Super Mario Bros. Z Kai

Super Mario Bros. Z Kai

Project Overview

The greatest Newgrounds web series is now getting a revamp and a dub! Follow Mario and friends as they search for the Chaos Emeralds and save the world from the tyrant Mecha Sonic. The new version will feature a script rewrite and various new content not seen in the original

Requirements: You MUST have good mic quality, please make sure it does not have any issues before submitting. And second, you must have a Discord account for easier contact, please share your username in your audition message. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sonic the Hedgehog
Role assigned to: HerotonVA

Sonic is famous for his carefree nature and love for adventure. He is always on the move, seeking new challenges and excitement. He enjoys a good fight and never backs down from an enemy regardless of their strength. Some of his most definitive traits are his smug attitude, overconfidence, and his tendency to mock his opponents.

However, Sonic also has a sensitive side seen in how much he cares for those he helps. He has great emotional intelligence, able to easily discern the feelings of others. His heroism, sense of justice, and kindness drive him to rush in and defend those in need, as shown when he kicks Kamek away when he was holding Princess Peach hostage. He values of freedom above all else, putting him at odds with bullies such as his arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman. Though he struggles saying it, he cares deeply for his friends. During his downtime, he enjoys hanging out with friends and eating his favorite chili dogs.

The voice I'm looking for is something more closer to Jason Griffith, it doesn't have to be 1.1 but try your best:

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • If he continues to grow stronger then he'll destroy this dimension just like he did ours.

  • Wow Mario you sure are popular with the villains huh?

  • I've never seen you so out of character before Shadow, I know you're a lone wolf but you were never a heartless monster.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shadow the Hedgehog
Role assigned to: HerotonVA

Shadow is infamous for his cold and intimidating nature. He is described as a lone-wolf, preferring to work by himself and handling things his way. Although silent most of the time, when Shadow does speak he is blunt and never afraid to speak his mind. He also takes pride in his power as the "Ultimate Lifeform." Shadow is one for focusing on the task at hand and cares little for anything else. He wants to quickly acquire the Chaos Emeralds and destroy Metallix without any interruptions, and is quick to be irritated should anyone (or anything) impede his progress. In battle, Shadow is ruthless and attacks his foes with much aggression, wanting to end the fight as quickly as possible. Despite clashing with Sonic in terms of personality, he does share his smug attitude, overconfidence, and tendency to mock his opponents.

The voice I'm looking for is something more closer to Jason Griffith's take on the character. Try your best to get a 1.1:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • This is our problem Sonic, only the two of us should deal with it. They'll only get in the way.

  • My name is none of your concern, now hand over the Chaos Emerald!

  • Is that so? Well, there's no "you" in team either. Now, get out of my way. I don't need your help

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Peach
Role assigned to: kittyhatemachine

Princess Peach Toadstool is the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, though she is often kidnapped by Bowser. She acts warm and selflessly, often putting others before herself. Even going as far to show concern and compassion for her enemies, like Bowser. Her pure and noble characteristics have also been reflected in her being the only individual capable of activating certain artifacts, such as the Beanstar or Dark Star. She also possesses a strong will, being shown to be able to resist forms of possession or mind control. She offers aid to Mario and his friendsas they search for the Chaos Emeralds. 

The voice reference for Peach isn't a hard one since they all sound the same but I'm looking for a voice closer to Jen Taylor or Samantha Kelly. Here's a sample of the bit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • You just never learn do you?! Mario will be here and you'll be sorry!

  • Y-your mama? Why would I be your mother?! It's not like I was with Bowser and- ....nevermind.

  • The Chaos Emeralds must be a very scary power if used in the wrong hands, I hope you won't let anyone take advantage of them

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sleepy

King Bowser Koopa, also known as King Koopa, is Mario's arch-nemesis, and one of the central antagonists of this series. He is assisted in his mission to capture Princess Peach by Bowser Jr. and the seven Koopalings. Bowser is a threatening foe to Mario and his allies. He is angry, arrogant and at times remorseless. His main goal is to capture Peach and make her his bride, then conquer the Mushroom Kingdom. The one thing that stands between this is Mario, which causes Bowser to despise him deeply to the point where he simply wants to defeat and humiliate the plumber in a fight.

