Star Wars : Legends of the Galaxy Season 2 (Fan Film Series) (Star Wars Imperial Historian)
Project Overview
Welcome all across the galaxy! This is a casting call for Star Wars: Legends of the Galaxy: Season 2 that will be uploaded to the Star Wars Imperial Historian YouTube Channel.
A visual novel / audio play set in the Star Wars Galaxy far, far away, Legends of the Galaxy 2 follows two Imperials who have just returned from their adventure from season 1 from the Unknown Regions. Beaten and defeated Director Arthur Prowse and Ensign William I’Oner return to a space station full of scum and villainy, they are all alone with no back up and no Empire to retreat to. Arthur’s ideals of the Empire has also been shaken, will he learn from his past mistakes and correct the wrongs he has made or will he return the what ever remains of the Empire?
Season two will continue the journey Arthur Prowse and ensign William I’Oner have been through, fighting an old evil of the galaxy, one they have encountered before. However the Galaxy has dramatically changed since their departure to the unknown regions, so dramatically that they must now rely on the most unusual company. Hunted by Czerka, the Rebel Alliance, and Imperial war lords, Prowse and I’Oner must be more unorthodox in their approach to complete their mission and return home.
They must locate a Hyper Gate, an ancient travelling device that was used by the Rakata long before the birth of the Old Republic. However most have been destroyed or forgotten, and only one person has been researching them in recent history, Doctor Judith Ravenwood, Arthur Prowse’s mother. Prowse must keep under both the Empire’s and Rebellion’s radar and must confront and heal old wounds he caused to old friends he once betrayed many years ago, if he has any chance to locate his mother, find the gate and succeed in his mission to stop the Imprisoned One from awakening an ancient evil.
Legends of the Galaxy Season 2 is heavily narrated by myself however I need your help to voice the characters who inhabit this story.
. As with most productions audio quality needs to be a good standard, please submit clean recordings.
. Feel free to cut lines of your audition to your best or favourite takes. If you want to give more takes I would be happy with that as well. Don’t limit yourself if you think you want to take a different direction with a character.
. Please keep you file to a .WAV.
. Please feel free to audition for as many characters as you want and as many times (of different directions), I know what I’m looking for but I am open for artistic liberties.
. DEADLINE for auditions is December 1st.
I also audition for roles on this site on another profile, and too many times has a project gone no were and left in the dark with no updates. I promise you that this will be a finished product and you will be regularly updated on this page, on the production discord server, and by email (what ever the easiest way is to contact you.)
This project has already been in the works for the last year and I did not want to announce it or release a casting call unless I can 100% insure that it would be finished. As you are aware with is a non budget / non profit production you know I can not pay you however the next best thing I can offer is a high produced series with your wonderful talent uplifting the show. You will be credited at the end of every episode your voice is in with your names, as well in the description of the video and pinned comment section with your name, CCC profile and any links you wish to provide.
Trust me I know how annoying it can be to audition, get the part, hand in all your lines and have it all be for nothing, so I promise I will not do the same to you.
The target release date is for a 2021 late spring to early summer, with each episode coming out every fortnight.
1. Discord is not required but is recommended for easy communication and sharing of files.
2. Anything in *Bold is direction and context to the lines you will be reading.*
3. To those who are familiar with the channel and series, please do be aware there are some light spoilers in the auditions.
4. I will provide you with the Production Discord once you have been chosen for the role.
5. These are not all the characters who are in this series there are others who have been cast by offsite.
6. DEADLINE for auditions is December 1st.
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Thank you to all 110+ of you who auditioned, you were all fantastic! If I could, I would have loved to have you all in the project. There are a few minor, minor, minor characters who have not been listed on here who need a few lines so I may get into contact with a few of you for those line in the future. the stormtrooper role remains open at the moment as we will need a few voices to diversify them. Again thank you all so much, it has been fantastic listening to all of your auditions.
I'm trying to message people to confirm their roles but I am having problems with ccc and it inbox limit. I hope to fix this fast and sort it quick. thank you -
Confirming Casting
Hello everyone, you have all done fantastic! I have really enjoyed listening to all your auditions. I am now contacting those who I have selected for the role and confirming the casting, some have been casted for other characters who they did not audition for but I felt they were perfect for the role. So as things stand character roles are open until I have got confirmation from those I have selected. Over 110 people auditioned for the roles and if I had over 100 characters to give I would do so. You have all done a fantastic job. If there is any pickup or background chatter I need I know great talent is not far away. -
Today is the last day for auditions!
Hello everyone! Today is the last day for auditions! I am excited to say I am very impressed and happy of what I have heard, you have all done a fantastic read on your voice overs. I have made a short list of my favourites of each character and I will make a final decision tomorrow. Some of you who have auditioned for some characters may be cast as a different character from the one you auditioned for as I felt that your voice was better for that role. Until tomorrow, keep safe and well. -
Great Auditions :)
Hello everyone, I just want to say a big thank you for taking the time for auditioning, I’m absolutely loving the takes on the characters. There are so many voices I like, so if you do not get the role you auditioned for you still may get a part for another role in the project. A final decision of the roles will be done after the Deadline of December 1st.

