supernatural (sims 4 series)
Project Overview
Every town seems dull until you dig into everything behind it, while supernatural creatures must hide their identity or face the hunters in town who are there to destroy them!
//Getting Started//
Supernatural is set to run for a season or two which contains about 8-10 episodes each. The scripts will be sent once everyone's been casted and the episodes will be uploaded on YouTube. If you have any more questions about the project you can always Private Message me.
//Requirements//▶ Audition only if you're committed to this project.
▶ I send the scripts on Discord, so make sure you have discord.
▶ Be able to show emotions [cry/angry/scared]
▶ Make sure you can scream.
▶ You need to have a decent microphone.
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nariyah is super sweet and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. (witch)
Yeah but this isn't Monopoly... this is some really messed up shit. (annoyed)
You know what don't answer that because I already know what everyone here thinks of me! (annoyed/intimidating)
Ugh old people gross me out... I need a cigarette. (disgusted)

not the type to start a fight but definitely the one to finish it. (vampire)
- male teen
Okay, but you're making it more difficult, it's easy, compel, drink, erase. (normal)
No Colin doesn't have friends he has people that use him and act like fucking animal planet! (annoyed)
You are such a goddamn idiot I cannot believe you told them everything! (annoyed)

a super sweet and friendly girl but she isn't afraid to stand up for herself or what she believes in. (human)
- female teen
I get that you're the mystery guy, but with mystery comes secrets! (worried)
I'm gonna keep this under lock and key, and if you keep our secret... it'll stay there! (intimidating)
What is your problem exactly?! Because right now you're just being a bitch! (annoyed)

- male teen
She's gonna find out, because if you don't tell her... I will! (intimidating)
Make sure you keep that in a safe place... it's a lot more valuable than you think. (nervous)
If you wanna help, just leave me and my friends out of this! (annoyed)

is a bit of a playboy, but super sweet. (werewolf)
- male teen
Power is good, but give it to the wrong person and it can go sour very fast. (worried)
Come on you guys, people lie... hello?! (normal)
Oh give me a break you guys, it is just someone messing with us! (annoyed/normal)

very scholarly and always follows the rules. (witch)
- english
- female teen
Spirits talk Colin and so do my friends, please stay away from me. (worried)
Well guess what he wants it, and I have it, so it's leverage! (normal)
What does NSH even stand for huh? Need some help! (annoyed/intimidating)

super sweet and caring, will always put her friends first. (mermaid)
- female teen
You have no idea where she hid it? Who's the liar now? (annoyed/hurt)
No don't touch me! You were spying on me! The whole time! (hurt/betrayed)
Don't get hung up on the details and miss what's parked right in front of you! (annoyed)

very kind and sticks up for himself. (human)
- male teen
You're asking me to lie? Because right now I am lying to everyone I care about! (upset/worried)
Diana... she's dead isn't she... (upset/emotionless)
You can hate me, but you know I always get what I want. (intimidating)

sort of the 'it' girl but is actually super insecure. (human)
- female teen
No challenge for you and your stoner buddies, all you need is something shiny and on a piece of string! (annoyed)
Wes Wes, no need for goodbyes. I’ll see you on the flip side. (bitchy)
It is when you're lying to the police, it's called obstruction of justice! (worried/annoyed)

looks like an asshole but is actually super sweet. (human)
- male teen
Maizie this isn't a game okay? Just pretend like you don't know me and go away! (nervous)
If this gets out it could ruin everything, and I'm not going to let that happen! (worried)
The truth comes out one way or another, honestly, it's just a matter of time at this point! (intimidating)

- male teen
When I hide something it stays hid, until I want it found! (normal)
Damn too bad Maizie, you're not gonna get a second chance! (intimidating)
I don't know what you're hiding, but I'm going to figure out what it is! (intimidating)

an asshole, only cares about himself (vampire) (introduced in the second episode)
- male teen
Don't you get it?! They're whatever I want them to be. (annoyed)
Come on Alex… don’t be so predictable. (normal)
Nobody here is innocent, believe me. (normal)

- female teen
Yeah yeah I see your lips moving but I'm not hearing anything (trying to be funny)
No I've totally seen you around here before... you're kinda hard to miss. (flirty)

- female adult
Oh wait before I forget, it's a school night. Be home by 12. (trying to be funny)
No don't try and turn this around on me! I didn't do anything! (annoyed)
need a lot of these so please apply :)
- female adult
- male teen
- female teen
- male adult
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions