
Project Overview
Since the dawn of time, man has declared the ultimate form of power to be the mastery of the art of Magic. Those with the strongest sense of Magic are destined to become higher than that of mortality. Once, there was another type of magic, one that didn't require the essence of life. One that required the power of the stars, and of the moon itself. What this magic was, no one will answer, for it has long been thought to be extinct, never to see the light of day again.
Until now.
Help bring our webcomic to life! We'll need some voice actors and an extra artist to help out the cause. Any help would be appreciated.
Contact me on Discord! My user is TK#4797
BTW, Ameline's name is pronounce A (like at)-meh-line (like line of dialogue)
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We're sorry...
I know we've been holding off on casting roles as of late, but we've all been rather busy with either University, work or other personal problems. We're very sorry. Auditions are gonna be open until March 3rd, then they're DONE. I swear. Thank you all for your patience. -
Thank you everybody!
A big thank you to all of you who have auditioned so far! I'm hearing some real talent out of all of you! I'm still looking for the right voices for my characters before we start recording, so the deadline will be pushed again. The good news is the comic is coming along nicely! You can find it on DeviantArt and Tapas! -
Deadline will be pushed to December 31st
Sorry for any inconvenience -
A few changes
Some of the lines have been modified. No big changes, but just to give a little bit more of a way to tap into the characters.

Triton is the head of the group, since he's the oldest. He's strong, stern and serious. He's brave and always is willing to put his life on the line to protect the ones he cares about. But to his enemies, he will do everything in his power to make himself their worst nightmare. But deep down, he's very conflicted; he's a young man basically being a father figure to 5 young children, having to watch out for them and care for them.
For Triton, we're looking for someone who can give a mostly serious performance, but isn't afraid to have fun. He will have no doubt the lowest toned voiced, but he's intended to sound at most 16.
(angry) Kenric, didn't I tell you to keep a very close eye on our little sister?!
(dramatic, quiet) And you think I don't wanna be like the kids in the villages? The kids in the villages, they don't have to worry about if they're gonna eat every day, where they're gonna sleep, what the weather's gonna be like. They don't have to look over their shoulder every minute to make sure something or someone isn't behind them, ready to kill them. Face it, Ameline. We're alone out here. That means we have to look out for one another.
(proudly) There's nothing you can do that will ever make me drop this sword. No matter how powerful you are, I will protect my family from you!

Ameline is a sweet little girl with a heart for life and living it to the fullest, but her wanting to be out around nature often gets her into dangerous situations. Her big brother, Triton, is always there to help her, but all she wants is to be a normal kid. But maybe she's not as normal as she thinks she is.
Ameline's voice should be very sweet and high pitched, but her actor should be aware that she does have some pretty dramatic moments. Mostly, we're looking for the most realistic 8 year old voice we can find.
BTW, her names is pronounced Am-eh-line (like fishing line).
(angry) I'm always close to you! And you never let me do anything I want to do! (screaming) You're the reason I don't have any friends!
(shouts, happily) Sea monster! (laughs loudly and giggling)
(softly, sound like you're crying) I love you.

Nicholas is pretty much the every-man of the group. Not that he's completely innocent, but he likes to lean more towards being away from trouble than being in it. He prefers playing his lute, singing and writing poetry than partaking in any robbing like his friends do. He's also pretty sensitive about his skills; he's prone to getting personally offended for remarks against it. But if he gets in a bind, he's also a skilled archer.
Nicholas' voice actually isn't that low. He has kind of a dorky personality, besides being an archer. Thus, we're looking for a kind of goofy, but at times can be serious voice.
I'm sick of getting a bounty in every single village we go to.
(like a Shakespearean actor) Such beautiful eyes. Oh how they sparkle, like pools of moondust cascading over a lake of wonder. And her hair, as it's black curls reach down to her shoulders. If only I could touch those lovely charcoal colored locks. (clear your throat) Excuse me, madam? But I... (stammer, akward mumbling, lasts for a few seconds) You know what, never mind... (defeated sigh)
(hum a little melody) Bad luck to end a song without finishing it.

