Superman Comics: The Man of Steel Dub

Project Overview
What is this?
This is going to be a series of fandubs for the comic books for the man of steel himself. Superman. Yes, this includes Action Comics and Supergirl.
For those of you unfamiliar with the character, Superman is the superhero identity of Kal-El, an alien from the destroyed planet Krypton. He was sent to Earth and raised as Clark Kent by human foster parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent. As an adult, Superman became the protector of Earth, working at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent alongside his partner and wife Lois Lane.
1. Please make sure your microphone is capable of recording your voice without picking up overwhelming background noises or excessive peaking/clipping.
2. You must have a Discord account, as the project will be going into production over there.
3. Your voice files must be sent in a .wav format, though if it ends up too big, .mp3 files will do as an alternative.
4. You need to have a very clear idea of both the character you're auditioning for. I would also like you to describe in the audition description what version of the character you were going for or if you were doing something original with it.
5. Open Ethnicity, POC Actors HEAVILY encouraged to audition.
6. Remember to have fun!
Thank you all so much for reading and I can't wait to hear all of your auditions!
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Sent as a baby to Earth from the dying planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by Martha and Jonathan Kent of Smallville, Kansas. Growing up as Clark Kent, he devoted his life to helping others with the abilities he developed from Earth's sun. Moving to Metropolis, he became Superman, while still maintaining his secret identity as Clark Kent, who works at the Daily Planet newspaper. Superman is an extremely moral person, believing it immoral to kill anyone under any circumstances, and will do whatever he can to avoid it. Clark's upbringing in the Midwest largely contributes to this, as his adoptive parents raised him to do the right thing. Superman is also a bit of a loner, in that, for much of his life, he doesn't reveal his true identity and powers to anyone, not even his closest friends. Many times they come close to figuring it out on their own, but often he will arrange an elaborate deception to trick them into believing Clark Kent and Superman are entirely separate. He's known to collect mementos of his adventures and his life in the Fortress of Solitude and has even been known to have wax statues of all his friends there.
I wish there was some way of reasoning or negotiating with him. But there isn't. None. He lives to conquer. There is nothing else to him. There's nothing else to explain. There is no way to confront him! There's no other language he understands.
When you're in a position of power -- sometimes it's not easy to remember what all this is for. People, problems, and ideas can get lost in the confusion of our world. Stay focused. Don't let a few bad apples spoil our American pie.
I'm not particularly fond of Gotham. It's like someone built a nightmare out of metal and stone.

Supergirl is the superhero name of Kara Zor-El, cousin to Superman. Born and raised in the Kryptonian population of Argo City, Kara Zor-El was sent by her parents Zor-El and Alura In-Ze to Earth to save her life and meet and look after her cousin Kal-El. As an immigrant, Kara has to learn to fit in a completely different culture while she copes with their family's loss and tries to become a hero.
Some of us try hard to make the world a better place than it was when we found it. I know that's what I try to do. I won't always be successful. But that's life. I'm Supergirl. This is my life ... and y'know what? I'm pretty happy with it. (For now at least.)
I was willing to negotiate with you at one point, but watching you destroy an entire planet and everyone on it because their "offering" was insufficient made me sick to my stomach. Anyone who is capable of such evil has made my list!
Wait, let me get this straight. You're... invulnerable? Probably can't get sick, right? Maybe immortal. You have power... beyond imagination... and you're using it... to rob a bank?

Linda Danvers was a troubled teenager who joined a cult and was involved in many illicit and illegal activities, manipulated by her boyfriend Buzz. Little did she know Buzz was a demon that intended to use her as a sacrifice. Buzz attempted to kill Linda to release a demon, but Supergirl Matrix intervened to save her life, accidentally becoming merged with Linda. Linda and Matrix became the new Supergirl, and Linda began to fight criminals and demons to redeem herself.
Because... You did try to save that girl back in Kansas, from being assaulted. No reason at all for you to have done it... except an urge to do the right thing. You never had that before. And I'm thinking that Supergirl -- the Earth Angel one -- she might have started believing in you by this time.
This is insane. This is simply not happening. A girl doesn't just show up wearing a Supergirl costume and announce she's from Krypton. Superman's the only survivor of Krypton! I know that! Everybody knows that! And God, she's so peppy and innocent she makes Mary Marvel look like Hannibal Lecter!
I'm not pregnant! I'm not gay! I'm SUPERGIRL!

