Supercell: Chapter 3 Comic Fandub (Paid for main characters)

Project Overview

Hello there!

We are Spotted Marten, a small indie voice acting studio working mostly on furry webcomic/visual novel fandubs. We are best known for our fandub of Tamberlane by Caytlin Vilbrandt. :)

Today we are looking for voice actors for our fandub of BMBrice's Supercell Comic - a sci-fi/fantasy comic set in a snobby rich-kid academy, which turns out to be a front for a military academy, training a select number of students in the art of Khen-Rho (a sort of magic system) and military tactics. The comic follows Kheil, the headmaster's daughter, and her friends, as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens to expose the school.

There's conspiracies, emotional conflicts, epic magic fights, and a whole bunch of very unique character designs!

If you want to get a sample of the quality of our work, look no further than the video attached to this project - there you can see our fandub of chapter 1 of the comic, which we already finished.

While this is mostly a fan passion-project, we offer some payment for main characters at a flat rate of 2€ per page. In this case we offer payment for the roles of Tanni-Hal Saran and Deset Tzaosin.

Note that auditions will be running simultaneously here and on our Discord server as described in the following document. Auditioning in one of these two places is enough to have your audition considered, you don't need to submit an audition in both channels.

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

You will however be required to join our Discord server for organizational purposes if you are chosen for a role.

We're looking forward to hearing your auditions and to working with you! <3

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Tanni-Hal Saran
Paid: Flat Rate 110 EUR

This is a paid main cast role - she appears on 55 pages of the comic, so with our current rate of 2€ per page the total payment for this role is 110€.

Dr. Saran is a master physician at Nasriaten academy, the main setting of the comic. She is warm-hearted and a supportive, motherly figure to the comic's main character, Kheil. A voice colour similar to Princess Celestria from My Little Pony could work for her, but experimentation is welcomed if you have other ideas!

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • adult
  • animation/character
  • southeast asian
  • female adult
  • visualnovel
  • (motherly, consoling) “No, silly, I just want to be sure you’re doing alright. Anyone would be shaken after a night like yours. How are you feeling, sweetheart?” (See: )

  • (encouraging, praising) “That’s quite a bit more fleshed-out than your usual ideas. I’m impressed.” (See: )

  • Please also record all her lines on these 3 pages: | |

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Deset Tzaosin
Paid: Flat Rate 30 EUR

This is a paid main cast role - he appears on 15 pages of the comic, so with our current rate of 2€ per page the total payment for this role is 30€. Though this is likely to increase in the future since the comic is still being continued.

His role is the “main villain” of the comic. Soft spoken and charismatic, but ruthless and with sinister motives. (You probably know the type from other stories.) Personally implants a brainwashing program into kidnapped people’s minds by explaining their tasks to them.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • male adult
  • english (british)
  • animation/character
  • (calm, matter-of-factly, implanting an order) “...this incident has frightened you. It is painful to recall. When someone asks you to remember it, simply change the subject.” (See: )

  • Please record his villain-speech from this page and the 2 following ones:

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Student #13

This is an unpaid extra role. He appears on 5 pages in the comic.

He is an owl-like creature and a student at Nasriaten academy. He is weirded out by the main character, Kheil, interrogating him about skipping a class he doesn't remember. At his second appearance he happily tries to sell some baked goods to the main characters.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • visualnovel
  • all english accents
  • all american accents
  • "Uh... hi? What are you talking about?" (See: and following page)

  • “Howdy! Can I interest you in our class bake sale? You both look like you could use a pick-me-up! Behold: Our fine display of muffins, rolls and ‘Friendliness Pellets,’ which are made of–” (See: and following page)

  • “Oh, uhhh we won’t be open later! We’re, um, just setting up today… Forty Lingits, please! Thank you for your business!” (See: and following page)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Student #14

This is an unpaid extra role. He appears on 4 pages in the comic.

He is an lanky student at Nasriaten academy. He is weirded out by the main character, Kheil, interrogating him about skipping a class he doesn't remember. At his second appearance he loses his mind, starting to babble uncontrollably due to the brainwashing he received by the comic's main villain.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • all english accents
  • animation/character
  • visualnovel
  • all american accents
  • “Yeah man, I’m telling you. This whole internship was a great idea!”

  • “Y’know what? I wasn’t sure at first, but I think I actually really like cooking.” (See: )

  • “Oh nah bruh, we’re interns here! Learning culinary skillage from the local village. Right on!” (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Student #15

This is an unpaid extra role. She appears on 3 pages in the comic.

