Star-Forger: The Series Animatic

Star-Forger: The Series Animatic

Project Overview

Star-Forger: The Series

Premise: After being nearly erased from existence, Scott Stone, a teenager, uses a high-tech alien super-weapon known as the Star-Forger Device to become Star-Forger, battling threats both from home and other planets.

The series takes heavy influences from superhero cartoons of the early-mid 2000s like Ben 10, Danny Phantom and The Spectacular Spider-Man.

My main goal with this project is to create a 1-2 minute fully voiced animatic, adapting a fight scene from the pilot episode.

Examples for what the final product might look like:

This animatic will serve as a pitch for the whole series and be an important stepping stone to eventually animating the entire Pilot episode.

Why should you join?

I've been working on this series for over 6 years now and have written out full-length episode screenplays for 2 full seasons already. In addition, I've developed numerous scripts for other series set in the same universe.

I've invested so much time and energy into this universe that I'm absolutely determined to make this into a real show. I've seen so many projects like this fall apart because they bite off more than they can chew at the start, or the creator just gives up and loses interest.

Starting with just 1 scene ensures that we will get something out there no matter what. This show isn't just another project for me, it's my dream that I've been working on it since I was a kid, so there is ZERO chance of me giving up on it. I'm in this for the long haul.

By joining, you'll also gain access to a community of talented and equally passionate people, and be considered for all of Meteor Tide Studios's future projects. You'll get access to future opportunities you might never come across otherwise. You'll see your name in the credits of something real and build your portfolio.

This is a volunteer-based project. There's potential for monetary compensation down the line if the series gains significant success. But don't go in with this expectation. If you join, it should be because you're genuinely excited or want to gain experience working on an animated series.

Scope and Future Plans

As mentioned before, this animatic will be focusing on one fight scene from the Pilot episode. Depending on how it goes, we'll start animating other scenes from the pilot, and eventually finish the entire pilot episode, which is estimated to be 30 minutes. But this is far in the future. Right now, we're just focusing on this one scene which will be released on YouTube.

Star-Forger will also serve as the launching pad for the Meteor Tide Universe, a shared universe akin to Marvel or DC. There aren't vague plans; future series in the Meteor Tide Universe have already been written out down to each line of dialogue. There is a very real chance that you could become part of the next big indie animation series by jumping in now.

The project will be coordinated on Discord. If you are selected, I'll send you an invite.

If there are any questions, feel free to send me a message!

For Voice Actors: Audition for a role even if you think you won't get it. You'll be considered for future roles or other roles in the pilot that aren't listed here, that might be a great fit for you.

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Is Closed

    Thank you everyone for your auditions. We received over 100 submissions!

    By now, if you were chosen to be added to our Talent Pool, you should have received an invite to our Discord server. If you didn't, you can still join as a supporter of the project, the link is below:

    If you weren't officially cast or invited to our Talent Pool, don't worry, there are still more roles in the Pilot and other episodes that will be posted at later dates.

    Follow our page on CastingCallClub @meteortide so you can be notified when future roles are posted. The best way to stay updated is still by joining our server, however.

  • Almost Done With Casting

    Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned (over 80 people so far and counting!)

    The deadline for casting is coming up in just 3 days, but at this point I've reviewed all auditions and almost finalized the casting decisions for each role.

    Keep an eye out in your DMs for a message within the next few days if you are cast.

    If you aren't cast, I'll still be sending out messages to people who had really good auditions and that I'm interested in working with in the future.

    Excited to get this project started!

Lead Artist/Animator
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Dice

The backbone of this entire project. Please link samples of your work below. They can be anything ranging from motion comics, to animatics, to full blown animations.

This is more of a hybrid role between an artist and animator. I'm looking for a style that visually looks good instead of the most fluid animation. The level of animation will depend entirely on what you are most comfortable with. This means the final product could range from static storyboards with limited animation to a full blown animated scene, it's up to you.

This is strictly going to be a 2D animated project. While I think 3D animation is great, it doesn't fit what what I have in mind for this project.

Minimum Qualifications
- At a bare minimum, able to create storyboards for an action scene

- You need to be able to draw human characters from multiple angles, including facial expressions.
- You will need to be able to draw alien creatures/monsters that don't have human anatomy.