Kenric is a loud, proud and selfish little Viking who, even though gets into trouble and often picks on his fellow travelers, does have a good heart and often helps to care for his friends. He's often a muscle of the group, since he's the strongest, but he's also prone to getting beaten up for being mean or lazy. But he's used to it by now, so it doesn't change him. He's just naturally grumpy.
We're looking for a very Viking sounding voice. Something along the lines of a Scottish accent would be great. Also, since he's a young teenager, not a very deep voice.
(pretend you're being chased) How can ya eat at a time like this?! They're right behind us, ya lummox!
Will ya SHADDUP?! Some'a us are tryin' ta sleep over here!
(dramatic) Ah, ya old sea dog. Ya never had a chance, tryin' to be the king'a the sea. It's already got a master. Me father. Even now, in his watery grave, me pa's never lost his place as the ruler of the ocean. An' I may be just a young lad, but I ain' jus' gonna let some old bloke take me family's greatest honor from him. Tha's why one day, I'm gonna conquer these seas. And I'll do it fer me father, the true king'a the sea!

Bridgette is no doubt the smartest of the group. She's often face-diving into a book, either about magic or about Clansmen. She's the only one of the group that uses artificial magic, which she is an adept ice sorceress. She's very kind, caring and acts as a mother figure for Ameline and Richie. She's also one you can't hide your feelings from. Even Triton learns from her. But make her mad, and she's not afraid to hurt you.
Bridgette should have a very kind, comforting voice. But she should also sound a bit wise for her age as well.
(relieved and emotional) Oh, Ameline, I'm so glad you're okay! Oh, did they hurt you? Did they bite you, did they spit on you?! What color is my hair?
(supportive) Look. You don't need to be so hard on yourself. You're not her father. But you're a good guardian. You take care of us, you protect us, and you're just strict enough to teach the others right from wrong. And we're all entitled to you. Ameline is too. Come on, you know she loves you.
(threatening) Alright, which one of you boys ate the last of the cinnasweet cakes?!?!

Richie is an energetic, childish little furball who is the strangest of the group. He mainly acts as a pet to them, but is treated like a little brother. His sharp claws and teeth makes him a natural predator, but he's more interested in people food than raw meat. He also loves apples. He's very immature, but loyal and lovable. He's always there by his friends, but can occasionally goof around. Think of him like a boy-sized puppy.
Because he's so young, we're looking to have Richie to be played by a female actor. One that can act really goofy and isn't afraid to snarl and make other animal noises.
(pretend like you're eating) I'm getting rid of the evidence!
(sounding like a nature documentary) The sea-lion stalks his prey. His mighty belly rumbles with the taste of freshly caught trout on his mind. Using every fiber of his being, he must find the tasty morsel to soothe his hunger.
(make lion/animal sounds; roars, howls, growling, purr, etc.)
Our side-villain, Duncan is the heir to the throne of the kingdom. But he's not very respected among his people. In fact, he's ignored and humiated on a daily basis. But he's on a mission to find the last of the Clansmen, and bring them before his father, in order to finally get the recognition he deserves. And he's not afraid to hurt anybody that gets in his way.
Duncan should have somewhat of a slimy sounding voice, almost like what you would hear out of a schoolyard bully. But with that in mind, keep in mind he's a shameful prince, so he's gonna sound like he's really conflicted at times. But most of the time, have fun with this role; sound extra goofy when the time is right!
(bossy) You BETTER be focused on FINDING THAT METEOR! (grumble under your breath)
(intimidating) Now listen here. I know you ain't the one I'm looking for. But I know you know what I'm talking about. And unless you want your head popping off your shoulders, you better start talking. Where... is... the clansman?
Hey, hey! Where do you all think you're going?! I'm trying to give my victory speech, here! (shouting, in a tantrum) I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT WRITING IT!!!
The main villain of our story. Dorodo rules his kingdom with an iron fist, and is a frightening figure in the eyes of pretty much every sane person that knows of him. One glance from him will send a shiver down your spine, He's ruthless, ignorant and proud of his status as the man who single-handedly ended the Great Magic War.
This evil king needs a deep, booming, intimidating voice. There's no lightheartedness in this role; 100% seriousness.
(lowly) No disturbances.
I don't appreciate your dishonesty in my presence, General, and from your explosive retaliation to his comment, you have sealed your guilt. One more outburst like that in my throne room and I will have your rank.
(slowly getting angrier) First you question my authority, then you insult and disrespect me in my own castle?! I had some respect towards you, boy, since I noticed your bravery and resolve. But with that... You've made an enemy out of me. And now that you're in my custody, you will feel the consequences for your foolishness.
We'll need one extra artist to help out with posing the characters for the panels, as well as with concept arts for additional characters. You will need to have a distinct anime-like style, one that resembles the one showed here.
Say something you think would fit

