to lend a helping hand or a hug. Himari is a nature fanatic and pacifist who is usually against things like Pokémon battles. She specializes in taking care of others when they are injured or hurt and is also the local berry and herb specialist of the village. The first thing you'd notice about her is how much taller she is than the rest of the Kimono girls. She has dreams of opening her own apothecary and healing center for both people and Pokémon.

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Jasmine from Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. Which you can sample her voice here. (Doesn't have to be Australian)

  • [Offering help]

    Why don't we come along and help you? With a few more hands we could probably only make it one trip. I think a few of us don't have any plans for the day. 

  • [Maybe slightly jealous? Followed by awkwardly alluding to the elephant in the room]

    That's Atsuko's fiancé. Lovely gentleman. He's helping build the Brass Tower right now. And is well...kind of the reason you're here Shira.

  • [Adding a happy ending to someone else's story]

    But after a little bit of time, we got it all sorted out. Now look at us!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Takane Fuyuki
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: Dominique

(ta-kah-nay) (foo-you-key)

The Glaceon Kimono Girl

Originally forced to join by her mother because she was a Kimono Girl herself back in the day. Takane hated being with the other Kimono Girls. But over time she learned the error of her ways and now stays at the performance hall to avoid the negative influence her mother had on her. A former "mean girl" archetype. She may or may not also have a possible love interest with Mikazuki due to them being the most who live at the performance hall. And is now very protective of her new found family with the other Kimono Girls.

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Kyoko Hori from Horimiya. Which you can sample her English voice here.

  • [Awkwardly making an introduction]

    It's so very nice to meet you Shira, I hope we can get to know each other better, you seemed like such a lovely person on the application. And hopefully get to talk under less awkward circumstances than right now. 

  • [Cutting over Mikazuki's excuse]

    So, Mika and I have been going down to the race tracks to help take care of their Ponytas. To at least, you know, get their foot in the door with what their parents do.

  • [Explaining her situation and thanking everyone]

    Well for one thing I stopped being around my mother. She made it seem like my whole future rode on being a part of this group. But I am grateful to you all for being so welcoming when I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yua Chinen
Paid: 1 USD per line
cast offsite

(you-uh) (chee-nen)

The Sylveon Kimono Girl

The unofficial eighth Kimono Girl. She's the niece of the Kimono Girl's manager Ms. Atsunori. Though she's only unofficial on paper as she is not of legal age to join yet. She also works as her aunt's assistant while occasionally performing. Gets the little sister treatment from the rest of the Kimono Girls. She loves to bake and is doing so whenever she can. Yua is also built smaller than other girls of her age so she is mistaken for even younger by other people when comparing her to the other Kimono Girls. Also has a tendency to pop up and interject in conversations when people are not aware of her presence due to a somewhat constant desire to be the center of attention.

While I am open to other interpretations, an inspiration for the character is Lily Hoshikawa from Zombie Land Saga. Which you can sample her English voice here.

  • [Cutting in the conversation, then feeling slight embarrassed that she did]

    And I help auntie around the performance hall! Sorry, everyone just got to talk about themselves and I felt left out

  • [Engaging with others in conversation]

    She ran off. Saying something about needing to keep on schedule with her workout. I think she was avoiding the cookies I made. You two want some?

  • [Acting "grown up"]

    Yeah, Espeon saw me run into the forest and tagged along to protect me. I felt much safer with her tagging along, though there was nothing to be afraid of. I wasn't worried at all!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ms. Atsunori
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: katabelle

The manager of the Kimono Girls. The one who decides to give Shira a shot based on the sincerity and honesty of her application and audition. Stern but loving and wanting the best for the Kimono Girls to achieve their dreams both as performers and outside of the Performance Hall. Almost mother like figure to the ones who don't have mother figures at home.

Age and voice is up for interpretation. Basically anything older sounding than the Kimono Girls who are mostly early 20's. 

  • [Sitting at the table with everyone]

    Well now that we're on the topic. I guess this is the part where I officially offer you to join the Kimono Girls as Atsuko's replacement as the Flareon Kimono Girl. Does anyone here have any obligations to the offer?