- Ability to draw simple backgrounds (they don't have to be that detailed)
- You need to have an art style that fits the look of the series. Cartoony and stylized artstyles are preferred (see the art I uploaded for the general look/feel) but the animatic is a fight scene, so don't go too cartoonish. 
- You will need to be able to draw digitally and be familiar with digital art and animation software.
- Ability to receive feedback and revise at multiple stages in the process.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scott Stone/Star-Forger
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: KJ Burbank VA

The main character of the series and lead role. Scott is 17-years old, and inexperienced. During the time at which this scene takes place, he's only been a superhero for 6 months. He's idealistic and is prone to joking around during serious moments. He's also a little overconfident, which should be reflected in his voice.

In terms of the voice, I'm looking for someone that sounds youthful, but not like a little kid. You should be able to do serious and lighthearted. Think Spider-Man or Danny Phantom in terms of the general vibe.

Since this is a fight scene, you should also be comfortable with doing grunts or battle sounds. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male young adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • Hey, Pat. What's on the menu tonight?

  • Hey! I'm talking to you! YEAH! COME AND GET ME!

  • Ugh... smells like burnt leather.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Star-Forger Device
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Petr Papánek

The alien device that grants Star-Forger his powers. It was built by a super advanced civilization, and it allows the user to create and bring into reality anything they can imagine. It can also copy the powers and abilities of others by recreating them down to a molecular level.

In terms of the voice, I'm open to either a male or female voice. It should sound like a computer or robotic in tone, but not like a text-to-speech. More along the lines of a voice assistant.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • american
  • digital assistance
  • androgynous



Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Chimaeras
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Allie Spadallie

Chimaeras are genetically engineered alien creatures, that burst into the diner, looking for Scott's Star-Forger Device. There are two of them in these scene, but they pretty much sound identical which is why I'm making it one role. 

In terms of appearance, imagine a creature with spider-like appendages, scales, sharp teeth and a face with no eyes if that helps you do the voice better. The closest thing to their design are the monsters from the movie A Quiet Place (the thumbnail image), but this is just a placeholder and I will be coming up with a new design.

They are mindless and don't talk, so you should be able to make convincing alien/monster noises.

Voice description:
  • monster
  • (growling noise)

  • (series of screeches/attack roars)

  • (pain noises, for when they get hurt)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pat Robinson
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon

An middle-aged or old woman who serves as the owner of a 1950's themed diner. Likely will only have 1 or 2 lines in the scene, but this role will play a bigger part in other scenes in the pilot.

She does not know Scott's secret identity as Star-Forger, and gives him free food because she feels sorry for him, thinking he's just a homeless teen.

She should sound warm and caring, with a sarcastic bent to her voice. Other than that, feel free to experiment and try things out. 

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • You're late, Scott. Eggs got cold.

  • The kid's living on the streets, Tom. A free meal every once in a while is the least I can do.

  • (harsh whisper) Scott, what're you doing?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Colby Mazur

A patron of the diner who is attacked by one of the alien creatures that bursts into it. Will likely only have 1 line at max in this scene (and it's probably going to be just a scream) with potential for more screen time in other scenes in the Pilot, which is why I included 2 more audition lines.

Anyone is encouraged to apply for this role, since it's more of a cameo. I don't have any specific age or voice in mind, but he has to be at least older than 20.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • (scream)

  • Hey! How come he gets to eat for free?

  • (sips coffee) Mm. That's good.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Police Officer
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Elyse

Another minor role. Can be male or female, it doesn't really matter. There is another named cop character with a bigger role in the full series, so if you nail this one you could land that role as well.

You can pick whatever voice you want, just make sure it sounds serious.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult

  • What the hell is that thing?

  • Hey! Stop right there!

Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Tenma

Should be able to create background music for a fight scene. Preferably high-energy sounding music with synths combined with electric guitar. Please link samples of your work below.

Something that sounds similar to Eurobeat music (but without the words) would be great for what I'm imagining, but I'm open to anything. 


  • *Say something you think would fit*

Deferred: Agreed Amount

Interested in helping out with this project, but don't see anything that you would be good at? Want to be considered for future projects? Just interested in seeing where this goes?

We're always looking for people to help out. Put your Discord username below, along with what special skills/talents you can offer, relevant samples etc. and I'll send you an invite.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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