For consistency of the original animation, the voice I'm looking for should be more closer to Bowser's original actor Scott Burns. Try your best to make it 1.1, here's a sample of his voice:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • Oh? You don't think I can do it? Is that it? Well then, tough guy! Why don't you put your money where your moustache is! Put 'em up, ya mushroom munching moron! IT'S SHOWTIME!!!

  • Now that the show is over, let's see your face when I send your precious Mario as chop liver for my Chain Chomps! Bwahahahahaha!!!

  • This power is AMAZING!!! I feel...incredible! Now no one will stop me! Peach...this island...the world...everything! MINE!!! And you guys are...COOKED!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor E. Gadd
Role assigned to: smf12345

Professor Elvin Gadd, known as E. Gadd for short, is a resident of the Mushroom Kingdom, and helps aid Mario and his friends in trying to find the Chaos Emeralds. Despite his odd nature, he is a highly intelligent and accomplished scientist. His scientific and technological breakthroughs have led him to the creation of numerous gadgets, an in-depth understanding of the paranormal, and even the invention of a time machine. In the series, E. Gadd invents a radar to help Mario and the others locate the Chaos Emeralds.

He has never received a English voice actor before so I'll let you decide how you want the voice to sound like. 

  • Aha. But it's not just any Game Boy. It is my latest and greatest creation.

  • Oh, so it was the Koopa Bros that stole the Emerald? What sneaky devils.

  • Worry not my fellow lad, it'll take more than that to bring down a genius. I went to college for this!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bowser Jr.
Role assigned to: Charlie Everly 🎙🎭

Bowser Koopa Junior is Bowser's eighth son and is the youngest of the Koopalings after his big brother, Larry. However, he is his father's favorite child. Bowser Jr. is a perfect son to his father, as he wants to do nothing but his father's will. The evil king himself even shows emotions toward his new son, a side of Bowser that is rarely seen. Since he made his first appearance, he was working with his father years ago, causing trouble to Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and kidnaping Princess Peach. Meanwhile, his abilities have improved a lot recently, gaining some new incredible abilities and has now learnt how to spit fireballs in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. (but not at the same level as Bowser and Ludwig Von Koopa) He also uses his own powerful weapons and vehicles to fight against Mario(he now has his own personal Koopa Clown Car).

Any Bowser Jr. voice works since they both sound the same, here's a sample of their takes:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • animation/character
  • male child
  • Leave my mama alone you bad man!

  • You know Ludwig, I've been meaning to ask're always doing and saying smart things but...when you did you even learn all of that?

  • Now that we're all together at last, we can go have fun and go to theme parks! We'll have fun and eat food and go on rides and-...sorry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jsaking11

Stuffwell is a living suitcase invented by Professor E. Gadd in order to help the heroes find the Chaos Emeralds in the Pipe Maze. He has many sensors that can detect the Emerald's power and communicate with the professor. He has a habit of saying: "BACK TO ADVENTURE!" whenever he is done speaking. Stuffwell is very cautious and warns the others not to do anything impulsive. He tries his best to keep the group from fighting amongst one another, but characters like Shadow refuses to listen to him.

Stuffwell has always been mute in the official Mario material and in this series. So I'll let you decide what the voice should sound like

  • Greetings, Master Mario. It has been a while. I trust you are in good health

  • What on earth? The radar is picking up signals from, 30 Emeralds!

  • Travesy! When did King Koopa did such technology?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Toadsworth is a resident of the Mushroom Kingdom, and serves as Princess Peach's steward and advisor. He also offers aid to Mario and his friends in their adventures.He is a kind character who tries his best to help others, particularly Princess Peach, whom he cares for very deeply, having had a hand in raising her since she was a baby. Toadsworth constantly worries about Peach when she has been kidnapped by Bowser, and while he is quick to panic and flee with the other Toads when danger arises, he sometimes tries to stay and protect the princess or offer advice to the Mario Bros. Toadsworth is known for addressing many other characters with the "Master" honorific due to his polite nature.

Toadsworth is voiced by Scott Burns, you can listen to his voice here:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • british
  • animation/character
  • Egads! Something terrible has happened! Master Mario you must come to the castle immediatly!

  • Good heavens what a mess. You should consider cleaning after yourself, it shows respect in that nature

  • Your protection is all that matters to me Princess, this old chap will do anything in his power to make sure of it, no matter how small

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Red (Koopa Bros)
cast offsite

The leader of the Koopa Bros team, The Red Ninjakoopa is the most outspoken of his brothers, being their leader. Like his brothers, he is loyal to Bowser and is willing to follow his command.

