Tactics Black Game Trailer
Aubrey for Goose (teen-20s-30s female) [Important Supporting Char]
'Goose' is a nonhuman alien entity who takes the form of a rainbow-colored goose and who speaks in the voice of a young woman. The game begins with Goose granting Tarth "the ability to influence others" in exchange for his soul.
Amount of Voice Acting Needed (for this listing): Just the one line below, and a laugh. As mentioned though, I am looking to hire for the whole game in the future.
Characterization: Goose is upbeat, highly intelligent, and highly energetic. She seemingly regards everything with an ironic detachment. She sees humans as a hopelessly backwards cavemen, and regards human struggles and human suffering with a malicious amusement, but not with any active hate or desire to do them harm - rather, from the same kind of intellectually arrogant amusement with which, for example, a privileged and entitled rich heiress might scoff at the destitute widower who has lost all his money gambling. That is to say, with no sympathy, only with a condescending delight.
- female adult
- female young adult
- female teen
[Vaguely surprised when Tarth trades his soul so readily] "Jesus Christ." [Amused] "I'm kind of jealous. Not many can toss away their soul like a stale half-cracker they just found in their pocket."
[A few laughs] (the kind of no-regards laughter one might give at something hilarious, not caring who hears them. Feel free to add your own spin)