"Star Wars: Knights of the Republic" (Lego Animated miniseries)
elpasopictures for Vass Regallo- Jedi Knight
Vass is a jedi padawan and one of the two assigned to escort a senator of the Republic across the Galaxy. He is wise beyond his years yet still prone to making emotional and sometimes irrational decisions. Vass is very strong with the force and deadly in combat, being able to channel his inner anger into his fighting style, which is reflected by his purple lightsaber.
Age: 18
Name Pronouned (VAHSS RE-GAHL-OH)
"I am Vass Regallo, Jedi Knight. At your service."
"...Doesn't it seem a bit odd to you? This was meant to be a diplomatic mission. The Jedi have no word in politics so why would there be any need for two Jedi Knights to act as escorts? It just doesn't feel right."
"Show it to me...the weapon you used to kill my master."
...you made it sound easy. Congratulations elpaso
Thank you man, natural Jedi it seems ;) Someone tell Kathleen Kennedy?