Tear Ring Saga: English Dubbed Edition

NickSallinVO for Vals

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RedfieldSG

Vals is the Admiral of Granada, in the Kingdom of Reeve, as well as the father of Holmes. Vals is a proud and stubborn man, who like Holmes, is very prickly in attitude and hardly shares his true feelings to those he loves. He is also a riot with the ladies, and is known to be a ladies’ man himself.

  • [You are enjoying a nice bowl of soup prepared by the girl tending to you while you are recovering from injuries from fighting the Zoan Empire when your son, Holmes, barges in and demands to know what the hell you are doing. You are very irritated by this and respond harshly]

    Have you gone blind? I’m eating, you idiot child. Here I am, still recovering from the wounds I took to help you escape, and this is the welcome I get?

  • [Your son Holmes is trying to shrug off the responsibility of ruling Granada that you ironically just shrugged off on him. You are having none of this attitude of indifference your son is showing to his homeland, and thus you are forcing him to wear the armor you wore in your prime so that he will forcibly look the part as Lord of Granada]

    It’s time you stopped playing archer and took up a real weapon for once. If you’re going to be the Lord of Granada, then you’re going to damn look the part.

Tear Ring Saga: English Dubbed Edition
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