In the original he was mute but the direction I want for his voice is that of Leonardo from TMNT. Preferably Michael Sinternklaas from the 2003 reedition:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male teen
  • Dude I don't know who you are but you got serious anger issues man. Like take a chill pill

  • Did you see what those gems of awesomeness just do? These things are way too good for the boss.

  • Alright bros let's floor that creep and move out!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Black (Koopa Bros)
cast offsite

The second in command of the Koopa Bros, he's the one putting the rest of the team in check when the leader isn't around in battle. 

The voice reference for him is more closer to Raphael's voice actor from the 2003 TMNT Greg Abbey:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male teen
  • We found that radar first so it belongs to us!

  • Yellow, can you do me a favor and stop BEING A FREAKING IDIOT FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!

  • Easy there tiger, you might pop a blood vessel getting all angry there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Green (Koopa Bros)
Role assigned to: RandomWizKid

The brains of the Koopa Bros, he specializes in the team's combat strategy providing them input, weapons and teamwork skills. Easily the most under looked of the crew.

The voice I'm looking for is something closer to Sam Riegal's Donatello, here's a voice sample of such:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male teen
  • You know Yellow I think it would be better if you left the planning to me okay?

  • (sarcastic) Yes tech support how may I help you? Oh so now you noticed my tone?

  • Look what I found. Seems like Mario and his friends had some sort of radar made by that nutty professor. What a loser.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yellow (Koopa Bros)
Role assigned to: Squil

Yellow is easily the moron among idiots, doing the most simple things wrong (like holding the Emerald Radar upside down). A famous scene in the series has him play a theme tune unrelated to their own. He probably can't read (although at least one of his teammates can). However he was shown to be quite clever in Paper Mario, setting up a trap for Mario by himself (which actually worked, despite it backfiring).

The voice I'm looking for is something closer to Wayne Grayson's Michelangelo from the 2003 TMNT, here's a reference of such:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male teen
  • Bro I think those guys totally ripped off our intro.

  • What do you mean it's the wrong tune? The Spirit Squad is what we're called right? O-oh...ohhhhh....MAN THIS SUCKS.

  • Wow dude you guys look like total geezers getting caught again man, maybe next time try to be a little quicker.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Axem Red
Role assigned to: Justin Houndeath

Axem Red is the leader of the Axem Rangers, Smithy's elite fighting force. His axe skills seem to be parallel to that of Mario's hammer skills, the two dueling with their weapons evenly. However, the mobility of Red's weapon has given him the upper hand in a ranged battle, as he can throw it and have it return like a boomerang. He also has a secret weapon he can summon when in dire need: a large laser cannon he carries over his shoulder. The laser blast from it is immense in size, but the effectiveness of it is difficult to determine due to it being rendered useless by the high-invincible Semi-Super Mecha Sonic.

I have no voice reference for this one so do whatever feels best. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Color me surprised Mario, you sure have gotten stronger...but unfortunately for you, this is the end!

  • In the name of Lord Smithy, I demand you give us back our stones of might!

  • These fools will soon know the true power of the unstoppable Breaker Beam.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Axem Black
cast offsite

Black is "the cool one", or at least sees himself as the coolest. He wears shades and doesn't go anywhere without them. He seems to be the "macho-man" as well, recalling he owes Mario a knuckle sandwich and called Red a "crazy fool" when he nearly blasted them with the Breaker Beam. Black is mild-tempered and doesn't anger easily, acting more like a level-headed and dirty-fighting bully.

He usually fights side-by-side with Axem Green, both wielding their signature axes. He and Green have the ability to conjoin together to form an axe wheel, which is very effective: when they chased Sonic, they managed to slice a boulder in half.

No reference for this one, do whatever feels the most fitting 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Did you just say Mario? Oh I've been meaning to give this punk a beating after last time.

  • YO RED! Watch where you firing that thing! You nearly killed us you crazy fool!

  • I suggest handing over the handheld if you know what's good for ya.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Axem Green
cast offsite

Green is the brains of the team, although he's not much of a fighter, so he stays quiet most of the time. He gets pretty annoyed most of the time by the stupidity of the team, such as when Yellow craved McGoombas in the middle of battle.

Green doesn't have very good fighting skills on his own, mostly fighting alongside Black and relying on him to perform team attacks. He and Black can conjoin together to form a very powerful axe wheel that can cut through most materials.