Lois Lane is a world-famous investigative journalist employed at the Daily Planet, alongside fellow reporter Clark Kent, photographer Jimmy Olsen, and the Daily Planet editor-in-chief Perry White. Raised in the military as a daughter of General Sam Lane, she is more than capable of handling herself in almost any situation, though this doesn't stop her from commonly being abducted by super-villains. She is the long-time romantic interest and eventually wife of Superman.
Every one of us has the capacity to do the worst things imaginable. And sometimes we do. But the astounding thing is how often we humans do the very opposite. I don't know where Superman is. But he better get his butt back home. Because he needs to see this.
He's Superman, not God. So sometimes he screws it up, the same way you and I do. But the one thing you can count on is for Clark Kent to put everyone else on the planet... before himself.
Hey. You make the choices you make because you believe in them. They might not make sense. They might end you early, but they're yours. Hell, I can relate. But believe me when I tell you... you're not going anywhere just yet. And I'm not going anywhere either.

Jimmy Olsen is a photographer and reporter working for the Daily Planet in Metropolis alongside Clark Kent and Lois Lane underneath chief editor Perry White. He is most well known for being a close personal friend to Superman and has a signal watch to call him for help at any time.
Some folks spend so much time "looking out for number one," they forget there are other numbers...
You can't act like this is normal, "Clark!" Like you're fine! Lois outed you as Superman! To the whole world! Even before that--you confided in me, man. You told me the truth! But now, here both of you are, like nothing ever happened! Even as Luthor claimed Superman was dead! Wearing his cape, no less! How am I supposed to believe you are who you say you are?!
My name's Jimmy Olsen, in case you didn't guess. James Bartholomew Olsen, it says on my birth certificate. Should look real nice on a tombstone, don't you think?

Perry White is the Editor-in-Chief of the Metropolis newspaper the Daily Planet. White maintains very high journalistic standards. He is an archetypal image of the tough, irascible but fair-minded boss. White is a tough, cigar-smoking boss with strict ideas about how his employees should operate. He is a close associate of Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, and by extension Superman.
Olsen... this coffee's colder than a widow's sheets.
The truth. Maybe it's an archaic concept these days, but I live by it. I've given my word to the people of this city that the Planet will always report the truth. No matter the risk. Somebody has to take a stand.
If the TV stations can't get their stories straight, that's a crying shame -- but that is exactly why the people of this city look to the Daily Planet for the truth! So go FIND it!

Lex Luthor has been Superman's archenemy for most of the hero's existence. He is Superman's dual opposite; morally depraved and relying on intellect over strength. Rather than harnessing his genius for good, Luthor seizes power for his benefit and is a threat at large. He is a Machiavellian industrialist and white-collar criminal. Luthor is a scientist and chairman of one of the most powerful high-tech conglomerates in the world, LexCorp. Luthor is an innovator and possesses no special abilities besides his that of his own cunning. He is bent on destroying Superman.
Your... "predecessor"... was an inspiration to us all, Superman. This cape and this shield mean something to people, but it is only a starting point. Metropolis will be inspired again. By a human being who can show them how to rise above.
It's so easy to resent him. Human beings are complex and confusing, they are a churning mass of desires and fears at any given moment. A white noise of bemusement. We are not binary. Good and evil would be blissful definitions. Unattainable certainty. Forever out of reach. He, however, is good. It is so easy, to resent him...
This isn't the end, Superman. I'll build another building. Do you hear me? On this very site. A building that everyone will know is mine. Whether on the ground or looking down from the air... they'll know that building... and the city it's in... belongs to Lex Luthor!

General Dru-Zod is a general in the Kryptonian Army. However, Zod had ambitions to take over the planet Krypton and had little respect for the Kryptonian Council, and as such was banished to the Phantom Zone. For this reason, he survived the planet's destruction. Having served his term, he currently serves once more in New Krypton's military, of which he is the head. Zod is a frequent enemy of Superman and the people of Earth, as, before the rebuilding of New Krypton, Zod tried to take over the Earth.
Most predators attack their attackers...but this destroyed everything. That was its function, after ensure that no Kryptonian would ever be safe again.
Another time, Ursa. You and Lor were my focus all along. It's a new Krypton we want... and this world is ripe for domination. One day of work -- two at the most -- it will be ours. With my queen and prince at my side--Krypton will live again!
You and your comrade were unwise to come here uninvited, Green Lantern. This world belongs to the House of Zod.

