Stardew Valley Heart Event Dubs

Project Overview
Hello there! My name is Angie, it is a pleasure to meet you, and I am currently working on a Fan Dub of the game: Stardew Valley. I will only need voice actors for this project. Stardew Valley is a game you can get on PC, Switch, and Mobile, it's about a farmer (You), who moves into Stardew Valley and meets the citizens in Pelican Town, you can farm, mine, forage, fish, befriend, and so much more, it's an amazing game and I highly recommend it! It's a simulation roleplay game that was developed by "Eric Barone", aka "ConcernedApe", who single handedly developed the game all by himself.
Send me your discord tag with your submission as that will be how you submit your voice files to me.
Please refrain from any mic issues such as background noise, static, glitching, muffling, earrape, etc. I will not be taking any submissions with bad mic quality.
Please be able to act dramatic emotions such as sobbing or yelling.
If you are casted and have any questions about the role, or the project itself, please feel free to ask, I promise I won't bite!
Please be respectful to one another.
And of course try your best and have fun!
My discord tag is ππππππππππππ‘ππ_β ππππππ π#4527
Discord Server:
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Leah is a very kindhearted and sweet girl, for her voice, I'd like something that's a tad higher pitched and sweet.
[Casual] βI never had many friends in town, so these events are always kind of boring for me. I enjoy the buffet, though.β
[Upbeat & Happy] βA birthday gift? That's very kind of you! I love it.β
[Friendly] βForaging is a specialty of mine. Someday I'll make you a fresh salad.β

Shane is a cold, hardheaded man who suffers from depression and alcohol dependence, for his voice, I want something low with a bit of gruff, not too low though, I'd say he's in his mid to late 30's
[Annoyed] βI hardly know you. Why are you talking to me?β
[More annoyed] βYou again? How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?β
[Crying & Drunk] βWhy do I even try? *sob* ...I'm too small and stupid take control of my life...β

Abigail is a cool and laid back quirk, a calm, mid to high range voice would do
βHi, I'm glad to see you. I want to take my mind off things for a while... how is your day going?β
βHey. Sorry in advance if I say anything rude. I didn't get much sleep last night...What do you want?β
βOh man... I've been pushing off my homework all weekend. Looks like I'll be pulling another all-nighter...β

Alex is a flirtatious athlete who isn't the brightest academically. I want his voice to be fun and mid pitched
[Flirty] βHey, you're the new girl, huh? I think we're going to get along great. I'm Alex. I'll see you around.β
[Content] βSure, it's getting colder... But it's still warm enough for sports! That's all I care about.β
[Excited] βHey, the gridball game is on today! Sundays are pretty awesome in the fall.β

Penny is a quiet, reserved, young woman who teaches Vincent and Jas, I want a soft, calm, higher pitched motherly voice for her
βThe raindrops are really loud on the metal roof of our trailer. It's soothing, though.β
βDishes, dishes, dishes. Ugh... If my mother wasn't always nursing a headache from her late nights at the saloon, maybe she could help around the house a little.β
βWe don't have a school here but I'm doing my best to give Vincent and Jas a proper education. Every child deserves a chance to be successful. Jas is very good at math and reading. Vincent is good at... well, he has an active imaginationβ

Sam is a friendly guy, who has an interest in becoming a musician, a mid range voice would be good for him.
[Disapointed] βUgh, I stepped in something gross earlier. And I just bought these shoes.β
βOh! I just remembered I'm supposed to call my Grandma. Okay, I'm going to put this rubber band on my wrist so I don't forget. I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things.β
βHmm. I just remembered that I was supposed to do something... But I forgot. This happens to me all the time.β

Maru is a smart, nerdy girl, I want a mid to high voice range for her
βSometimes my head gets so cluttered with nonsense I can hardly think. Does that ever happen to you? Getting some fresh air usually helps.β
βI plan on spending a lot of time with my telescope this summer.β
βWhenever I'm struggling with a technical problem, I always take a walk.It's surprising how much a change of scenery can help.β

Harvey is a kind hearted doctor who cares deeply for his patients, for him, I'd like a mid to low pitch voice
βIt's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Harvey, the local doctor. I perform regular check-ups and medical procedures for all the residents of Pelican Town. It's rewarding work. I hope you'll find your own work equally rewarding, in time.β
βI feel responsible for the health of this whole community... it's kind of stressful. It's a pretty small community, and I'm fortunate to be able to build a good relationship with my patients.β
βI hate to say this, but I do make a lot more money during flu season. I guess if people stopped getting sick, I'd be out of business. Don't get the wrong idea! I want people to be healthy... really!β

Haley is a rude, bratty, and annoying character that tends to sweeten up with time, O want a high pitched, voice with a slight valley girl accent
βEw, you're all dirty.β
βThe only thing I like about this town is the beach.β
βMy sister is so weird. Sometimes I wonder if we're actually related.β

Elliott is a poetic, stoic writer, I want a low and fancy voice for him.
βThe sweet friction of pen and paper is the music of my soul. That's why I chose this beach as my home, so that I could have peace and quiet to do my work.β
βYou probably wouldn't like it inside my cabin. It's dark and full of spiders.β
βAh, the new farmer we've all been expecting... and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation! I'm Elliott... I live in the little cabin by the beach. It's a pleasure to meet you.β

