The Adventures of Squirrelflight: A Warrior Cats 3D Fan Animation
Project Overview
Hey friends, I’m doing another 3D Warrior Cats Animation, this time with canon characters! I posted a poll on Twitter a while back asking what I should do with this new Squilf model and the consensus seems to be “all of the above” so I picked the one I thought would be the simplest to execute for my next animation project. This is going to mostly be a dialogue between two characters; Squirrelflight and Leafpool.
It’ll give me an opportunity to practice lip sync and character animation. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but in the last animation, Silverstorm only has like three expressions and she moves around with all the grace of a cardboard box falling off a delivery truck. Well not this time! These characters will be fully fluffed with particle fur and as expressive and animated as I can possibly manage with my developing skills but I’m going to need some help.
To bring this to life I’d love to find two voice actors to play these characters. It’s supposed to be short and comedic so being able to deliver lines somewhat quickly and in a way that feels like natural banter is a must. I’ll also be prioritizing auditions with decent audio quality with as little background noise as possible. I can clean up some noise but not a lot, unfortunately so if you have a great read but a crappy mic I will probably have to painfully pass on your audition. You’re still more than welcome to give it a shot though! I would love to hear it either way.
I would also recommend reviewing the full script before auditioning to get a sense of the actual dialogue:
I plan to make a decision by late July and have animation completed by September. If you’d like to contribute, please submit an audition!
Lastly, improvisation is totally welcome here! If you fee llike you have a more natural way to express the line with the kind of intonation you're working with, feel free to tweak the lines. Strictly adherence to the script is not required.
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Huge thanks to everyone who auditioned. This was a pretty tough call as I was fortunate enough to receive several great reads for each character. My apologies for taking so long to cast these roles. On top of it being a tough decision, I got covid at the end of July which really set me back on personal projects but I'm back and ready to make some progress. Congrats to dreamy-sheep who will be playing Squirrelflight and imshadow007 who will be playing Leafpool! Thank you again to everyone who auditioned! It's so difficult to decide when you have so many great submissions so thank you very much for your contributions. I really appreciate the interest!

Squirrelflight is cheerful, energetic, passionate and animated when she speaks. She’s easily excitable, prone to distraction and quite willful. She shares a close bond with her sister, Leafpool, though Squirrelflight has far more energy and is a bit squirrel-brained at times. She tends to act before she thinks. This is exhausting to Leafpool, particularly when Squirrelflight has promised to help her look for herbs but is distracted by a squirrel nemesis.
They did too! Besides, how would you know? You were looking away! You didn’t see their eyes, Leafpool. Eyes of pure judgment!
Shhh! (hisses) He’s back!
(Yelling at the squirrel) Come back here and face me, you little beady-eyed monster!

Leafpool is independent, thoughtful, good-natured and committed to her duties with a deep sense of responsibility to her clan. She does have a sense of humor and desire to have fun but is also practical, methodical and strategic. She tends to think before she acts. She adores her sister, Squirrelflight, with whom she is very close, but also finds her erratic attention span a bit exhausting at times.
Give me a break, Squirrelflight. They didn’t say it like that. (Rolling her eyes) Don’t so be dramatic.
(scoffs) Oh for Starclan’s sake. What is it?! ... You have got to be kidding me. Not this again.
Seriously? (Yelling after her) Squirrelflight?!
What about the herbs?
(Muttering angrily to herself) ugh! I can't believe this. If she thinks I’m going to just wait around twiddling my whiskers all day waiting for her to come back, she has completely lost it!
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