Leslie Willis was originally a popular and controversial Metropolis radio shock jock who took cynical joy in attacking Superman during her broadcasts, claiming that Superman was only saving people in the name of grandstanding and showing off. Her career as a shock jock was cut short when the owner of the station, Miguel, decided to turn the station into a country station. She was born with the gift of controlling electricity. Enraged at the loss of her job, she went to the top of the station where she was struck by lightning. However, she absorbed a large amount of energy from the lightning bolt, changing her appearance to chalk-white skin with blue hair. With that change, she decided that she would now take her revenge out on Superman under the new name, Livewire.
Hello, Metropolis! The tower of power is back, coming at you at about, oh, a gazillion megahertz. Now, you may have noticed that I restored some power to the city. I've done this so that you, my adoring and helpless public, can gaze upon Moi, your lovely queen of all media. Actually, I pretty much am the media now, seeing as how I've taken complete control. So don't touch that dial, Metropolis. Because if you ever want your phone back, your lights, your computers, your talk shows, your home shopping channels, and your stupid little lives, then you're gonna have to deal with me.
I always had a thing for electricity. Call it a mutual crush-on. I like it. It likes me. We're stinkbuddies, you know?
Go ahead zap me! Absorbing lightning is totally my thing.

John Corben was a small-time con man who was fatally injured in a car crash, but thanks to luck, Professor Emmet Vale happened to pass by. Professor Vale was a pioneer in robotics and erroneously believed that Superman was the first in a wave of superpowered Kryptonian invaders after recovering Superman's ship and mistranslating Jor-El's message to his son. Vale transplanted Corben's brain into a robotic alloy body, which was powered by a two-pound chunk of kryptonite, and instructed him to kill Superman. Metallo, now Corben's new moniker, thanked Vale by snapping his neck and killing him. Despite ignoring Vale's commands, Metallo came into conflict with Superman on various occasions, largely due to his continued activities as a petty thug. Metallo later lost his kryptonite heart to Lex Luthor, though backup life support systems allowed him to reactivate himself and escape. He remained a thorn in Superman's side and was powerful enough to cripple the Doom Patrol. Still, the Indian-born hero who called herself Celsius did blow him apart with her thermal powers. Metallo later received a major upgrade via an unholy bargain with the demon Neron. As a result, Metallo could morph his body into any mechanical shape he could imagine (such as turning his hands into guns or "growing" a jet pack from his back) and project his consciousness into any technological or metallic device. He could also grow to a monstrous size.
Oh, yes. I know who you are. Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Crusading writers for the Daily Planet. Well, you've both lucked into the ultimate story, this time. The story of Metallo! The man who's gonna kill Superman!!
So this is how it is now? He's the hero? And I'm the monster? Well... I can live with that.
That mighta worked once, Steel-Man ... but this time, the joke's on you! 'Cause I've gotten me a power transfusion! —An' ain't nuthin' gonna stop me now!

Darkseid is the ruler of the nightmare world Apokolips and rules over other worlds that he has conquered. As a New God, he is a conceptual being that exists outside of the normal universe in a realm called the fourth world. Darkseid has been called the god of evil and while few in the multiverse could surpass him in his monstrousness, Darkseid is more accurately the God of Tyranny. As such he will not stop until he conquers all of creation and the entire multiverse. To this end, he seeks out the Anti-Life Equation, a power that will allow Darkseid to turn anyone or anything into his mindless thrall completely bound to his will.
I. Am. The. New. God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is with six billion eyes. Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you; nothing will again. I will take you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg! And die! Die! DIE FOR DARKSEID!
To attain my goals, I would sweep away a billion times that number. I would crush the very universe, to see it remade in my image!
To some these puny creatures are legends, the stories of their greatness inspiring others to greatness as well! Perhaps the time has come to strike at the core of the problem -- to destroy the very concept of such legends! Then, perhaps, humanity will become more... compliant.

Mister Mxyzptlk is an imp from the Fifth Dimension who possesses reality-warping powers with which he enjoys tormenting Superman or making life difficult.
HUSH! The Zero Hour approaches! There will be a CRISIS on Earth! Time will need Ritalin, it's gonna be so HYPER! And a WAR, ohhh there will be a WAR, so SECRET that YEARS will pass before it concludes! A DARK age is coming, my friend, that shall cast you into a NO MAN'S LAND of despair! I mean REALLY dark, talking, like, an OBSIDIAN age here. Honest.
This thing was too quaint, so I, you know, pumped it up...gave it a little spice!
But I have yet to begin to shenanigan! And I shall shenanigan again and again!

