Super Mario Bros. Z Dub - Voices Needed!

Project Overview

Hey, guys! My name's Lord Danny. I'm currently working on a complete dub of Super Mario Bros. Z, as in I am removing the audio and remastering it along with adding voices to the series. The original idea was that I was going to dub the series myself just for fun, and while I will be providing the voice for many characters, some of the more major characters are not quite in my vocal range so I'd rather give those roles to people who can actually do them. 

This will most likely not be the last time I'm seen calling for voice actors for this project, as there are characters who appear much later on who I'll also need voices for. But for now, I'm only in need of Bowser, Sonic and Shadow.


Please have discord so that I can add you to the discord server. That is where voice lines will be submitted.

Please have good mic quality. I cannot stress enough how important this is. I may be able to balance the volume if your mic is too quiet or too loud, but try to have as little background noise as possible.

Availability. Don't audition and then disappear. If I don't hear from you at all after so long, I'll have to give the role to someone else.

Skill. Some people forget that voice acting does require skill. In this series, there are a LOT of fight scenes, and since I am removing all of the sound effects from the original version, that means all of the voice actors will have to add in their own fighting sounds. So be prepared for that. 

Other than that, I guess all I can say is have fun!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TrevZed

Bowser is the King Koopa, and the arch-nemesis of main character Mario. While he's not the main villain of the series, he does have quite a few appearances and is definitely significant in episodes 1 and 2.

Most people already have an idea of what Bowser sounds like: gruff and tough. You can take that description how you like. I know Bowser did have a voice in Super Mario Sunshine, but don't feel that you have to go for that exact voice.

  • Well, hello there, Mario. Sorry to "crash" your little "Mario Party". But today, I have a little date with destiny.

  • Hey, cloudboy! How did you know about my plan?!

  • Bwa ha ha ha! Your lousy chicken of a  brother always cracks me up!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sonic the Hedgehog
Role assigned to: Glenn Bulthuis

Sonic is one of the lead characters. He makes his first major appearance in episode 3, but I'm casting him now because he's a main character and he's someone I definitely cannot voice. 

Sonic has had many different voices over the years, so you can go for any impression. I love all Sonic voices equally (yes, even the voice from the Sonic movie). He needs a lot of energy in his voice, so be prepared to deliver his lines in his loud and cocky style.

  • Hey there! You wouldn't happen to be Mario, would ya?

  • Cool! I guess we're in the right place then.

  • The name's Sonic the Hedgehog!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shadow the Hedgehog
Role assigned to: gregheff051

Shadow is another lead character like Sonic. Again, go for any voice you wish for with him as long as it resembles one of his official voice actors. He does not require as much bubbly energy as Sonic and should come across as relatively quiet but tense. 

  • This matter doesn't concern them, Sonic! This is our problem, and only us two should deal with it.

  • [sigh] I'm getting sick of doing things his way.

  • Mecha Sonic has already got a head start over us, and at this rate, it won't be long before he has all seven Chaos Emeralds in his grasp.


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