MalwereWolf Official

MalwereWolf Official

24 year old amateur VA aiming to make a splash on CCC! Nice to meet you all!

Joined Mar 2023 19 Following20 Followers
About MalwereWolf Official

24 years old, Southern US, looking to make a portfolio for paid acting someday.

Demos & Samples
FULL Demo Reel, 5 minutes long.
adultfemalefemale young adultSouthern USTomboyBlack Americanvillainfunnyyoung adult

I clumped together files of character reels, other demo reels, and submissions. I'm not a fan of my own voice, so it's up to others to determine the quality here.

What MalwereWolf Official is looking for

I'm looking for unpaid or low-pay roles in voice acting to build a portfolio over time. When I'm confident, I'll ask for paid roles and bigger projects.