A Zabrak Male, Arrick Malacorin is the Captain of a YT-2400, the Peruggia. A smuggler who prides in sneaking goods under the radar with his first mate T3-VR (Tevar).
Malacorin is Confident, easy going, with a can do attitude to get the impossible done. He is loyal to his crew and most of the time goes forward head first, gun ho.
I’m mostly looking for a north American voice, 20+ (Malacorin is about 35) but I’m always open to anything.
Let’s be honest a Han Solo archetype.
*confident, smug, Selling himself and his business offer within a bar full of smugglers and pirates.*
"Arrick Malacorin, I’m Captain of the Peruggia. And this is my buddy here, Teevar "
*trying to flatter a buyer, overselling his smuggled goods.*
"Greetings, exalted one. I have come with what you seek, the rearrest bottle in all the Galaxy, Alderaanian Wine, alongside seeds to replenish your exclusive supply."
*While straining to pilot his ship, he justifies his plan to his crew and to himself while under fire of tie fighters and avoiding dangerous terrain.*
"I’m gonna make a pass into the sand storm. We’ll survive a lot longer in there than taking hits from that Star Destroyer!"

Strong spirited and savvy, Zara could shoot someone between the eyes and throw an effective right hook, she is unintimidated by anyone and is able to take care of themselves when the situation demands it. An ex imperial and former member of the Imperial Reclamation Service Zara has been repenting her wrong doings with empire and bringing back historic artifacts to their respective cultures.
Her English/Imperial accent has almost gone though sometimes crops up while trying to hide it, she reflects a lot with an odd joke here and there. She kind of done with people’s BS especially those in the Empire and pirates however is respectful to her friends of that being (in this series) the Rebellion, the Twi’lek tribe and Doctor Ravenwood.
*passive aggressive, annoyed and shocked. She’s seen an old friend from many years ago of whom they have fallen out with.*
"Arthur Prowse. I always knew, someday, you would come walking back through my door. I never doubted that, something made it inevitable."
"I got more than I bargained for on our deal, I’m in."
*mournful, she blesses a fallen comrade*
"Smoo vuren alema you, Bril Chee, Vuren Tann."
(Twi'lek for “blessed mountain protect you, wind warrior, Vuren Tann”)

The Best Warrior of the Twi'lek Clan, Rullak is a female Twi'lek who has a small connection to the force. However due to recent events she is off balance in the force delving into the dark side from time to time to then recover back in to the light. She is stoic and speaks with a strong voice, a leader, though has times of self doubt when it comes to the safety of her villagers.
*After days of torture she has been rescued by the heroes however she ends up killing her prison guard with the force and is recovering from both the anger and sadness she is feeling at this time. She has failed her ultimate task in keeping her people safe.*
"I have failed, they took them one by one and all I could do was watch them be dragged away listening to their screams."
*Speaking with wisdom, in calm and peace.*
"I am of my own and I hold all faiths as what they are, pieces of a whole, in balance. And what faith do you follow, Doctor Prowse?"
*After a dreadful battle, Rullak tries to rally everyone in a speech. She starts of unsure but by the “by our ancestors” she builds her confidence and the speech gains momentum.*
"I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. By our ancestors and the Kalikori we hold dear we must stand. We must fight this battle because no one else will. Through our passion we gain strength. We must fight this battle because we have the power to do so. Through victory, our chains are broken. This day we fight! By all that you hold dear, I bid you stand, Twi'leks of Ryloth!"

