Supercell: Chapter 3 Comic Fandub (Paid for main characters)

Maren Salaway for Voice Actor: Student #16

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor: Student #16

This is an unpaid extra role. They appear on 3 pages in the comic.

They are a lanky student at Nasriaten academy. They are weirded out by the main character, Kheil, interrogating them about skipping a class they don't remember. At their second appearance they break down after the brainwashing program given by the comic's main villain forces them not to react to an interrogation.

More information about this role and others can be found in this document:

Supercell Auditions - Google Docs

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • all english accents
  • androgynous
  • male teen
  • visualnovel
  • animation/character
  • all american accents
  • “Look, I don’t know, man. I must have dozed off or something.” (See: )

  • “Uh… are we in trouble?” (See: )

  • (having a breakdown) “We don’t…” *gurmp* “We haven’t…” *bweghk* “We DON’T remember! Promise!” (See: )

Maren Salaway
Supercell: Chapter 3 Comic Fandub (Paid for main characters)
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