Tear Ring Saga: English Dubbed Edition

Tear Ring Saga: English Dubbed Edition

Project Overview

Tear Ring Saga is a game developed by Shouzou Kaga, creator of Fire Emblem, after his departure from Intelligent Systems post FE Thracia 776. The game was released exclusively in Japan for the PS1 in 2001; it has received various English fan made patches over the years, but it was never voice acted. Thus, I made a small scale showcase with a small team for my university's voice acting club's showcase night. Needless to say, the feedback from that night spurred me to make a script for a full-scale nonprofit fan based English dub of various scenes in Tear Ring Saga.

Of course, with an expanded cast of characters means I am looking for an expanded cast of voice actors. I am already casting people from my university's voice acting club, but I also wanted to have voice actors outside the Voice Acting Knights to audition to have about a 1 voice actor to 1 character ratio in the project.

If you are interested in auditioning, here are the guidelines for submitting your auditions:

1. Max 2 takes for each of the audition lines per character

2. Be sure to submit your auditions as:  full name_character name+Audition Line #.mp3 to:

3. Be sure to have a few seconds of silence between each take

The project schedule is very flexible, since I want to accommodate my people from my university's voice acting club taking their final exams, thus the auditioning period will be held for the majority of December going into January. If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to let me know via Twitter DM, @marx_of_pherae, or Discord DM, CTK | Brian 'Marx' Franco#3311

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • Final Cast Finished+Next Steps

    Hello everyone! I am here to let you all know about my final update in regards to auditions and casting: I have finally finished my final cast for the project. Over the span of today and tomorrow, I will be contacting the cast and providing them with further instructions. Due to me recently getting full time employment, please be patient on receiving messages. Just to let everyone know, the decisions in regards to the final cast was done with much consideration to a combination of everyone's skills, talents, and how close one's auditions were to how I imagined the character to sound like. With that in mind, thank you everyone for auditioning and following this project, and I look forward to sharing the final product when it is complete. Sincerely, Brian Franco
  • In Regards to Casting

    Hello all! First off, I wanted to give a massive thank you to everyone who submitted auditions to the project. I am truly humbled by the turnout for the project auditions, so I wanted to thank you all about recording for Tear Ring Saga: Dubbed Edition. With that said, I wanted to address casting: once the audition period passes tonight, I will take the next few days to go over all auditions in detail; I want to take the time to analyze everyone's skills and talent before making a decision. I estimate this will take me until Monday at the earliest, Wednesday at the latest. Once that is done, I will begin the organizing cast. Once again, massive thank you to everyone; I am very excited to go through your auditions this weekend, and I will be sure to keep everyone updated about the project's progress. Sincerely, Brian Franco
  • Final Audition Deadline

    Attention All interested in auditioning for the project: I just wanted to let you know that the final deadline for auditions is January 7th at 11:59 PM. Please keep this in mind in case if you are submitting any auditions. Thank you for your time! Brian Franco
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ObsidianVA

Arkis is a knight of Razelia. He is the comrade in arms to  Kreiss, but is anything except like his comrade. He is an easygoing and cheerful man who is flirtatious towards the majority of women whom he meets. He values his loved ones above his loyalty to Razelia and therefore is willing to sacrifice civilians to save them. He considers all of his comrades to be precious companions and honors them by remembering their names

  • [A lady knight that caught your eye just responed to your witty remark about being her bodyguard abrasively] Well, aren't you a shrew.  But I like that in a girl.  I'm Arkis, from Razelia.  What's your name?

  • [A lady knight that you have in interest in just asked you if you are enjoying the festivities] Ah! Hello, Esther. We’ve got fine wine, a delicious feast, and the beautiful traditional dances of Wellt. What more could we ask for?

  • (drunk) Whoa...  Hic...  Maybe I had a bit too much to drink...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: WeeMareep

Enteh is a shaman from the Temple of Mars; her secret identity is Princess Maeve of Reeve. She is a selfless, kind hearted, and mature girl who has a tendency to keep secrets, making her appear as distant and mysterious. She has low self-confidence, and she also believes that she is cursed to bring misfortune, which her father told her when she was a child. She loves Runan, one of the main protagonists, and would do anything for him.