Sienna's more-so a tomboy than she is a glamorous girl like all the others in her village. She prefers getting down and dirty than having to worry about being clean and kept. She'd rather go out fishing or hunting than learn how to cook and clean, like the other girls in the village. But under the care of her strict father, her wishes are still only wishes. This has made her a bit frustrated with her constricted, boring lifestyle, and she often greets newcomers with a nasty attitude. It's only when someone really listens to her and understands her feelings that she starts to show her inner self, who only wants to make her own choices and follow her own path.
She has a very sweet, but can be rather tough sounding voice. A voice that, at times, can be warm and comforting, but most of the time sounds rough, almost boy-ish.
Oh, good. You're awake. Those were some pretty nasty wounds, I got blood all over my robes. Luckily you had some Dali on you, so I got some new ones. I knew you wouldn't mind.
(tough) Don't think I'm just another piece of eye candy you can drool over, buddy. You don't know a thing about me.
(soft, depressed) Sometimes... I wish I knew what it was like to be out there. Out where you don't have to worry about what anyone will think of you. Where you can be your own person. Someone you're happy to be, not who everyone else is happy you are. I mean, here... if you're a girl, like me, well... that's all you are. A girl. *sigh* But that's not right, is it? Just being... a girl and not being... me?

Ah, Zadoria. No doubt one of the most powerful magicians in the entire world, but she's also a really crazy little witch. Yes, she looks like she's about Ameline's age, but she's actually over 700 years old. And she has several big responsibilites, including being a caretaker and elder to an entire village of children, and being the watcher of the entire land with her giant Perception Crystal. But even though she has a literally world of responsibilities on her shoulders, she's still very playful, immature and not really as smart as you may think she is. She can be quite air-headed, if her eyes are blue. Yes, her eyes indicate the different moods that remain sentient in her head, and each one is different than the other. Such as, when she's angry, her eyes turn red and she gets REALLY angry. But she still remains true to her character, regardless of how emotional she can get.
As you can probably tell, Zadoria's voice is really non-sensical. She must sound like a child, but a 'matured' child. You must be able to switch between different moods fairly quickly, and have a range of very high, to semi-low.
(loud, deep, booming) BEHOOOOOOLD! I AM ZADORIA! ELDER OF THIS LAND, RULER OF ALL THINGS YOU SEE BEFORE YOU! TAKER OF DESTINIES, BREAKER OF ALL THAT DARE TO OPPOSE ME! WHO ARE YOU?! (pause) I said... WHOOOO AAAAARE YOOOO- (make a buzzing sound and a slight *Pfft* sound, now sound really sweet and childish) What?! Again?! Oh, you cheap little piece of- (loud, intelligible grumbling)
(while eating and/or drinking) Ah, yes. Sad, sad times, indeed. Hundreds of people, I've seen, have been slaughtered mercilessly by that monster. Yes, something must be done if we are ever to live in harmony, and (loud, rage-filled) WHO MADE THIS PHEASANT?! DRY AS A FREAKING BONE, DO IT OVER AGAIN! (sweetly) Oh, but Mama still loves you sweetie!
(hum a little tune you know, but sound like you're drunk)
The wicked head of the Theoton guards, Adoc is a proud, in fact, desperately proud soldier that only desires to be on Dorodo's good side. He is a master swordsman, an adept castor of dark magic, and is even an magi, with the ability to morph into a griffin. But even his with high rank and immense power, he is very quick to lose his temper.
A real rough sounding voice, almost matching Dorodo's, but still with a bit of 'second in command' feel to the tone.
Long live the king!
Such desperation for sympathy. But, regardless, these are all dangerous criminals and this one must be eradicated or she will surely lay her vengeance for her people upon you. I speak for all of Theoton when I demand these traitors be severely punished, and the Clansman be immediatly executed.
I will eradicate this planet from all those who stand before me!
Only small voices from smaller characters. You only need to recite one line, if you want.
(Guards) Stop! You're under arrest!/You dare mock the king?!/Clansman scum!
(Citizens) Stop! Thieves!/More of your Clansman ramblings, Prince Duncan?/We demand justice, food and protection for all!
We're looking for another artist to add to our team. You'd mostly be helping with sketching and the occasional storyboard, if needed. Your work will be varied!
Say something you think would fit