Emily is a spiritual, free girl, I'd like a slight hippiness in her voice along with a higher range
βOoh!... I can read it on your face. You're going to love it here in Pelican Town. If you're ever looking for something to do in the evening, stop by the saloon. That's where I work!β
βI like making my own clothes, but it's not easy to get cloth. And it's such a long trip to the city.β
βI wish Haley would get a job or at least contribute to cooking and cleaning. I think she's hoping to marry someone rich.β

Sebastian is what you would call a moody emo teenager, I would like a low voice for him, with a bit of gravel.
βWhy does everyone like Maru so much? Sure, she's smart and friendly, but don't they realize it's all just an attention-grabbing scam? Sorry...β
βUh... I don't really know you.β
βYou know, I should be doing something productive right now. I just lose focus too fast... Maybe I should drink more coffee?β

Marnie is a sweet middle aged woman who I would say has a very kind voice, similar to Inko Midoriya's dub voice from My Hero Academia with a HINT of country accent into it
βMy nephew Shane has been staying at my place the last few months. He helps me out with the chickens, so I'm not complaining.β
βI would be so lonely if Shane ever moved out.β
βAnimals are so innocent, so sweet. And If I don't look after them, who will? I just hope my chickens aren't too upset when I take their eggs.β

Vincent is a messy troublemaking boy, just give me your basic young anime boy voice.
βI wanna look for bugs, but Mom gets mad when I'm all dirty. It's a tough choice.β
βDad's coming back soon! I hope he brings me some toys.β
βYou're not as boring as most grown-ups!β

Robin is a kind mother, for her I'd like a higher pitched voice with a bit of rasp.
βYou've met my son Sebastian, right? He lives downstairs. He's a little shy, but I'm sure he'll warm up to you if you're nice to him.β
βI hope Demetrius doesn't blow the house up with those science experiments of his. I'm not even sure what he's working on. I think it has something to do with plants.β
βSometimes I worry about Sebastian... he doesn't have many friends and doesn't really seem to care about his future very much... I would talk to him about it but he never opens up to me.β

Mayor Lewis is a kind, slightly socially awkward elder man, don't sound like a crippling old man but, sound old enough, maybe like a 50 y/o's voice
βSo, how was your first night in the old cottage? Your grandpa used to complain about the rickety old bed. But I think, deep down, he actually loved that house.β
βThe saloon can get pretty lively at night. Sometimes we even put a coin in the jukebox *chuckle* I like to visit once a week or so to catch up on things, anyway.β
βGood morning! I'm just checking on the garden as usual.β

Jodi is a kind, but overwhelmed mother. Any classic mother voice would do for her.
βOh! You aren't exactly how I imagined... but that's okay! I'm Jodi. It's a quiet little town, so it's very exciting when someone new moves in! Having a farmer around could really change things.β
βThe food at JojaMart might not be the healthiest for my family, but with such low prices you'd be crazy to shop anywhere else!β
βI'm taking a break from house chores today. I'm taking the day off. If I don't spend any time outside, I'll go crazy! Plus I don't want my legs to turn soft.β

George is a grumpy old man, he's a bit hard with you at first but eventually softens up when you get to know him.
βSo you're a farmer, huh? At least it's honest work.β
βAren't you cold? They don't make sweaters like they used toβ
βThe weekend is no different than any other time, for me. That's how it is when you're retired.β

Gus is a kind soul who works at the saloon in stardew valley. I'd like a mid to low ranged voice with some gruff in his voice.
βI sell different dishes each week, so make sure and check in every now and then! You might taste something spectacular. Just let me know if you have any allergies. Okay, see you around.β
βI don't actually drink very much myself. I'm mainly doing this to make a living. Although I do enjoy a taste of the Stardew Valley vintage from time to time.β
βYeah, I know a lot about the people living here. That's one of the benefits of being a bartender. Sometimes I hear too much...β

Pam is an older middle aged woman who is Penny's mother, I'd like her to be lower ranged and very raspy
βYou know, I'd eat healthier food if I could afford it. Hey, you probably have a lot of tasty grub growin' on your farm, hm?β
βYou know, I've been thinking... I wish I had a hobby. Something to do other than hanging around at that saloon every night. You got any ideas? ...Ehh. Maybe I'll play checkers against myself.β
βHey. Penny's my baby girl. Be nice to her or leave her alone, got it?β

Demetrius is a father who is very protective of his daughter, Maru. I'd like a mid to low range voice with a friendly tone and a small country accent.
βRobin has a hot temper. It's better to stay on her good side. Don't tell her I said that.β
βIt's good to take a break from work every now and then. I guess that's kind of difficult when you live on a farm, though. Hey, at least in the winter you don't have to worry about crops.β
βMaru helps me out in the lab sometimes... She's a good kid.β

Pierre is a worried salesman, I'd like a mid-range voice for him, a bit on the softer side
βSometimes I get new items in stock, so make sure to stop by every so often. It's a lot of work to run a shop.β
βI'm happy to buy any produce off you. I'll give you a fair price, of course!β
βWelcome! If you're looking for seeds, you've come to the right place!β

Clint's a pretty chill guy, i'd like a low, gruffy voice for him.
βIf you want me to upgrade your tools you'll have to give me the correct ore. And you'll have to pay me a fee, of course.β
βBusiness has been slow lately. You should upgrade your tools. I could use the cash.β
βYep. I'm a blacksmith. My father was also a blacksmith. My grandfather was a blacksmith as well. I bet you can't guess what my great-grandfather was."
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