TACAD - New Voice Actors wanted!

Project Overview

Looking to grow the cast if TACAD for roles in upcoming episodes!

Auditions with multiple takes per line (AA BB CC or AAA BBB CCC) will be higher up for consideration. Try different tones, speeds, etc if you're not sure how else to deliver a line. Also, please don't rush through the audition, you are not being timed lol

This is a long term passion project, with various recurring characters. I'm all in on this and I hope you will be too. This is an adult audio animation, and such will go into adult themes and language. 

If you want to Stay in the know, consider joining the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pjBZepumSG

The Story follows Adam Kelly (a 28 year old Handicap who struggles to get through life on his painful prosthetics) and Melanie Rodman, (a strange woman in her mid twenties with a mysterious past) as they are sent forth on a journey of a lifetime! During the reveal of a powerful self sustaining energy source, an explosion occurs, tearing a hole between realms as our heroes are dragged through finding themselves in the strange, magical world of Terra Arcanum! The world isn't the only thing that's different however... Join them as they uncover the secrets of this new world, as well work together with new allies to stop an ancient evil that threatens the realms! 

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Latest Updates

  • Deadline extended!

    Hello everyone!

    The deadline is being extended to allow for more individuals to audition for certain roles. However, no role is safe, and can be chosen at any time! So please confirm a role is available before submitting an audition. And if you would like to audition, but are not able to immediately, please contact me directly and perhaps a grace period can be offered for a role.

    Best of luck!

  • Please read before auditioning!

    If you are thinking about auditioning for the project, please only audition with RAW audio only, (clean ups fine) do not try and use any FX in your quditions. Doing so prevents me from using accurate FXs when listening back, and immediately disqualifies the Auditions.

    Thank you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dalsein Arrn CLOSED
Role assigned to: Joey Sourlis

Looking for a masculine, raspy, gravelly voice with rich friendly undertones. 

Dalsein Arrn (Dal-Sane) is an old Elven Druid who is very detached from modern society. He's incredible friendly despite being very quirky. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • adult
  • male adult
  • Well hey there! Never seen you around here before! The names Dal...sein Dalsein Arrn. Pleasure to meet you!

  • Mother always said not to trust a transporter... one minute you're here and the next you're over there. Sometimes you don't even end up over there, and wind up out in the middle of nowhere! Heheh. No transporters for me!

  • I have just the thing for pesky shades like you! ... MOON BEAM!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stygian One CLOSED
Role assigned to: iNQuirky

I'm looking for a masculine voice with a naturally deep voice to portray this recurring villain. 

Additional SFX will be used to achieve the corrupted voice if necessary.

Recurring Villain. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • dark
  • deep
  • silky
  • adult
  • male adult
  • Do not be afraid my child... you are home now... I am, your destiny...

  • (Angry) Silence! Enough of your pathetic excuses. You have failed me for the last time!

  • I have no interest in your personal attachments to the boy. If he gets in my way, He too shall be consumed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Reed Denney

Looking for a very sinister sounding voice, looking for male but open to Feminine if the voice fits. 

A very sinister, and murderous character, like a cross between Scarecrow and the Joker, with extra umbral Flare. 

Additional SFX will be used to achieve the corrupted voice if necessary. DO NOT ADD YOUR OWN.

This is a recurring villain in the series. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • adult
  • male adult
  • (Eery laugh) well well well, look what I found... The old man said you were off Limits, but I think I'll do him a favor and kill you right now.

  • Do you feel that? With each passing second, your life force drains from your body.

  • (Give your best evil laugh) oops. Did I break him?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grizzled Synthezoid CLOSED
Role assigned to: Camden Piper

Looking for a rough, grizzled, gravely voice. 

Additional SFX will be used to achieve the Synthetic voice (Like W4RD3N)

Potentially reoccurring character 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (After just booting up, Groggy) Where... Where am I? And who are you? Nevermind that. I must protect the Citadel.

  • (After Calming down) The last thing I remember was the Citadel being over run with Stalkers. A rift opened up in the Hanger and they kept spilling out. I just kept fighting until my last spark.

  • (Inspiring) Listen to me Kid, you are the light of the Dawnbreaker's now. The fate of this world lies in your hands! Now fight!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Todd Toddson (Child)

This is a very small role, a few lines at most. Looking for a young child voice with a New Yorker accent to capture Todd as a child. Male and female available.

Voice description:
  • male child
  • american (new york)
  • child
  • (Whining)  Aww, but pa, I don't wanna run the diner… I want to go on adventures, and fight big monsters, like you! 

  • (Startled)  Ahh! Nothing… I was just cleaning your blade! 

  • (Practice fighting) Hiyah! Haaah! Take that you mut! Hmph!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Kestyn is an ageless hunter, part of an ancient organization that operates in the shadows. 

Recurring voice for the remainder of season 1. Open to Masculine and Feminine Voices for this role. 

Character is wise, so an older sounding voice is preferred, someone who has seen plenty of battles. 

Kestyn is also not from our world, so the "Google?" Line should be more of a generally confused question. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • Google? (Confused...Chuckles) You're quite the skeptic… so was Merryl. Listen. We don't have much time. You my dear, have power beyond your wildest dreams.

  • Damn... We are out of time. Soon you will leave this place. I will find you. You must prepare for the upcoming trials ahead.

  • (In battle) Hiyahhh! You are still holding back! Give me everything you got or I will kill you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gibbon *Recast* CLOSED
Role assigned to: Finn Jackson

Recasting Gibbon as the original actor is no longer working in VO.

Looking for a southern accent, with a bouncy cartoon voice to emulate Gibbon's friendly vibe. Masculine voice. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • english (american)
  • american (southern)
  • Well, how do you do strangers! You folks aren't from around these woods huh? My names Gibbon! It's like ribbon but with a Guh!

  • (Enraged) What did you just call me tin can?!  Call me a frog one more time and I swear to the gods I will tear you apart! You hear me?!

  • Oh I can turn into a whole lotta creatures! Squirrels, birds, pretty much anything really. Not mice though. Mice die.


Public Submissions

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