  • [Reminiscing of her time with Runan when they lived together back when they were kids] That short time I spent here in Razelia were the happiest days of my life. We laughed and played without a care in the world… You were my one and only friend, Runan…

  • [Explaining to her friend Plum, who wants to join her in Runan's army, the importance of home] Someday, you will realize just how important this village is to you. Someday, I’m sure…

  • [Acting as Princess Maeve, she is telling the one she loves, Runan, she has to marry a detestable count to keep the her kingdom's royal bloodline and traditions alive] If you will not espouse the kingship yourself, this is my only choice. The people of Reeve already await the day you will become their king, Lord Runan.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: giovannaborges

Esther is the daughter of Count Merlon of Verge. Despite her father's opposition, she became a knight in order to be helpful to him. She has a serious and harsh personality, although she can occasionally be playful. She is pampered as a result of her noble upbringing, and She harbors a tendency to lash out at others, even over trivial matters.

  • [One of the main protagonist's younger knights, Arkis, asked you if you needed a bodyguard since he points out that your thin build makes it seem like you'll have troubling using your lance. You take offense to this]

    I most certainly do not need a guard. You're still a novice, too, aren't you? The blind shouldn't lead the blind.

  • [Arkis before a battle mentions he has something to look forward to. You take the initiative to tease him about it]

    Something you’re looking forward to? My, my, what could it possibly be?

  • [You commented that Arkis's arranged fiancée, Lina, is to good for him. He looks a little hurt by him so you comfort him by assuring him that you were just messing with him]

    Haha, sorry. It was a bad joke. See you around, Arkis.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: NickSallinVO

Kreiss is a knight of Razelia and is the comrade in arms to Arkis. He is an honorable man with a calm and serious personality. He values his loyalty to Razelia over his loved ones.

  • [You are giving your comrade in arms, Arkis, a pep talk before a battle] This is it, Arkis. Don’t go making any foolish mistakes

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Leonie is an archer from eastern Selba and a member of Lionheart's rebel army. She may be young, but she has a tough shell, and has a lot of spunk and resolve as a rebel under Lionheart. Develops a crush for the Mintz of Canaan after being rescued by him.

  • [A corrupt noble, Pavlov, is about to burn you at the stake for your role of rebelling against the invading empire's occupation. He is goading about his victory of killing you, but you had enough and you tell him off]

    You pig! If you’re going to do it, get on with it! You don’t frighten me!

  • [After being beaten senseless by Pavlov when interrogations about your motives go nowhere, you awaken to a peculiar knight, Mintz, in your dungeon cell who has been taking care of you while you were out cold. Still flustered about wondering what he is doing in the cell, he asks for your name]

    It’s Leonie… I’m from Selba, in Salia

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Piper1

Mintz is a member of the Black Knights from Canaan. He is a known ladykiller and troublemaker amongst the ranks of the Canaan Black Knights, but he is a caring and honorable man that demonstrates his loyalty to his kingdom, and demonstrates that he is quick on his feet in dire situations. A friend of General Ernst.

  • [You are talking to your superior about being released from jail and choosing where you went after release]

     Yeah, it was a tough choice between you and the slave camps in Zoa, but I figured the army would be better for sightseeing.

  • [You promised a rebel girl, Leonie, that you would talk to your boss to see if he can bust you out. Upon returning to the castle she is imprisoned in, you notice the noble in charge, Pavlov, is about to execute the girl by burning her at the stake. You swiftly make your way to him and demand her to be released]

    If you don’t want to die, then you’ll let that girl free.

  • [You were able to get some small talk in with the rebel girl, Leonie, who is currently in the dungeon to await her execution]

    Well, Miss Leonie, I don’t think a cell like this is befitting for a young lady like yourself. I’m gonna go have a chat with my superior, and then I’ll come get you out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RedfieldSG

Zieg is a dark knight of the Zoa Empire that defects to Runan's (one of the main protagonist's) army, claiming to be a knight of Barge. In actuality, he was a spy for the Cult of Gerxel to keep an eye out on Enteh, the Water Maiden. He later betrays Runan and his allies and returns to the dark knights of the Zoa Empire. He keeps his distance away from everyone in Runan’s army, and is rumored to be a traitor

  • [Your contact in the Zoa Empire, your sister Carla, has decided to pay you a visit because you haven't been giving frequent reports recently. She questions if you have abandoned your mission. You quickly try to reassure her that your loyalty is firm]

    Of course not… His Excellency has asked me to keep watch on the Shaman of Water, and that’s what I’ve been doing. You should have more faith in me, Sis.