She is a horse-like creature and a student at Nasriaten academy. She is weirded out by the main character, Kheil, interrogating her about skipping a class she doesn't remember. At her second appearance she is part of the student-conspiracy, conspiring with others to steal and modify a phone and distributing poisoned cupcakes.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • british
  • visualnovel
  • “...I think I’d remember doing something like skipping QUIZ DAY.” (See: )

  • (sinister intentions) “Yep. I’ll signal the others.” (See: )

  • “Haha, no, I’m not sick. Just bringing doctor Saran and her staff some snacks from the bake sale for all the work you guys do.” (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Student #16

This is an unpaid extra role. They appear on 3 pages in the comic.

They are a lanky student at Nasriaten academy. They are weirded out by the main character, Kheil, interrogating them about skipping a class they don't remember. At their second appearance they break down after the brainwashing program given by the comic's main villain forces them not to react to an interrogation.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • all english accents
  • androgynous
  • male teen
  • visualnovel
  • animation/character
  • all american accents
  • “Look, I don’t know, man. I must have dozed off or something.” (See: )

  • “Uh… are we in trouble?” (See: )

  • (having a breakdown) “We don’t…” *gurmp* “We haven’t…” *bweghk* “We DON’T remember! Promise!” (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Student #17

This is an unpaid extra role. She appears on 2 pages in the comic.

She is a winged creature and a student at Nasriaten academy. She is weirded out by the main character, Kheil, interrogating her about skipping a class she doesn't remember. At her second appearance she is part of the student-conspiracy, conspiring with others to steal and modify a phone and distributing poisoned cupcakes.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • all english accents
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • all american accents
  • "Yeah... so I'm gonna go now." (See: )

  • "Yo. Is that them?" (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Ziilafi Karlisht

This is an unpaid extra role. She appears on 3 pages in the comic.

She is a kobold-like creature and part of the security apparatus at Nasriaten academy. In her appearance in the comic she delivers a report to the security chief, before coughing up a storm due to a sickness.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • visualnovel
  • “...and our trackers report that the Dreilak infestation in this quadrant has been cleared out. Tower seven just submitted the all clear on their end, so it looks like there’s nothing else–” *coughing up a storm* “Agh. ‘scuse me, sir– –nothing else to worry–” *ahem!* “--to worry about, sir.” (See: )

  • “Sorry. Just the seasonal flu, sir.” (See: )

  • “Yes, sir! Thank you, sir.” (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Security #5

This is an unpaid extra role. He appears on 9 pages in the comic.

He is part of the security apparatus at Nasriaten academy. He is responsible for monitoring the security cameras and calls the security chief to tell him about events taking place. Has a nervous breakdown later in the comic as he fails to do his job.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all english accents
  • animation/character
  • visualnovel
  • all american accents
  • “Heya, chief. We’ve got a situation. Sending video feed now.” (See: )

  • “The headmaster’s kid? Yessir. Just spotted them coming in from the woods in sector seven. Looks like they had a fall or something. Orders, sir? … Yessir, on it.” (See: )

  • (panicking) “WHO?! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE! Pick up! Pick UP! PICK UP! Chief! Thozev’s in town! She’s– WHAT?” (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Security #6

This is an unpaid extra role. They appear on 1 page of the comic.

They are part of the security apparatus at Nasriaten academy. They are shown searching a room for a gun and their only line is calling the security chief to report about the absence of said gun.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • all english accents
  • animation/character
  • visualnovel
  • all american accents
  • "Team six to tower two: Area searched, no sign of firearms present. The door log's most recent entry checked them in at 13:27." (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Goon #1

This is an unpaid extra role. They appear on 2 pages of the comic.

They are part of the bad guys. They are a radio operator communicating with Fiida, the villain's stealthy prowler inside the academy walls, relaying orders to her.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • androgynous
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • visualnovel
  • “Copy Spirit Hook, this is Convoy. Report. Over.” (See: )

  • "Convoy to Spirit Hook: Situation logged. We have your position." (See: )

  • "Agent Back Door will take it from here. Proceed with your objective. Over." (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Cartoon/Slapstick victim

This is an unpaid extra role. They appear on 1 page of the comic.

This is an over the top cartoony character, they only appear in the main character's imagination as a stereotypical victim of a cartoon villain strapped to a platform and screaming as they are about to be injected by an "interrogation drug".

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • female teen
  • visualnovel
  • *GASP!* "No, not that! ANYTHING but that! NNNNOOOooooOOOoo!" (See: )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Rho-Da-Agna Command

The Deadline for this role is the 2nd of November 2024!

This is an unpaid role. They appear in a planned teaser.

They are the radio operator for Rho-Da-Agna Command. This is a theocratic spec-ops organization.

The whole planned teaser can be found at the final page of this document:

Supercell Teasers - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • visualnovel
  • all american accents
  • animation/character
  • “Roger that, Charity One. Intelligence still indicates that they are unaware of any threat. Keep a low profile and survey the area. Should they try to flee you have permission to engage at your own discretion.”

  • “Roger, Charity One. Tell your team to keep an eye out for possible accomplices in the area. Then go and execute Rho’s will.”


Public Submissions

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.