Feel free to give any voice that fits

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • You fool! Is food the only thing that comes to your mind!

  • Red, things are getting too hasty. We gotta regroup and retreat.

  • If it's a fight you want then don't blame me when you're left a heap in the battlefield.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Axem Pink
cast offsite

 Pink is the only girl in the team. She, like a stereotypical teenage girl, is into the latest fashions and styles and always wants to look the best. Although she's far from being the strongest member of the team, she still seems to serve as a valuable asset to her team.

Pink is a fair fighter, but is mostly cheap-shotted by her opponents due to her lack of hindsight. Unlike her teammates, she can float through the air indefinitely, never once having to set foot on the ground. She hasn't demonstrated any outstanding abilities, although she did unleash a series of unique attacks on Luigi, which likely would have been effective if Luigi hadn't been hiding in a shell.

Since she never has a voice in the official I'll let you decide how she should sound like.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • We wear the most trendiest clothes...! What? Why are guys groaning? It should be apart of the speech it sounds so cool!

  • Yellow can you do me a favor and quiet...for a minute. Just one're seriously annoying

  • Are you okay Red? You don't look so good.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Axem Yellow
cast offsite

The typical clutz and the comic relief of the team, also serving as the brawn. He is a glutton for food and easily side-tracked by it (the word sandwich making him feel like eating McGoombas). He was shown happily taking an order from Red to destroy Mecha Sonic, showing his love of battle, but screamed in fear soon after learning just how powerful Mecha Sonic is.

Yellow, like the others, wields an axe as his weapon of choice, though his is much larger in size to accommodate his larger body. Oddly, he rarely uses his axe, preferring to fight with his fists and raw physical strength. His signature ability is to combine his fists into one superpowered hammer strong enough to split mountains in half. However, his strength doesn't necessarily imply that he's too slow or heavy, easily chasing Sonic up a mountain and staying in a mid-air battle for the entire duration.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Speaking of sandwiches, I'm hungry. How about let's all get a bite at McGoombas.

  • We'll see whose worthy of that radar thingy. Bring it on turtle ninjas....wait is that copyright infirgement?

  • It's a good thing I was stuck in that snowball, otherwise I would've been fried right now.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chief Yoshi
Role assigned to: Malik Radwan

The chieftain of the Yoshi tribe on Yoshi's Island. After Mario and his allies arrive on the island, he requests their aid in liberating his people from a mysterious invading force. In his youth, the Yoshi Chief came across a newborn Mario, who had fallen onto the island after Kamek attacked the stork that was delivering him and his brother Luigi to their parents. With Luigi and the stork having been captured by Kamek, the Yoshi Chief and the rest of the Yoshi tribe set out to reunite the brothers. Along the way they battled Kamek and his forces, who attempted to capture Mario as well. However the Yoshi tribe eventually managed to defeat Kamek and Baby Bowser and rescue Luigi and the stork, allowing the stork to finally deliver the babies to their parents.

I'll let you decide what this character should sound like

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • creature
  • I can't believe it's you Mario, you're all grown up now! You even have a mustache too.

  • I sense dark times up ahead Mario. Promise me that you'll never give up no matter how bleak the outcome may be

  • I suppose now it's a good time to depart from here, I hope you fulfill this quest of yours

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Kolorado is famous Koopa explorer who first appeared in Paper Mario. Although he claims to be a great explorer, he is a bumbling fool who relies on his partners to do the work. He is first met in Episode 7. He, along with Goombella, is lost in the Minus World and has given up hope on escaping. The two had found a Chaos Emerald in the Minus World, and they were willing to give it to Sonic. He also possesses a magic Stopwatch that is passed down from his ancestors. This stopwatch later negates the negative energy in the Minus World and Mario and friends escape just before it reverts back. At the end of the episode, he and Goombella set off for the Shyguy Desert in hopes of finding a link to Subcon to restore the watch.

I have no reference for this one, do whatever voice you think fits.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male adult
  • True adventurers never rest, that's what my grandfather always taught me.

  • Goombella I hate to say this but that joke was already made in the previous episode.