65, Doctor Judith Ravenwood was the previous Director of the Imperial Reclamation Service and the mother of Director Arthur Prowse, she herself was once an esteemed archaeologist who was credited for many finds across the galaxy before she was disgraced by the Empire and went in to hiding after her sympathetic views on the Jedi. She has spent most of her life trying to find the Gates, an obsession that has driven her relationship apart from her son.
Voice is middle age to senior, more British/Imperial than anything else, but it is open for interpretation if need be.
*Shocked, confused, happy, relief*
“Junior, is it you? It is you, Junior! Well, what are you doing here?"
"Do you recognize these planets, Junior? These are planets what are connected by ancient Jedi. Tython, Illum, Lothal. Many are deactivated, destroyed, but more are displayed on this map."
"Actually, I cared for you a lot, your my son."
*Her face was in a mixture of shock and anger twitching from one to the other, her words became sharp*
"I gave you an education, took you across the galaxy, enlisted you into the Reclamation Service. I taught you everything you know."

A protocol droid T3-VR (Tevar) is Malacorin’s first mate and best friend. An excellent pilot Tevar, has no worries when it comes to flying.
Tevar’s voice is multiple voices of any gender, so this is a multiple casting role with two or four voices.
*Clear and precise voiced by multiple voices patched together.*
“Scans of the planet indicate no continuing settlements, however we are picking up a weak power reading.”
It means we can’t enter hyperspace unless we are outside of the Inderdictor’s Mass Shadow, but it has already sustained major damage what means the shadow is much smaller.
"The ships shields are drained, captain. The surplus power to the engine made short work of that, fortunately given our current situation the rocket to the belly of the ship has only caused moderate damage. With hindsight and a competed calculation, the trajectory came from the other side of that large rock below that sightly monument."

Minister Awkin is a member of the Ruling council of the Empire, part of an inner circle of elites however due to recent events he ha obtained a new vision and seeks to preserve the Galaxy under the shadow of the Rakata.
He is old and wise and speaks with purpose, his voice booms takes a president of the entire room.
Smoke rises from the Emperor’s Throne. The hour grows late, and Arthur Prowse brings us our salvation.
The Rakata has regain much of its former strength, He cannot yet take physical form, but his spirit has lost none of its potency. Concealed within his prison, the Rakata controls all. His thoughts pierces the minds of many, metal and flesh. But he can only be released from one place, you know of what I speak, Prowse. A great fortress, devouring all in flame.
I applaud you Prowse, your resources are numerous, but they have been utterly spent. Of course it was all for nothing. I have told you once before this is not a battle, not a war we can win.

Iscariot is a sleazy, mouse like man with an unnerving presence, he speaks with a sharpness, bitter with a hint of jealousy.
The voice I’m looking for is something similar to Gríma Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings. However I’m always open for a different take.
"Doctor Prowse, again there is nothing you can posses which I cannot take away. And you thought I had given up. You chose the wrong friends. This time, it will cost you."
With poison? no. I think an archaeologist such as ourselves deserve a more fitting end. Entombed in a temple, flattened by a booby trap, mauled by an indigenous beast.
I was speaking to you in the politeness of the pretense as peers of xeno archaeology, but clearly I was mistaken. Again, you put your trust in the wrong people. You are far to predictable. I recommend that you come clean and tell me what you are really doing here? Your life depends on it,

An ancient being from an Empire from a bygone age before the Old Republic. The Imprisoned One is a Rakata who will dominates that of others.
The Imprisoned one has a dominating voice, bold and clear.
I find your galaxy wanting. I choose to remake it and give birth to a new Infinite Empire
Can you feel it, the presence of everyone aboard this station? Their beating hearts, the draw of their breath, their senses working as one. A current drifting from one to another set in motion by the eye of the storm. Their passions turned into energy into a chorus, it is the rising swell at the end of a song. The promise of an encore, the call of a new melody in the dark.
*Reciting a riddle*
This thing all things devours:
Birds, beast, trees, and flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruin town,
And beast high mountain down.

Leader of the Twi'lek tribe, the Matriarch is full of sorrow and is defeated after so many attacks on her tribe by monsters in the mountain. Once a proud she is now a shadow of her former self. She has lost all hope and now only waits of the inevitable.
I imagined she spoke similar to Mon Mothma when she talks about the many bothans along with the Lady Galadriel from Lord of the Rings. But I’m up for interpretation
*Cautious and strong*
"What brings you to our village outlander?"
*Mournful and saddened*
"Much has occurred in your absence, the raiders of flesh are more rabid than ever before. A dark power grows on the peak of the eastern mountain like an avalanche it berries all in its path. We have survived many storms but our spirit has weathered."
*Mournful and saddened*
"Our defences have depleted and I can spare no more warriors.If you wish to seek Ravenwood you must understand that it is in vain, hope has forsaken these lands."