A time before the main story, Triton was once an innocent child with a passion for being like his father, until a horrible fate ruined his childhood and turned him into a wandering young swordsman, with a goal to start a new life with his new friends.
I'm looking for a normal 9 year old boy sounding voice, but one that can be full of life and energy, but can mostly be conflicted and anti-social.
(obnoxiously) Come on, Pa! I'm old enough now! I wanna learn how to use a sword too!
(sad) I... got attacked by some wolves. Don't touch my arm!
(strong) Shut up! Both of you! Now, I've had it with you two fighting. And I've really it had with all the judging about our families. If you wanna fight about who's the better person, fine, but not while I'm around, and not in front of her.

Sweet, naive and talks like a baby, Ameline is as innocent as can be at this time.
I'm looking for the sweetest, toddler-like voice you can muster. Lot of slurring, use w's instead of r's, that kind of talk
Where we going, Gwan'pa?
(sweetly) Twiton... if Ni-co-las is your bwother... can I be your sissy?
(giggling) Kitty!

A young, experienced and kind young man, younger Nicolas grows a strong, unbreakable bond with Triton and showed him true compassion after a dark time in his life.
Nicolas should sound goofy, but young boy goofy. He's still smart for his age.
Hey! You're not supposed to be here... are you?
What kind of a handshake is that? Here, lemme show you. See? Grab the whole arm, like this. Mortimer says that's called a brother bond!
(sad, but strong) Triton... if you're gonna fight Dorodo... I'll help you. I'll do it for my ma and pa.

The spitting image of a young Viking, Kenric was bullied and beaten mercilessly as a child, but kept the pride of his heritage in tact. He's still as brash and cocky as any grown Viking at this age.
Much like his normal voice, you should sound Scottish-Cockney English to match the heritage.
But Pa, I wanna be a Vikin' too!
(angry) Don' make fun'a me!
(proud) Oi! I'm the strongest, bravest, toughest kid in the world! Don' you or any'a you worm eyed stooges forget that!
Bridgette was a child prodigy, the top of her Magic class. But even prodigy's aren't completely perfect; she still had an overbearing ego, and plenty of arrogance. But that all changed soon, and she became a lonely wanderer, until meeting Triton.
Young Bridgette should sound sweet and caring, but can be cocky at times.
Don't worry, Lucy. I'm gonna be the world's greatest sorceress when I get bigger! Then nobody's gonna hurt you again.
(weakened) I know... I'll heal you right away.
I've never met a kid like you, Triton... can I come with you?
Our first bad guy, he's an average wealthy, full of himself kind of guy.
You get off my precious Equaas now, you urchin!
Fine... but I'll warn you, boy. I'm the finest swordsman in Pirema! I've killed hundreds of men in the span of hours! What makes you think you'll be any different?
(defeated) I surrender! (sobbing) I surrender!
He's a Kovan, like Richie. He's a more civilized, wise man with a family and only acts as a mercenary in desperate times, having a deep-rooted distaste in humans.
We were only sent to receive the stone. It is dishonorable to take from the deceased, Clyde.
Bless your kind heart, child.
It has been deemed by my people that you, as a species, can never be trusted. You only hunt us for our flesh and pelts, only for a shred of greatness. We, we have no honor to bare. We only have the pride of us existing in this country among you.
Duncan's little sister. She's naive, but gifted with psycho magic, making her telekinetic. She talks to her doll, which she thinks is alive.
How come you can't make things move too, Dunkie?
What do you think, Patrice? (pause) She's not so sure.
Papa... my head is all spinny again.
We're looking for some help with a soundtrack. We're not looking to have you write music for us, just to help with basic sound editing as we write the tunes. Some experience with a music software, such as FL Studio, is required.
Say something you think would fit
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