  • W-What on earth are you doing?! You young'uns the ones that are supposed to take lead, now go! Take down that admittedly very scary killer robot.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Goombella is shown to be extremely Intelligent and Sassy and has some kind of Crush on Mario This is especially shown in Secret of the Pipe Maze where She Straightforwardly kissed Mario in front of The Entire gang without a Care in The World, She is also The "Protective" Type such as Saying "He better not mess with Mario or he'll have to Tango with me!" And after Mario and Sonic took a Beating she attacked Mecha Sonic with a Headbonk, She also hates The Feeling of "Total Helplessness"

She doesn't have any voice in the games so I'll let you decide what voice you want for her?

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • female young adult
  • What? Uh no Professor! You're supposed to be the one to protect women and children! Yup, I'm sure you'll handle it hahaha...(nervious)

  • It was great seeing you again Mario, take care!

  • I'm starving...we haven't eaten in forever...where even are we?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Frankly
Role assigned to: Jaddo

Professor Frankly is an elderly Gooma who resides in Rogueport studying the history of the Mushroom Kingdom. Stuffwell sent a transmission to him in hopes of explaining the mysterious pipe that Mario, Sonic, and Mecha Sonic jumped into. Frankly explained the whole story of the Minus, its history, how Queen Pecca the 3rd ruled the underground passages and how prisoners and innocents were sent into the Minus World.

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male senior
  • To think you were able to escape such a horrid place using a watch that stops the space time continuum. The mysteries of the Minus World are quite haunting

  • What a foolish child, how is he not aware that he sent himself to die?

  • I will be as perspective as I can but I advise you to remain cautious regardless

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roy Koopa
cast offsite

Prince Roy Koopa is the third oldest of the Koopalings. Roy is sometimes depicted as a typical bully who likes beating up others (mostly Iggy and maybe his little older brother Lemmy) for his own amusement. He also likes to performs earthquakes by jumping down on the ground brutally, as he want to crush somebody, especially his father's rival Mario. However, he seems quite fond of the color pink; he has a pink head, pink sunglasses, and a purple shell. This is most likely a reference to the joke, "Real men wear pink." His main color representation is purple. In Japanese materials, Roy is shown to speak in a calm and collected manner, so he may have more of a laidback personality. Roy is bit similar looking to his younger brother Morton Koopa Jr.

Here's a sample of Roy's voice:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male teen
  • Lord Bowser, let us have him! We have a bone to pick with that mushroom munching plumber too.

  • Oh you little have no idea who you're messing with do ya!

  • Y'know Wendy, if there's one thing that is universally agreed on is that you talk to much...OW! HEY STOP PULLING MY EAR!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ludwig von koopa
cast offsite

Prince Ludwig von Koopa is the strongest and most powerful member of the Koopalings (excluding Bowser Jr.) and is the oldest of the Koopalings. Ludwig is known to have more special abilities than that of his siblings. He can breathe fire, jump very high, spin in his shell, and create earthquakes. Ludwig was given more powers than ever before, he can fire lightnings blasts from his hands and teleport wherever he wishes to. He can Flutter Jump better than the masters of that ability, the Yoshis themselves, being able to stay in the air much longer and float higher. Ludwig is also a better wielder of a magic scepter than any of his brothers or sister.

The voice I'm looking is something closer to his voice actor Mike Vaugh, you can listen to his voice here:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male young adult
  • Why hello lord Bowser, this is great timing. Do you mind drinking this new antidote I created? I have one in blue and yellow.

  • You see the only reason why we're even stuck in this again is because your muscle meat brain turned off the switch!

  • I would like for you to go right ahead but if you do it would um cause some problems to our...operation

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Marmey

Kamek is Bowser's Magikoopa underling. He is seen by Bowser's side and aids his king in battle. He turned Bowser into Metal Bowser and threatens to harm Princess Peach if Mario did not surrender. He was defeated by Sonic and Shadow, who turned up just in time to save the princess. He is later seen trying to console the tantrumming Bowser after his defeat. However, he is scolded by his mother, Kammy, who tells him to mess up his clean room. It seemed that he was only in charge of Bowser's army while she was vacationing.

He has never had a English voice actor so I'll let you decide how you want him to sound like

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male adult
  • Nyeheheh! I knew he wouldn't have the guts to go through with it while your safety is on the line! Now, Mario. I suggest you be a good boy and stay put, or else Princess Peach here will be living the rest of her life as a Goomba.

  • What? This is an emergency you dolt! Let me into Lord Bowser's room at once!

