Splatoon D.O.A.H 5 : AUDITIONS
Project Overview
Hi there! I am the official creator of Dawn of a Hero and I am looking for people who will be willing to play as some roles who might play a really big part in my story.
- I need someone who can play as a brand new Antagonist named Lorenzo Calamaro: the highly respected Boss of the Inkopolis Mafia. I want him to have a very deep, raspy smokers voice simular to "The Godfather"
- Additionally to Lorenzo, I will need someone to play as Lorenzo's Apprentice and son: Antonio Calamaro: a flirty, quick tempered teenager who will do anything for his father. I don't have any prefrences for this character, so do a voice that you think will best suit him!
- I need someone who has a confident, mature and soothing voice to play as the class president of Inkopolis High; Miri Oshiro, an intelligent young student. You will need to be comfortable with screaming and shouting out lines for this role as this character.
- Finally, I will need someone who can play as possibly the most common villain: Bella Wonder, a rich, spoiled yet talented school bully who won't hesitate acting up when she doesn't get her way. She is a beloved idol and celebrity. You will need to be able to sing for this role.
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First off: you guys have done such an amazing job. I was amazed by all the auditions this has received! It's gonna be extremely tough for me to decide on who get's which role..thank you all! Now HEADS UP: I decided to shorten the deadline to the 5th of December. So if you know of anyone who would like to audition before time runs out, let them know!
New Roles have been added!
As the title says: I have added 3 new roles for characters I will need for my next episode. These include the following: - Callie - Marie - Olivia Arington Best of luck to all of you!

name: Lorenzo Calamaro
age: 54
personality: intelligent, cold, sleazy, no empathy for others other than his family whatsoever.
relationship status and sexual preference: Single, but has a son.
Backstory: Lorenzo Calamaro is a cold hearted buisnessman with a lust for wealth, power and respect. He built his foundation and everything he has from the ground up and will stop at nothing to make him more and more wealthy and feared. Before he became a Mafia boss, he used to work for a good friend and Inkling billionaire named Rodriguez Yédéres who fired him after Lorenzo attempted to convince Rodriguez to committing armed robbery. Shortly after, he founded the Inkopolis Mafia consisting of 4 members; 2 of his trusted allies, himself and his new born son. Time passed and more and more members joined the mafia over the years until it became the largest underground crime businesses in Inkopolis.
He knows no limits when it comes down to his deeds, he is heartless to anyone other than his family and will nonchalantly "get rid of" one of his own members if they even slightly seem suspicious of betraying him.
-fears/weaknesses: "you can do whatever you want, but you do not mess with my family" in other words, his family is practically his only weak spot, if anyone would threaten to harm someone like his own son, he would willingly hand himself over.
...tell me..what is the name of this girl again..?
You can do anything..but never go against the family.
People may call me and my work as..unnatural..but I am simply a businessman..like everyone else..I do what needs to be done.

Name: Antonio Calamaro
Age: 17
Gender: male
Role: important support role, Son of the Inkopolis Mafia Boss and future leader, quick tempered, flirty
Backstory: Antonio is an aggressive young inkling who hates to be underestimated. Since he is the son of Mafia Boss: Lorenzo Calamaro, he wishes to be as respected as his father, which he rarely gets due to his cute appearance and less than intimidating nature. However, his actions speak louder than his words. Despite his appearance, he is as cruel and heartless as his father and quite clever, but can get quickly aggressive which can lead to his own demise. He is spry, athletic, quick and swift and is his fathers right hand man. He'll do anything for his father and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.
Fears/Weaknesses: Very self conscious and always thinks he isn't good enough to be a leader.
Hey there pretty girl..~
Look..sorry I got to do this to ya..but..it's the bosses orders..so hold still..

Name: Miri Oshiro
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role: important support role: class president, friend of Madeline, crush of Ranaldo Yédéres
Backstory: Miri Oshiro is a calm, confident young woman who knows how to take care of herself. She is the class president and a very talented singer so most people respect her rather highly. As a younger child, she grew up with a mentally abusive father and since then always been rather cautious about any situation. She is a talented, kind hearted inkling who always wants the best for everyone and is very supportive to her friends. She is also the love interest of Ranaldo: the wealthiest inkling in her school. She knows very well that he is obsessed over her, but she doesn't take that to her advantage nor mind it too much that he likes her so much. She is quite athletic and mains duelies during turf wars.
- must be comfortable with speaking loudly (screaming, shouting, panic)
- must have a semi mature voice
- (optional) able to sing
Madeline..Bella...care to explain what on earth is going on here..?
I heard enough..both of you: get your stuff and leave now before I change my mind and report you both to the principles office..we will discuss this another time..have I made myself clear?

Name: Bella Wonder
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Weapon: Blaster
Role: Main Antagonist: Bully, rich girl, snobby
Profile: raised in the skyscrappers of moray towers, this inkling is everything you can think about a basic b*tch: she's snobby, rich and disrespectful. She always keeps her hair color pink and is disgusted by everything out of the norm to her, including ink other than her own color. She is a beloved Inkling idol, singer, dancer, cheerleader, model, actress and performer with a huge fanbase, making her one of Inkopolises most well known and wealthiest inklings. It's also note worthy that she also has a crush on Ranaldo Yédéres - Son of Rodrigues Yédéres and the richest inkling of her school, and she will do everything she can to get him by all means necessary. She Madeline's Rival, always in a constant war with one another about anything you could possibly imagine...
Her real name is actually Belladonna Burns but she demands everyone to call her by her stage name: "Bella Wonder"
ahahahaha~ ...well well well..sleeping yet again during class..huh Madie..? Look I hate to break it to you..but you look like a total train wreck..
listen..if YOU want to join US as a cheerleader..you will not only have to LOOK like us..you have to EAT like us..got that?? We are the representatives of this very school you know...and if you keep eating that gross trash like that you'll end up as the ugliest of us all.. I can't let you end up like that! It would ruin MY reputation! DO you think people would LIKE me more for cheering with a candy JUNKIE like you??

Name: Olivia Alice Arington
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role: important support role: cheerleader, school pep rally, best friend of Miris
Profile: Olivia is a very happy go lucky inkling who is kind and friendly to everyone. She always has a smile on her face and loves to bring people in a good mood despite being very sensitive herself. In her spare time, she sings to herself and plays the guitar or plays with her cat. She just joined the schools cheerleading team but doesn't quite fit in with the other cheerleaders and gets harassed for her being a bit airheaded and clumsy. She is skinny and very athletic even though she adores sweets and sugar and always asks for a desert but that unfortunately also results in her cheer-group teasing her for her eating habits. She is the best friend of Miri Oshiro; the class president, and always hangs out with her ever since they first met.
- must have an english/british accent
- has to be able to act mentally unstable / insane at one point
- has a high pitched voice
- always in a good mood
- terrible at giving threats and always sounds cute
Hi! My name is Olivia! It's a pleasure to meet you all! I hope we get along well!
(afraid and sobbing as she gets bullied) H-Hey..q-q-quit it-!! W-Why are you doing this..? I-I'm sorry..I'll stop it..I p-promise..!
Bellllaaaa~ hehheheehee~ BELLLAAAAAA~ where are you hiding..? I don't want to hurt you..much..I just want to talk to you..and take you somewhere a lot..lot..nicer..hihiihihihi..! Playing hide and seek with sweet tooth huh? You know you shouldn't play games with me..because..I ALWAYS WIN. DON'TCHA KNOW THAT CAPTAIN?? HEHEHEAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAAA!!

The famous squid sister Callie of the squid-sisters! She is very cheerful and excitable, and usually sports a grin on her face. She values her bond with her cousin Marie / Agent 2, the two having been inseparable since they were young. As children, they enjoyed star-gazing and playing tag together. She is particularly attentive to Marie's changes in mood, even noting when the latter wants to drink a latte based on expression alone. When by herself, however, Callie can become upset and prone to overthinking.
She is rather fond of puns, and uses them from time to time, a habit that tends to annoy her cousin. She is also optimistic and caring.
She along with her Cousin Marie play as support roles for Madeline / agent 3. They give her new assignments and inform her of any suspicious or criminal activities going on in Inkopolis.
HEYAAA~!! Agent 3..? You there?
ooooh...oh gosh..woopsies..! my bad..was I interrupting something?
We actually have an idea where she could be..ever heard of a guy named Antonio in your class? He has bad news written all over him...I managed to track him down...we'll keep updating you on whatever else we find. Ready to head out?

The famous squid sister Marie of the squid-sisters! Marie is seemingly quieter and not as excitable as her cousin, and usually only gives a half-smile, if at all. She can be a very sarcastic from time to time, and slightly prone to complaining, but is usually in a mild mood. Overall, her disposition is laid-back and friendly/grumpy. She is also an expert at doing impressions, as mentioned by Agent 1. She dislikes overly-thrilling activities, and can even be somewhat lazy. Marie hosts Inkopolis News with her cousin, Callie. She usually interjects humorous statements regarding stage news, often poking fun at Marie in the process. Marie often groans at Callie's puns, but is known to make silly comments herself.
She along with her Cousin Callie play as support roles for Madeline / agent 3. They give her new assignments and inform her of any suspicious or criminal activities going on in Inkopolis.
Agent 1...please take this seriously. Sorry about that agent 3, but you might want to turn on the news...you'll want to see this. Trust me on this.
Don't worry. All hope isn't lost...yet.
Antonio Calamaro, Son of Lorenzo Calamaro, is an infamous crime boss who we've been trying to track down for ages. Thanks to our undercover agents...we finally have a lead where he could be...however...we don't know what he would want with your friend, Miri Oshiro, so be on your guard as you investigate.
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