"Star Wars: Knights of the Republic" (Lego Animated miniseries)

Project Overview
"Star Wars: Knights of the Republic" is a six part miniseries to be animated in LEGO.
The story is set several decades before the Clone Wars, when two Jedi knights on a mission to a distant planet must fight to secure the safety of the Republic and the survival of the Jedi order.
During heated political disputes among the galactic republic, Jedi Knights Vass Regallo and Tulan Ido are assigned as personal escorts to Senator Armitage Newlock. However once they arrive at their destination, the situation becomes much more than any of them can handle.
The series is set 30 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
The story is Non-canonical and written entirely by myself.
There are six episodes in total, each scheduled to run at about 12 to 20 minutes each.
*Characters' photos will be added soon*
To those who are unable to continue the project after a certain point, for whatever reason, please let me know. We all have lives of our own, I fully understand. On that note, here are come simple requirements I ask of all V.A.'s:
-Must have Skype and an active email
-Use a microphone with good, clear quality. (Please!)
-Must have some knowledge of the source material. (Star Wars)
-Have fun! (Obviously)
-Must be comfortable doing live readings.
-Keep in contact with me semi-regularly for updates and other necessities.
-If cast you have the choice to be in a group chat with the Director and other cast members.
Auditioning is not always an easy task. However, to those who read this and willingly respond I encourage all of you to do your best! That's all I ask. Upon submission of your auditions, or even if you have questions for any reason, I am always very quick to reply and will help through any step you need. I look forward to hearing your auditions!
Remember, have fun and good luck!
~James P. (Creator, Writer and Director)
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Vass is a jedi padawan and one of the two assigned to escort a senator of the Republic across the Galaxy. He is wise beyond his years yet still prone to making emotional and sometimes irrational decisions. Vass is very strong with the force and deadly in combat, being able to channel his inner anger into his fighting style, which is reflected by his purple lightsaber.
Age: 18
Name Pronouned (VAHSS RE-GAHL-OH)
"I am Vass Regallo, Jedi Knight. At your service."
"...Doesn't it seem a bit odd to you? This was meant to be a diplomatic mission. The Jedi have no word in politics so why would there be any need for two Jedi Knights to act as escorts? It just doesn't feel right."
"Show it to me...the weapon you used to kill my master."
Ido is a seasoned Jedi knight and Vass Regallo’s master. A rigid and by the Numbers kind of teacher, Ido is a very powerful force user with a strong sense of justice. Protective by nature, his greatest assets are his ability and knowledge of the force after years and studying and practice. He is very calm, collected and peaceful, often thinking to outsmart his enemies before resorting to violence. His weapon is a yellow lightsaber.
Age: 41
Name pronounced: (TOO-LAHN EYE-DOH)
"Vass, my friend! Congratulations on passing the trials! Words cannot express how proud of you I am. You've grown into a fine young Jedi, if I may say so myself."
"...It's an interesting point, young one...Perhaps there may be some credence to your words after all. I shall meditate on it. In the meantime, perhaps some rest might do you some good."
"I felt...a disturbance in the force....the dark side surrounds us, I'm afraid...Something is very wrong,"
Armitage Newlock is a senator of the galactic republic who's sent to a distant planet for negotiations. He's silver tongued and deceptive, but still means well when doing his duties. He has no ability with the force and relies on his politician's wit to get out of trouble.
Age: early to mid 50's
"...It can be quite, eh...difficult in these sort of situations, you see. Most people around these parts have never seen a Jedi before. Perhaps you two might lay low and let me do the talking, yes?"
"How dare you! I have no idea what you're on about! I am a representative of the Galactic Senate, I can have you arrested for this madness!"
"...Then perhaps we can arrange a deal? This planet contains resources that my allies in the senate would find to be quite beneficial to our cause. In return, the republic would be happy to compensate you for your services..."
A Jedi knight sent with one other to the base of the galactic trade federation. She's overconfident in the power of the force, and could even be called slightly arrogant. Yet still stoic and grounded like a true Jedi master. Gorro is exceptionally skilled in combat. Her weapons are two blue lightsabers.
Age: Mid 20's to early 30's
Name pronounced (KAI-VEK GORE-OH)
"Well look what we have here. Ido, it's good to see you again. Vass, my, how you've grown! Think you're ready to handle your first real test as a Jedi?"
"Don't underestimate the power of the force, senator. In my time I've seen much stranger things happen than this."
"Armitage Newlock...In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic...you are under arrest."
The second of the pair of Jedi knights sent to the trade federation's base. She is wise and levelheaded, preferring to talk and communicate before restoring to fighting, yet has a fascination with the ancient ways of combat. Her weapon is a green lightsaber.
Age: early 20's
Name pronounced (ING-SAI SHIN)
"Senator! Glad you could join us. I am Ing-Sai Xin, this is my accomplice Qivek Gorro. We've come with good news."
"No! You musn't! Vass, you may no longer be a padawan, but you are not ready for something like this yet. Where is Ido, he should've returned by now..."
"...Someone please inform me why I found THIS inside the ship?! What were you doing out there? I demand answers, now!"
A skilled republic fighter pilot and the pilot for Senator Newlock’s ship. Not much is known about them but their accomplishments in battle and reputation precede them. Yaur is stern but not without a sense of humour. Captain Yaur's weapons are two blaster rifles.
**This character can be male or female**
Age: Anywhere from 20's to 40's
Name pronounced (YAH-OOR)
"Sir, we've arrived in the Uyphus system. Starting our approach, we shall be landing shortly."
"...That's impossible! There were only two other Jedi with us and both of them were here when the hangar was destroyed...What does this all mean?"
"I'll hold them off! Go, quickly!!"
Ulas Aardross is Senator Newlock’s personal bodyguard. Quiet, stoic and a fierce combatant. He is secretly attempting to assassinate the senator, but for unknown reasons. His weapons are an electro-staff and, whose history of inquiry is unknown, a red lightsaber.
Age: Unknown, but retains a sense of youth.
Name pronounced (YOU-LISS ARE-DROSS)
"Welcome, Master Jedi. We're pleased to have you on board. I am Ulas Aardross, Senator Newlock's personal bodyguard."
"So you've finally figured it out. Took you long enough. Too bad you won't get very far once I'm finished with you."
"We....we will return....you--your fate will be the same as mine...."
It's Master Yoda. I don't think there needs to be much explanation on this one.
"Vass Regallo, by the right of the council, by the will of the force, dub thee I do...Jedi."
"Always with you, the force will be."
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