  • M-Mother?! I swear I messed up my room a little while ago...p-please don't be angry...HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Kammy is the mother of Kamek, and a loyal minion to Bowser. She returned from her vacation, and report the situation regarding the defeat of the Koopa Bros. by Mecha Sonic. But not before scolding her son for having his room organized. She is often berated by Bowser for not letting him throw his tantrums. She always tells her son to mess up his room, as seen in Episode 7 of the series.

There's no reference for this character so I'll let you decide what type of voice you want her to sound like 

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • female adult
  • Kamek you better go to your room this instant and mess it up! No son of mine is going to keep their room neat and tidy.

  • It seems like your old rival Mario is on his way to get these Chaos Emeralds too.

  • Hmm...I wonder who that man is that's working with Lord Bowser...I don't like the look of his face.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Eggman
Role assigned to: Concerned Bear

Like most villains, Dr. Eggman is defined by his ego. His idea of a perfect empire involves his image plastered everywhere and even his former fortress, the Death Egg, has his face on it. He generally considers himself a genius without peer, save possibly his grandfather, Gerald Robotnik. When his plans break down, though, he loses his temper rather easily and can have some childish behavior.

Despite his evil ways, Eggman has been shown to fight against a greater evil when his own life or that of Mobius is threatened. His reasoning is mainly that he can't exactly conquer the world if there's no world left to conquer.

Eggman is voiced by Mike Pollock, you can listen to his sample here:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Ah, it's a pleasure to see you once more. What might you want with me?

  • Isn't it a beauty? I call it the Omega Doomship, truly my greatest creation

  • I apologize, I just have some loose ends to tie, if you'll excuse me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mecha Sonic
Role assigned to: KoiKitten

Turbo Mecha Sonic (originally known as Metal Sonic and informally known as Mecha Sonic) is a robot created by Dr. Eggman for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic The Hedgehog - however, he rebels against his creator and begins searching for the Chaos Emeralds. He served as the primary antagonist for the series. He is a cruel and cold-hearted killing machine who loves to see people suffer and cares for nobody but himself. He shows no mercy to anyone and sees nothing wrong with taking the lives of others to further his goals, being responsible for the deaths of Sonic and Shadow's friends on Mobius, an innocent Goomba, the Koopa Bros., and the Axem Rangers X. Owing to these traits, he also utilizes an exceptionally brutal fighting style, which is best demonstrated with his fight against the Axem Rangers X where he repeatedly pummeled Axem Yellow before slicing him in half with a spin dash and proceeded to not only decapitate Axem Green, but also catch his head and crush it in his hand. He seems to view himself to be as powerful as a god and is extremely megalomaniacal. He views his enemies as being unworthy and do not deserve to have the power of the Chaos Emeralds, or even live for that matter. It's shown that he's pure evil throughout all of the Super Mario Bros. Z series.

Since the series used voice clips of Andrew Chandler's Cooler from Dragon Ball Z, I'm looking for a voice extremely closer to that. Here's a sample of his voice:

  • Monster? I'm no monster. I'M A GOD!

  • Fools! If you're all so eager to throw your lives away, then SO BE IT! I'LL CRUSH YOU!!!

  • This is our final meeting Sonic! Take these last few breaths of fresh air before I send you and this whole island to the bottom of the sea!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Bailisix
Role assigned to: Rmeister

Basilisx is cold, ruthless, and bloodthirsty. He is more than willing to use underhanded tactics to achieve victory. Despite this, he has shown a small degree of honor, as he refused to use his infamous petrification stare against Mario despite freely admitting he could easily have done so and then used his claws to shred apart his petrified body, although it should be noted he mostly chose this route so he could fully satiate his desire for vengeance against the plumber. He has a strong vendetta against Mario, who he accused of murdering his best friend along with countless members of the Koopa Troop. He also seems to have a bit of a temper, as shown when he petrified one of his own men after they had difficulty activating the Doom Kanon. 

In the original animation, Basilisx's voice was used of 1st Form Cell from Dragon Ball Z. It doesn't have to be 1.1 but try your best to get close to that:

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • male adult
  • I could simply turn you to stone and grind you to dust, but I would rather take delight in licking your blood off your corpse after the battle. The Underwhere awaits you!

  • You sniveling pedlar! You have no right to be angry that I used your friend to my advantage when you did the same to mine many years ago.

  • Finally, my vengeance will now be stated after years of agony. Farewell Super Mario


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