Superman Comics: The Man of Steel Dub
Arkham for Manchester Black

Manchester Black was the leader of a team of super-powered antiheroes known as The Elite. The team went on a crusade, savagely beating and murdering criminals instead of arresting them. They mocked Superman, calling him naive and obsolete for holding on to his morals and refusing to kill. Knowing that their bad example couldn't go on, Superman challenged them to a fight and humiliated them, exposing them as hypocrites in front of the whole world when Black called him out on seemingly murdering his teammates.
Look at me. I'm a monster with a badge and I have the President of the U.S. of bleeding A in my pocket-- And a mad on to crack open every member of your family and suck out the gooey bits. Again... And again... And again. But you still won't do it. Somewhere inside you'll find a cheek to turn... "Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. I swear... Until my dream of a world where dignity, honor, and justice becomes the reality we all share-- I'll never stop fighting." Poncy git... You can't exist in the real world. You just can't.
You've spent the last 24 hours playing a game-- My game. Ye beat the stuffing out of every soddin' "supervillain" worth a squirt... Ye "saved the city." Hell, I'll go a step further, "Ye saved the world, you stud!" Not a single life lost... except one. The most important one of them all. Your life... is now a tragedy. Your life is no longer fair. You've got cancer. Your baby got run over by a bus. Your house was firebombed. Pain. Loss. Anger. Circumstantial hell. You're finally one of us. Human. How does it feel?
Ouch. Sorry you had to watch that, Jon boy..but desperate times call for desperate measures. Anything less and innocent people are bound to suffer. Your dad and I butted heads over it in the past, but he never would see it my way. Had to give up on the Big Blue Boy Scout. But you can be different. You've got what it takes. Black is black. White is white. There's the innocent and the guilty...and Manchester Black says it's time we have a new Superman in town, mate.