Husband of Rullak and father of their child, Hue is humble and kind hearted. I’ve imagined his voice is that of a loving farther, warm and kind, though his voice has grown husky.
If you’ve come to help, the way to the jagged teeth are behind that broken wall to the east, our matriarch may have lost hope but I do not believe it.
from what you saw in the mountain, I would not be surprised, please eat.
Smoo vuren alema you.

Child of Rullak and Hue she is one of few who are optimistic in the Twi'lek clan, she is a child of the age of 8, so her voice of naive and optimistic.
Does your planet have monsters too?
I know but the sky people came from the clouds.
You promise you will come back?

Maz from The Force Awakens, looking for something similar to her voice, doesn’t need to be an imitation but something that get a similar feel in flow of speech and such.
*Jokingly and sincere calling out the protagonists*
"You’re not fooling anyone with your inverted uniforms, you know boys."
*Recounting what she has been told taking it like a tall tale from the bar.*
"A map to the Rakata Homeworld, and you destroyed it to stop a mind controlling box from rebuilding this, what did you call it again, Star-Forge? Ha, You’ve got yourself deep in this mess."
"You see those two over there, The Zabrak and is his droid, once their ship has refueled they are travelling to Nar-Shadda, if you flash some chips their way they could accommodate a passenger or two."

A Jedi during the creation of the Jedi Order, The Gate Keeper is and old wise an/wizard archetype who speaks clearly with wisdom.
He speaks like any generic jedi as he is what the jedi are, in my head he sounded more close to Qui-Gon Jinn but that is only a guidance and not a direction. Feel free to do you won thing, with reason.
Here stands the knowledge of a thousand generations of Jedi
They where not built, but created by beings once known as the Kwa who gifted their knowledge across the galaxy under the guidance of the Celestials.
The gate is open and in doing so, the galaxy around it. Know that what you seek may have already been, and what you know has not come to pass. For good or ill, for the Ashla or the Bogan, may the force of others be with you.

Leia shows up as a hologram, doing a speech that is going out to the entire galaxy to inspire those to fight against the Empire.
This is Leia Organa, last princess of Alderaan, former member of the Galactic Senate, and leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
I have a message for the galaxy. Emperor Palpatine, the greatest tyrant civilization has ever known, responsible for death and suffering beyond measure, is dead.
He and a second Death Star battle station were destroyed by Alliance forces. This does not mark the end of the Empire. The fight will continue. But you must take this opportunity. Join us in the foundation of a new Republic to be shaped by the will of the governed. Claim you freedom and your future.

Generic Stormtrooper of the Empire who can’t shoot straight.
The Director is here to speak with you.
Hands Up
*Death Screams*

A thug who happens to bump into Arthur Prowse our protagonist, this thug hates imperials and knows of the large bounty on Prowse’s head.
They have a rough menacing voice. open to any interpretation
I recognise your face from the Holo Net, You would fetch a nice bounty.
You’re a long way from home, Imp.
I think you will be worth enough dead.
They hate their life and their job. They don’t care much for who goes on what transport or security. This person is disgruntled and lacks any motivation.
Cutting it close, that transport is about to leave.
Disgruntled grunt
Drunk alien in a bar who is extremely happy to sing and dance due to a very important Rebellion victory. Open to interpretation, but more to a direction of a rowdy loud and brash drunk
Fellow-beings! We all know why where in such high spirits!
Higher spirit, then! I propose a toast to our new freedom! To the Rebel Alliance!
To toast with, to the Rebel Alliance!
Same as the other drunk, Drunk alien in a bar who is extremely happy to sing and dance due to a very important Rebellion victory. Open to interpretation, but more to a direction of a rowdy loud and brash drunk
Spirits being the operative word!
A annoyed dock officer alien, rough underworld like voice. Stereotypical New York like taxi cab guy.
You! Yes you! What do you think you’re doing landing that peace of junk sink it’s talons into my landing pad! I’ve got another ship coming in and unless you want your monstrosity’s hull crushed flat, you better move it, got it!
I don’t care if your ship is Nubian, get it out of here!
Make it 40 and you’ve got five!
Public Submissions