  • [Your sister is checking up with you before a major battle now that you defected back to the Zoa Empire. She wonders now how you survived two decades of torture and suffering in Reeve. You give her your answer while remembering those bitter memories]

    It was my anger and my prayers to God that sustained me through it all. “I will have revenge on them” That thought alone kept me going.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Callie Wills

Krishna is a swordfighter and a thief who joins up with Holmes’ (one of the main protagonist's) Sea Lions privateer fleet. She has a very mature and seductive aura about her, but at the same time she is shrouded in mystery. She is searching for the legendary Dakruon gemstone in order to revive her deceased lover, Altair. Has a deep hatred towards Vega, the man who killed her lover, and wishes to see him dead.

  • [The man who killed your lover, Vega, is talking down to you when you confront him about the duel he had with him. His manner of speaking makes you snap]

    You have no right to criticize me! The fight was over… Altair was down… And then you beheaded him without even blinking! I will never forgive you!

  • [You are asking Holmes' right hand man, Shigen, if he can kill Vega for you. He's not exactly jumping at this offer, thus you try convincing him with your manner of persuasion]

    I won’t make excuses… But you’re the only one I know who can even keep up with Vega. Please, Shigen! I’ll do anything for you. (seductively) ...Anything.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JamesGoneLive

Shigen is a swordsman and the right hand man of Holmes (one of the main protagonist's) of the Sea Lions. He serves as an advisor to Holmes, and he frequently makes sarcastic or witty comments to Holmes. He is very understanding of the situation of the Zoan people, and does not harbor much resentment to them, as he is of Zoan descent himself.

  • [One of the newer members of Holmes' Sea Lions, Krishna, is asking you to kill Vega for her to avenge her lover. You aren't exactly jumping at her proposal]

    So you want me to do it for you… That’s probably the most selfish favor anyone’s ever asked me for.

  • [You're trying to cheer up your captain, Holmes, who has been very moody after he begins to get a grasp at the amount of sacrifice it took to liberate his home, Granada. You're trying to push him to come with you to see something]

    That’s exactly the point! Shut up and come with me, will you?

  • [Your captain, Holmes, has just been cornered by his father to wear his old armor that he wore in his prime. You're trying to hold Holmes down and convince him to change into the armor.]

    C’mon, Holmes, be a good boy and change. Do as your daddy says.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Callie Wills

Renne is a priestess of the Church of Blaad and sister of Attrom. She is a selfless and kindhearted woman who never appears to show any kind of dislike for others. She is very humble and claims that all of her magical powers come solely from her staves.

  • [You and your brother Attrom have finally reunited, who is amongst the ranks of Holmes' army, who liberated the city you were in. You are now trying to see if he needs your assistance after the battle he just fought in]

    Pleased meet you, Lord Holmes. Thank you for looking after Attrom. And I’m sorry for making things difficult for you doing battle earlier. If there’s anything I can do...

  • [Holmes is asking about your skills. He is trying to confirm the rumors that you can do incredible feats with your Warp staff, but you are very humble about what you and the staff are capable of]

    I can’t do anything that impressive… Maybe a couple hundred yards at most with my teleportation staff…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Piper1

Vega is a mysterious assassin who is known as The Reaper of Schram. He is a serious ,edgy, and cold man who is distant from everyone around him. He never lets his guard down, even at events such as banquets. He is also very blunt when he speaks, never sugar coating his words.

  • [A woman in Holmes' army, Krishna, is confronting you about your duel with Altair, a dual wielding mercenary. As you reminisce about the duel, you realize she is the lover of that mercenary you defeated and killed. Looking at how pathetic she is looking right then and there, you respond]

    Oh, I see! That girl who seized me and demanded that I give him back… That must have been you. You were just a delicate little flower back then… It’s saddening to see what you’ve become.  

  • [After hearing her say that she'll never forgive you for killing Altair, you give your rationale about killing Altair. Then you ask what does she want after all that's happened]

    So what do you want after all these years? If it’s revenge, that’ll be impossible. You could never best me.

