Tactics Black Game Trailer

Project Overview
Project Description || Tactics Black: Letters to Spara
Tactics Black is an tactical strategy game set in a future in which earth is struck by a stray gamma ray from deep space. This causes the planet's atmosphere to dissipate, resulting in the total extinction of all plant and animal life, and the near-complete eradication of humanity. The game follows the story of a man (Tarth) who trades his soul to a demon in exchange for the power to give the human race one final chance at survival. The story of the game is told largely through a series of letters between Tarth and his daughter.
The tone of the game is somber realism. The writing is complex and highly literary (sentences/lines will often be long). Please only audition if you are comfortable with heavy themes handled in a realistic way.
This listing is to acquire talented voice actors for the production of this game's trailer, not for the whole game itself. The trailer will be used for a crowdfund campaign, the funds from which I hope to use to voice act the game entire. Though this listing is only for the trailer, please consider that I am also looking with mind to hire you again (in the future) for the whole game, which will require many hundreds of lines.
UPDATE: After getting some submissions, I'm noticing a tendency to, I would say, 'overact' to some degree. Well it isn't your fault, that's often exactly what employers in this industry (video games) want. However, for this game and these roles, I'm looking for something more 'naturalistic.' For anyone recording a new audition, just ask yourself if you could imagine hearing someone say what you just said in real life. If the line involves shouting then it will be more difficult to fulfil that, admittedly, but for the normal spoken lines especially, I'd encourage you to, if you're unsure, do one take where you intentionally 'underact.'
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Amount of Voice Lines Needed: ~7-9 lines total (the long sample line is ~25% of the total)
Characterization: The main character of the game and the primary speaking role in this trailer. He is a man beaten down by the world, who has been disillusioned and disappointed both with the world and with himself, who has suffered great loss, yet who still maintains the flicker of an inner hope for a better future. He is depressive and prone to dark moods.
Voice Info: Should have a weathered voice - the type that makes you say 'this guys sounds like he's seen some shit.' The letter segments should be read in a somewhat more detached way
- male senior
- male adult
[Excerpt from his letter, wistful] "I sometimes think of the human race as it once was, when we were beautiful and all-mighty. How in our moment of greatest triumph, we were struck down, so completely, and so randomly, it was as if the universe was laughing at us, and saying, "aaaaaall of that, was a fantasy, that I will now take away from you."
[Responding to a heavy offer. With subdued conviction] "I accept."
[Field command to troops. Yelling or nearly yelling. With Force] "All units forward!" [Even more force. Frantic not to lose the opportunity] "Break their lines! Break them!"
'Goose' is a nonhuman alien entity who takes the form of a rainbow-colored goose and who speaks in the voice of a young woman. The game begins with Goose granting Tarth "the ability to influence others" in exchange for his soul.
Amount of Voice Acting Needed (for this listing): Just the one line below, and a laugh. As mentioned though, I am looking to hire for the whole game in the future.
Characterization: Goose is upbeat, highly intelligent, and highly energetic. She seemingly regards everything with an ironic detachment. She sees humans as a hopelessly backwards cavemen, and regards human struggles and human suffering with a malicious amusement, but not with any active hate or desire to do them harm - rather, from the same kind of intellectually arrogant amusement with which, for example, a privileged and entitled rich heiress might scoff at the destitute widower who has lost all his money gambling. That is to say, with no sympathy, only with a condescending delight.
- female adult
- female young adult
- female teen
[Vaguely surprised when Tarth trades his soul so readily] "Jesus Christ." [Amused] "I'm kind of jealous. Not many can toss away their soul like a stale half-cracker they just found in their pocket."
[A few laughs] (the kind of no-regards laughter one might give at something hilarious, not caring who hears them. Feel free to add your own spin)
Amount of Lines Needed: Just the two lines below. But, as mentioned, I'm also looking to hire in the future for the role in the full game.
Characterization: Ilianora is a heavily scarred and highly self-disciplined general for what in better times might be called 'the government,' but what is now a tattered desperate state clinging to life. Ilianora is very intelligent but does not often speak, mostly as a result of the lack of trust in others instilled into her by a very hard and traumatic life. She is subdued, reserved, and highly observant. She suffers from constant chronic pain, and is only able to function on a daily basis thanks to her rigorous self-discipline and desire to make the world a better place for her young daughter. She is in many ways a mirror of Tarth, except whereas he works from outside the system, she works from within it.
Voice Tips: She speaks in an undertone, an analytic, level tone from which peak through only occasionally brief blips of a personality long buried beneath the toils of and hardships of her life.
- female adult
- female young adult
[Field command over headset. Calm and direct] "All units move to surround. No prisoners."
[Speaking to Tarth, who she has learned is using his 'power' to manipulate the minds of others. Quiet, subdued rage] "I know what you are." [Yelling] "Deceiver!"
Public Submissions