Bizarro is the "protector" of Bizopolis and the leader of the Unjustice League of Unamerica. He is also the husband of Loiz and the father of Boyzarro.
Bizarro! Me know you total failure! Me know you never have hero inside!
Me love you so much, fluffy bunny creature! Me totally let you bring your joy to everyone on my planet!
A gift for me? Maybe spirit of giving is lost after all? A miserable holiday to all, and to all wake up!

Hank Henshaw, aka Cyborg Superman, is one of four replacements for the Man of Steel after the hero's perceived death. Unlike the others, he quickly strayed from his path, becoming a global threat through partnerships with Mongul, the Manhunters, and the Sinestro Corps. With Superman dead after his battle with Doomsday, Henshaw was unable to directly seek revenge against the man he had come to perceive as his enemy and instead sought to destroy Superman's reputation. To that end, the Cyborg claimed to be Superman reborn; using knowledge obtained from the birthing matrix to construct a cybernetic body with organic portions genetically identical to Superman and technological components built with Kryptonian alloys. Along with destroying a Superman memorial plaque in front of the Daily Planet, the Cyborg exiled Doomsday into space and defended the President of the United States from an assassination attempt. As a result of the latter incident, the White House endorsed the Cyborg as the "true" Superman and he provided the President with a communications device. When confronted by Lois Lane, the Cyborg claimed his memory was "blurry" but he could see a "spaceship on a farm. The name 'Kent.'" When an alien ship appeared over Coast City, the Cyborg revealed his true intentions, attacking and severely injuring the Eradicator as Mongul's craft destroyed the city, killing millions.
Is everything okay miss? You should be careful entering dark alleys. After all, you never know-- --what kind of trouble you'll run into.
Life is an endless cycle of betrayal and murder and pain. I ended that hideous thing called life for so many when I destroyed Coast City. You tried to kill me for it. But I forgive you, Hal Jordan.
Wherever you are, know this, Superman! The next time we meet ... complete and total defeat will be your fate!

While growing up in the United Kingdom, Winslow Percival Schott discovered that he had a knack for toy-making and took an interest in testing his creative talents. Schott became world-renowned for his brilliant toy designs while running his own modest, small business. Then came the day when unscrupulous businessman Walter Dunhill, the owner of an arms manufacturer, came to Schott with the proposition of purchasing his technologically advanced toy designs for usage in weapons development. Horrified by the suggestion, Schott refused, but the death of his wife Mary in an automobile accident, caused Schott to give in to resignation and sell his business and designs. Afterward, Schott took his revenge on Dunhill by sending him an exploding teddy bear that killed him. Subsequently, Schott went on to embark on a criminal career as the nefarious Toyman.
We can play this two ways. I can kill you right now and restore dignity to the Toyman name -- or you and I can team up -- combine forces -- to become the greatest crime-duo the world has ever known. What do you want to be, punk? A corpse or a partner?
I now wish to share the wealth, as it were! Not only have I donated 25% of my profits toward upgrading the prison system... ...But now I want the masses to get theirs!
...I will first destroy all the souvenirs... all the memories of your life's work-- ...Just as you've destroyed mine! And then... I will destroy... ...You!

Lobo is an intergalactic bounty hunter, the last Czarnian. Known for his colorful speech and rapid regeneration, he has been a nuisance more than a threat.
I killed every living thing on Czarnia fer fun. I killed Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny an' things that don't even exist, an' so help me, I tried ta follow th' triple-fold path o' peace. I tried my best... but frag me for a bastich, even I got limits!
I'm Lobo, man! When the meanest, baddest suckers in the galaxy need someone offed--they call me! When the Khunds need a planet's leader knocked off before they invade...they call me! When Darkseid needs someone know who he calls?
Enjoy Earth while you can, Superman. You never know when you might have to kill it yourself.

Brainiac is an extraterrestrial android who serves as one of Superman's greatest enemies and a frequent adversary of the Justice League. Brainiac is known for shrinking and stealing Kandor, the capital city of Superman's home planet Krypton, and is even responsible for Krypton's destruction in some universes. Brainiac is an intergalactic collector of worlds, taking a city from each planet he visits and bottling it.
My creation. Once flawed by nature. Now perfect by design. I have made you the ultimate Kryptonian.
It's about you, "Clark" ... Or should I call you Superman? Even your Lois Lane has trouble deciding which name is most... appropriate...Superman should be able to protect her...So. Was it Clark Kent who allowed her to be shot?
Luthor's death should be as welcome to him as it is to me! Superman's motives confound me. But he shall not stand in the way of my revenge!