  • [Shigen has told you that he challenges you to a duel before the next battle. You are very excited, since Shigen is about the only person that can match you with a sword. The day comes and you meet Shigen at the dueling location. You tell him how you feel that he's here ready to cross swords with you]

    Shigen… I’m glad you actually showed up. I’ve been starved for competent opponents.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: FazMan

Richard is the Lion Prince of Mahl who leads the Leda Alliance Army alongside his betrothed, Tia. He is a very ambitious man with a high opinion of himself and a life-long dream of ruling all of Lieberia. He is rather manipulative of Tia and tends to interrupt others who attempt to have conversations with her, but he does show genuine affection to her

  • [The son of the Duke of Razelia, Runan, has visited your town's castle harbor. You invite him to speak with you. When you see him, you tell him there are no need for pleasantries, and you speak your mind on how you feel about a kid like him carries himself like he is some big shot now]

    After the fiasco at the Battle of Balt trying to aid your homeland, I’ve fought tooth and nail every day on the front lines. Seeing a mere boy like you carry yourself like a hero makes me sick to my stomach.

  • [Runan is speaking to your betrothed, Tia, if she is hoping to revive the united kingdom of Leda by conquering all of the small nations of Leda. You do not like where this is going, and see to it to make him stop interrogating her about it]

    Watch your tongue, Lord Runan! You are being disrespectful!

  • [One of the people you despise the most, Holmes, has arrived to your castle and asks for an audience with you. You allow him to meet with you, but as soon as he is in sight of you, you do not hesitate to belittle and taunt him, but with the grace of a prince of Leda]

    It’s been a long time, Bastard of Granada. I heard that you abandoned your own home and left your father to die.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: WeeMareep

Tia is the sixteen-year-old daughter of the duke of Trente, and the Shaman of Earth. Tia is a strong-willed and kindhearted individual whose beauty is often commented on by the other characters. She has a trusting nature and always looks for the good side in others, which causes her to be naive and prone to manipulation.

  • [You finally get to meet the so called 'Champion of Yutona', Runan, for the first time. You introduce yourself formally and thank him for the alliance he forged with your Ledan forces]

    Pleased to meet you, Lord Runan. I am Tia, daughter of Marquess Trente. I understand that you have accepted an alliance with our forces. You have my most sincere thanks.

  • [Lord Runan is asking about the objective of reuniting the people of Leda under one flag again. You tell him conviction it is to destroy the Cult of Gerxel and to kill the big bad, Guenchaos. As he is digesting this, you tell him why you remain firm on this objective.]

    If I do not do this, I and my descendants will be forced to live out our days in terror. I have chosen a path to confront my fears rather than to run from them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RedfieldSG

He is the foremost general of Canaan and bears the title of the "Sword of Canaan". He is an honest man who dislikes needless sacrifices. Has a kinship to Mintz.

  • [You are reunited with a knight under your command you share a kinship with, Mintz. You inform him that not much is going on right now. He then asks what happens if the noble of the nearby castle, Pavlov, requires aid. You tell him the brutally honest truth]

    No one cares about Pavlov. I’d sooner resign and name you my replacement than go to his aid.

  • [While talking to Mintz, he asks a hypothetical question as to how you'd react if he up and vanished one day. You sarcastically respond, then out of curiosity probe further as to why he asked that question]

    Oh, probably weep to myself pathetically in my private quarters. To be honest, I’m curious why you haven’t already disappeared. It’s not like you have family to worry about.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Count Tatus
Role assigned to: sindri

Count Tatus is a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Reeve. He is an avaricious man, who seeks the hand of Princess Maeve (Enteh) to satisfy his own personal agenda and garner great power as future King of Reeve. Views Runan and his army as mere grunts that should shield the royalty from harm.

  • [The son of the Duke of Razelia, Runan, has just liberated the Reevan castle town you were laying low in. You kiss up to him for a second, and then you belittle his efforts by telling him he isn't doing his job right and that he should see to it this folly doesn't happen again.]

    How can you expect people like us to rule effectively if you soldiers won’t do your job? You’d do wise not to let such a disgrace happen ever again, Lord Runan.

  • [Your 'fiancée', Princess Reeve, is suggesting the outrageous idea of marrying Runan, a small time noble, and thus proclaiming him as king of Reeve. You desperately try to explain to her the impact of what that would mean for the Kingdom of Reeve]

    B-But Your Highness, that simply will not do! As I have said before, it would be unthinkable for a princess to marry someone as lowly as a mere nobleman with only a maternal connection to the royal line…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RedfieldSG

Vals is the Admiral of Granada, in the Kingdom of Reeve, as well as the father of Holmes. Vals is a proud and stubborn man, who like Holmes, is very prickly in attitude and hardly shares his true feelings to those he loves. He is also a riot with the ladies, and is known to be a ladies’ man himself.

