The Adventures of Squirrelflight: A Warrior Cats 3D Fan Animation
imshadow007 for Leafpool

Leafpool is independent, thoughtful, good-natured and committed to her duties with a deep sense of responsibility to her clan. She does have a sense of humor and desire to have fun but is also practical, methodical and strategic. She tends to think before she acts. She adores her sister, Squirrelflight, with whom she is very close, but also finds her erratic attention span a bit exhausting at times.
Give me a break, Squirrelflight. They didn’t say it like that. (Rolling her eyes) Don’t so be dramatic.
(scoffs) Oh for Starclan’s sake. What is it?! ... You have got to be kidding me. Not this again.
Seriously? (Yelling after her) Squirrelflight?!
What about the herbs?
(Muttering angrily to herself) ugh! I can't believe this. If she thinks I’m going to just wait around twiddling my whiskers all day waiting for her to come back, she has completely lost it!