Parasite has the power to drain powers and life energy from others. He is a leech who has faced Superman many times. Originally a menial slacker in the Post-Crisis, Rudolph "Rudy" Jones was transformed into the Parasite while working as a janitor at a Pittsburgh S.T.A.R. Labs facility. Unknown to anyone at the scene, the Lord of Apokolips, Darkseid, remembered the Pre-Crisis Parasite and manipulated Jones to become the modern version. He made Rudy think that a waste container might have held something valuable. He opened it and was exposed to strange radiation that changed his body into the hairless, green-skinned villain. Jones now could absorb the life energy of other people, leaving behind smoldering skeletons. This power was necessary for his survival, as his own body is in a constant state of hunger for energy that it cannot sustain on its own.
I am as you say... A Parasite! And you are only food to me! I have become you! Who you are, what you are, how you came to be-- All this is mine!
You don't know real hunger,Superman! You'll never know! The suffering! The emptiness! The hate for those who don't ache to be sated!
Don't have to check your watch to know it's time for an appetizer while I wait for the main course to arrive!

Manchester Black was the leader of a team of super-powered antiheroes known as The Elite. The team went on a crusade, savagely beating and murdering criminals instead of arresting them. They mocked Superman, calling him naive and obsolete for holding on to his morals and refusing to kill. Knowing that their bad example couldn't go on, Superman challenged them to a fight and humiliated them, exposing them as hypocrites in front of the whole world when Black called him out on seemingly murdering his teammates.
Look at me. I'm a monster with a badge and I have the President of the U.S. of bleeding A in my pocket-- And a mad on to crack open every member of your family and suck out the gooey bits. Again... And again... And again. But you still won't do it. Somewhere inside you'll find a cheek to turn... "Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. I swear... Until my dream of a world where dignity, honor, and justice becomes the reality we all share-- I'll never stop fighting." Poncy git... You can't exist in the real world. You just can't.
You've spent the last 24 hours playing a game-- My game. Ye beat the stuffing out of every soddin' "supervillain" worth a squirt... Ye "saved the city." Hell, I'll go a step further, "Ye saved the world, you stud!" Not a single life lost... except one. The most important one of them all. Your life... is now a tragedy. Your life is no longer fair. You've got cancer. Your baby got run over by a bus. Your house was firebombed. Pain. Loss. Anger. Circumstantial hell. You're finally one of us. Human. How does it feel?
Ouch. Sorry you had to watch that, Jon boy..but desperate times call for desperate measures. Anything less and innocent people are bound to suffer. Your dad and I butted heads over it in the past, but he never would see it my way. Had to give up on the Big Blue Boy Scout. But you can be different. You've got what it takes. Black is black. White is white. There's the innocent and the guilty...and Manchester Black says it's time we have a new Superman in town, mate.

Albert Michaels was a S.T.A.R. Labs scientist on a submarine when an accident resulted in a flooding of the submarine and it crashing to the ocean floor. Michaels escaped, but not without being exposed to the experimental radiation on the submarine. He emerged from the depths and swam to a nearby island. On the island, he relived memories of a lost lover. He survived eating native vegetation, but soon, as a result of a leopard attack, discovered he could emit radiation from his mouth, and disintegrates the cat. He then used his power to animals on the island and create shelter from rock faces. Eventually, the radiation took a toll on him, as he also began to recall his fiancé flirting with another man at a dance club and Michaels had murdered the object of her flirtations. He also recalled leaving on the S.T.A.R. submarine. As a result of his recollection, he angrily destroyed a large part of the island with his radiation blast. The wear on his face caused by the radiation resulted in his face melting away from his skull.
...Because no one remembers Albert Michaels anymore! He's as good as dead... ...And in his place stands "the Atomic Skull," whose brain emits bursts of destructive energy... ...that are powerful enough... affect even you!
My disease is progressive-- And my life expectancy is shortened with every seizure! My own brain is literally destroying me! And because you jailed the only men who could possibly repair the implant... You, Superman, have doomed me! But before I die-- I'll see you dead, too!
Sir, you speak like a mortal... Have you not exchanged the futility of life-death for the immortality of half-life?! Then allow me to show you the way!
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