  • [You are enjoying a nice bowl of soup prepared by the girl tending to you while you are recovering from injuries from fighting the Zoan Empire when your son, Holmes, barges in and demands to know what the hell you are doing. You are very irritated by this and respond harshly]

    Have you gone blind? I’m eating, you idiot child. Here I am, still recovering from the wounds I took to help you escape, and this is the welcome I get?

  • [Your son Holmes is trying to shrug off the responsibility of ruling Granada that you ironically just shrugged off on him. You are having none of this attitude of indifference your son is showing to his homeland, and thus you are forcing him to wear the armor you wore in your prime so that he will forcibly look the part as Lord of Granada]

    It’s time you stopped playing archer and took up a real weapon for once. If you’re going to be the Lord of Granada, then you’re going to damn look the part.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Callie Wills

Carla is a witch of the Zoa Empire that has undying loyalty to the leader of the Empire, Guenchaos. She is also the sister of Zieg, and the mother of Shigen. She is manipulative, wicked, and harbors hatred to the people of Reeve due to them executing her whole family after being brutally accused of being in league with the Cult of Gerxel.

  • [A swordsman is charging at you proclaiming he has "finally found you". You find this claim amusing, and thus you take interest as to what he wants with you.]

    I see my reputation precedes me. And what would a cute little boy like yourself want with me?

  • [You are speaking to your brother, Zieg, minutes before the enemy Reevans are trying to bust into the altar room to sacrifice the dragon maidens to revive Gerxel. You see him conflicted, thus you remind him of the suffering of the Zoan people and how that will end as long as the Reevans don't interfere with the ritual]

    Just think of our people, Zieg. When Gerxel is revived, they will be saved. For the sake of the ceremony, the pagans must not be allowed to reach the Pontiff. Do you understand me, Zieg?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ChrisHeimVA

Carnell is a noble of Canaan with a twisted way of taking charge at his post at Selba, in Salia. He commands bandits to attack the areas around his post in order to steal from the villagers and capture women and children, whom he hands over to the Gerxel Church. He thinks lowly of the place he is in charge of, and is very dismissive of those he rules over.

  • [You are meeting with a friend of yours, Pavlov. While speaking about the rumored atrocities each other has done to their peoples, you entertain the idea of asking him for a favor. He indulges in your request, and thus you name your request to him]

    I would like you to keep a certain Salian rebel imprisoned for me. We captured her just this last week, but it’s too risky for me to keep her in Selba. Would you kindly keep here for the time being, Pavlov?

  • [Pavlov, who just listened to your request, curiously asks why you haven't killed the imprisoned rebel yet to set an example. You respond to him as if he just mentioned something blasphemic]

     Execute her?! Ridiculous! I’d like to keep my head on my shoulders.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: NickSallinVO

Pavlov is a noble of Canaan charged with ruling over the area surrounding the region of Sene. He is a sadistic, cruel, perverted, and vile man who indulges in the suffering of those who wrong him. He intends to donate the money generated from his high taxes to the Cult of Gerxel in order to gain favor with it. 

  • [You were speaking with your friend, Carnell, as to why he hasn't simply executed the rebel prisoner already instead of having her just change hands with him. Carnell replies in fear, which seems amusing to you. You respond:]

    Ha! Where has your manhood gone, Carnell? Are you that afraid of a band of sewer rats?

  • [You now have custody of the rebel girl from Carnell. You told him not only you will take her, but you will also interrogate her as to the location of her leader's army. You have been interrogating her for a while now, and she has refused to talk. You ask her maliciously if she is finally ready to talk]

    Ready to talk, you stubborn wench? Or would you prefer more flogging?

  • [After the rebel girl spat on you in defiance, you decide she's too good for interrogating and decide instead she should burn at the stake. As she is tied up about to be burned, you gloat your victory to her. Expectedly, but surprising to you, she has the gall to spit in your face... AGAIN! You are absolutely livid over this, and decide to accelerate her execution to immediately.]

    You… You spit on me again! Men, light the fire now! You can pile the rest of the wood on after it’s nice and hot!


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