Super Mario Bros. Z Kai

Section9 (Elia) for Axem Black

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Axem Black
cast offsite

Black is "the cool one", or at least sees himself as the coolest. He wears shades and doesn't go anywhere without them. He seems to be the "macho-man" as well, recalling he owes Mario a knuckle sandwich and called Red a "crazy fool" when he nearly blasted them with the Breaker Beam. Black is mild-tempered and doesn't anger easily, acting more like a level-headed and dirty-fighting bully.

He usually fights side-by-side with Axem Green, both wielding their signature axes. He and Green have the ability to conjoin together to form an axe wheel, which is very effective: when they chased Sonic, they managed to slice a boulder in half.

No reference for this one, do whatever feels the most fittingĀ 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Did you just say Mario? Oh I've been meaning to give this punk a beating after last time.

  • YO RED! Watch where you firing that thing! You nearly killed us you crazy fool!

  • I suggest handing over the handheld if you know what's good for ya.

Section9 (Elia)
Super Mario Bros. Z Kai
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