  • [Announcement at the auditions]

    Greetings everyone! I am Ms. Atsunori, the lead instructor for the Kimono Girls. Thank you all for coming today. I know it was such short notice for these auditions but with the summer season coming up as well as the Ecruteak festival we just couldn't wait to take the time to fill our soon to be vacant slot on the team. 

  • [Talking to her partner Pokémon Haunter]

    Haunty dear, please hand out the application forms to those with their hands raised. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mosu Araki
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: themightymic

Mosu is Atsuko’s fiance. A lead worker on the construction of the Brass Tower. Currently stressing that his team may or may not meet the deadline of finishing construction in time for the grand opening at the end of summer for the Ecruteak Summer Festival.  

  • [Introducing himself to Shira and questioning the other girls]

    Greetings, I’m Mosu Araki, one of the ones in charge here on the construction site. Atsuko didn’t tell me all of you were stopping by. Are you here for a rehearsal? I’m afraid the stage area isn’t exactly safe right now.

  • [Reminiscing about an embarrassing memory]

    This is actually right where I proposed to Atsuko a couple of years ago. Though please don’t remind her, it wasn’t my brightest idea to propose to her while she was also busy auditioning to become a Kimono Girl. She still won’t let me live it down. (Awkward laugh)

  • [Giving orders on the construction site]

    Alright look alive gents. Group A will be taking the Machoke to bring in some new hauls of wood. Group B will be heading to the top of the tower to continue working up there on the roof and be sure your safety harnesses are fastened. I’ll be joining Group B after I deal with our unexpected company that just showed up.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Furuse
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: TopherTreks

Mr. Furuse runs the Pokémon sanctuary in Ecruteak Village. Raising newborn Pokémon until they are ready to be paired up with children who become trainers or helping others with their jobs. He’ll be pairing up Shira with her new Eevee to start her training. 

  • [Assuring]

    Eevees are quite plentiful in this area. I’m sure Ms. Bashira we’ll be able to find your perfect match. 

  • [Trying to convince Ms Atsunori]

    Oh cmon isn’t the whole Eevee motif getting a little worn out at that place? How about some exciting new Pokémon for a change?

  • [Embarrassing Mosu‘s past]]

    Now let me tell you what this lad decided to do in a stroke of genius. Proposing to Atsuko while (gets cut off by Mosu)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Junko Kishimoto
Paid: 1 USD per line
Role assigned to: krivera7

Shira's mother who appears near the beginning of the story who takes Shira to the auditions and helps her move once Shira is accepted. 

Voice and age is up for interpretation. Just needs to sound older than Shira. 

  • [Yelling up the stairs]

    Bashira dear! Hurry up! We are going to be late to catch the train. 

  • [Hearing Shira trip upstairs]

    I heard that, you couldn't go one day without falling over, could you?

  • [Trying to be supportive]

    Well I can't say you're not ambitious. Anyway, we can fix your hair and make-up on the train. All this talk won't even matter if you don't make it to the auditions. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Various Pokémon
Paid: 1 USD per line

There will be various Pokémon in this series. This post will be updated as they are added to the story. For those unaware, Pokémon only say their name, but in different tones to convey the emotion of what they are saying. 

All Pokémon in this series are not gender specific and can be adapted to the gender sounding of the voice actor I best feel is suited for the role from their audition. Voice actors can audition and be cast as multiple Pokémon. 

Feel free to also add any Pokémon impressions that are not on the list that you are comfortable with doing. Who knows it may just inspire me to add that particular Pokémon into the story during my revisions and editing of the script. 

Current Pokémon needing to be voiced in the series:















  • [Happy]

  • [Sad]

  • [Launching an attack] [Other adlib]

Co-Writer / Editor
cast offsite

Looking for a co-writer / editor to bounce ideas off of, get more ideas to expand the story, flesh out characters more and just get a fresh pair of eyes on the script. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Ambiance Music Creator
Role assigned to: HeyLychee

Mostly looking for soothing background music that fits the tone of the scene and atmosphere of an ancient Japanese village

  • Say something you think would fit

Profile Image Creator
Role assigned to: GabbieZak

While this is an audio drama. I do have an idea of possibly adding some images such as backdrops, and maybe even character portraits to highlight who is talking. The character portraits would be of only the main 9 characters. 

  • Say something you think would fit


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