Stranded - A Gacha Club Voice Acted Series

Project Overview
I will be casting soon; when I give you the discord server you will receive the script. I won't be editing or starting the project for a while (1-2 weeks) so feel free to just chill and have your lines recorded. :)
Hello everyone! Welcome to my Stranded VA. This is one of my many voice acted gacha club projects! I have finished the script for part 1 of this VA so once I finish casting everyone we can get started! Anyways, enjoy the small paragraph I wrote to explain what this is about.
My series is an original plot consisting of the mild word usage (ex: crap, damn, hell - won't come up often, for this is a child-teen series) If you have any concerns about this, please do not audition. There is a chance your character will be saying mild profanity in the future and I do not want to lose a member because of it.This is a medium term commitment! It is a mini movie with multiple parts, so if you are not willing to work for this entire project, PLEASE do not audition!
This series is about a group of teens who get stranded, (hence the name) on an island while flying their plane crashed on the way to the Bahamas. There, they are left to complete a series of challenges in order to find their way home. Will they succeed? This VA is full of action, comedy, and romance. This will be a mini movie, but there will be at least 3 parts. Audition to be part of the team!
Auditioning Guidelines
1. Please use only .mp3 or .wav formats on CCC as well as discord. Those are easiest for me to access.
2. You must be 13+. I know there are a lot of underaged users on discord. I do NOT want to be working with 10-11 year olds for many of my own reasons. 12, maybe. But do not push me. Maybe next time. :). The reason for this is many of the characters have mature, teen/young adult voices.
3. Do not beg for roles! It's fine if you say you really want a part in your audition, but please do not come begging in my PM's and DM's for roles. It is immature and quite a burden with all the notifications. This applies to raging because you didn't get a part.
4. Little to no background noise is required.
5. You must have discord! That is our main source of contact. Please include your discord tag in your audition.
6. **NOTE: North American accents are preferred, but if you want to play around with their voices be my guest!
The rules for the cast will be listed in the discord server they join. Thanks!
Hello again; I am the gachatuber calissyx. My youtube links are in the bio section of the CCC as well as my profile. I have almost 20k, and hopefully that number will grow as my editing and youtube experience increases. I write all the scripts and do all the editing, effects, and work myself. I can't draw, so I may need prop makers, thumbnail drawers etc.
Payments & Credits
Unfortunately, due to my age and lack of economic experience, I am unable to pay the actors and actresses. But, I will be crediting the voice actors in the description as well as the intro. I also will try to recommend everyone who voices in my project. (Unless I already recommended you of course.)
I hope you audition! I look forward to hearing all of your amazing voices.
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Latest Updates
Hello fellow voice actors/actresses, I will be putting this series on hold because I've been having lots of limitations on my editing devices. I am going to focus on my Ever After High series and hopefully get back to this when I'm done. I hope you understand. :)

Kinsley can be a bit of a mood sometimes... Regardless, she is loyal and brave; willing to do anything for her friends. THIS ROLE WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOW: screaming, crying, and yelling.
What- No dad! It doesn’t! Are you asking me to leave my whole life behind to move to a stupid peninsula?!
"Oh really? Well I’m sorry Mr. "Happy all the Time”. My only family is most likely dead. Dead as in gone, and never coming back. So is her friend. Oh, and what about you? You didn’t lose anyone. Please, I bet you have a nice, cozy home to go to after this mess. Guess what? I’m going to be an orphan. I have no family. None. Zero. Nada. So instead of assuming I’m some moody teenaged girl, why don’t you put your feet in my shoes?"
"Yeah... I could picture that. Us together; two kids, a golden retriever, and a house on the beach. Actually... maybe somewhere in the city. I've had enough sand and water to last me a lifetime."

Eileen is a happy, curious girl when it comes to her friends. Strangers... not so much. She has her nasty, sassy side ready if someone gets on her bad side. THIS ROLE WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOW: screaming, crying, and yelling.
"Eek! I can’t wait to go on all the rides!"
"What, you think I’m lying? My best friend died in the plane. My family thinks I’m dead. Why would I lie about this?"
(Enraged/about to cry)
(asking, nice tone)

TJ is probably the most kind and caring person on the island. But there's one thing he's been keeping a secret... the REAL reason why he was flying to the Bahamas... THIS ROLE WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOW: screaming.
"Yes ma'am."
(neutral, upbeat)
"*pauses* Well, my grandmother died a few days ago and I’m visiting to go pay my respects at her funeral. It was such a tragic loss, she was the most loveliest person... My uncle is meeting me there and I’m staying with him in the Bahamas..."
(deceiving, trying to trick someone)
"Hey, don't worry. Maybe she's looking for you around the island too."

Colton is the worried one of the bunch; from his medical degree to which friend is best to talk to when in trouble. Despite that, he is sweet, caring, and thoughtful towards his friends. THIS ROLE WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOW: screaming, crying, and hyperventilating)
Florida, here I come...
(excited, but keeping composure)
"Thanks guys..."
(embarrassed, yet happy)
*talking super fast; shaking back and forth*
"I’m gone, I’m gone, I’m gone. Mom and dad think I’m dead, they’ll provoke my medical school spot, I won’t go to Medical School, my future is ruined, gone, gone, gone."
(taking super super deep breaths) (scared, worried, mumbling)

Kinsley's father. One of the character's that die in the plane crash.
"The Bahamas! Doesn't that just sound lovely?" (oblivious, excited)
"Do not speak of your mother's home state like that!" (enraged)

Kinsley's mother. Dies in the plane crash.
"Sweetie, start packing. We're moving to Florida!" (excited)
"I said start packing now, Kinsley." (stern)

Grace is more in the middle of a supporting and minor character. She appears in the beginning as Eileen's best friend, but dies in the plane crash.
"Dreamland Park has totally been trending on gachagram for the past month!" (excited)
"E-eileen, what's going on?!" (scared)

This is Colton's father. He is Conan Law from my Met you at my Funeral series. It was one of my first projects, so this part means a lot to me :)
"Go save some lives champ."
"Love you kiddo. Have fun."

This is Colton's mother. Her name is Bella Moxy from my Met you at my Funeral series. It was one of my first projects, so this part means a lot to me :)
"I know you'll do great things in the future, Colton."
*stifling a cry* "You better hurry before you miss your flight..."

This is the news reporter that talks about the plane crash in which all 4 kids went missing.
"Yesterday at 5:00pm, the plane travelling from Brooksley crashed into the ocean while making its way to the Bahamas. The plane sunk to the bottom of the ocean and all 235 passengers were declared dead; despite that, 4 bodies are missing."

The pilot is a very important part but only appears in the beginning. Any gender is fine, but preferably male.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts! When the button above you is glowing, you are not permitted to get up and unbuckle. If you haven't already, please stow your carry-on’s underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin. Make sure your seat is back and the folding trays are in their full, upright position. This flight will be approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes long and the stewardess will provide a snack and choice of drink for everyone. The forecast on our flight is predicted for sunny skies, so the life jacket tutorial will not be required! Get ready for take-off in five!"
(This is a very long paragraph to read, so feel free to only say 2-3 sentences. Keep in mind if you are casted you will need to recite the entire portion.)
"Stay calm everyone! Get your life jackets out- ah shoot!"

This is the flight attendant talking to TJ in his scene
"You seem awfully young to be travelling alone. Do you have a friend or guardian accompanying you on this flight?" (concerned)
"Hello sir, Florida?" (questioning)
I need someone who uses Live2d Cubism, CCP, or any rigging app; there is only a few scenes that need to be tweened so you will not have a lot of work at once.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions