Sonic The Hedgehog IDW 2018- (Comic Dub Series)
Project Overview
Alright so The new IDW run of Sonic has been out for a while and it's already proving to be great.
So me and a couple buddies figured: "Why not dub it?"
This should be a nice side thing while me and my team work on our main projects, both as Sonic fans and as a means to gain experience for said main and future projects.
So in short:
This project will be a comic dub of the new (IDW) comic run of Sonic the Hedgehog, that will be posted in full on YouTube and likely in increment on Twitter.
The IDW plot summary:
SONIC’S RACING INTO A NEW ADVENTURE! After defeating the evil Dr. Eggman’s latest plot, Sonic is racing around the world to shut down the robotic Badnik forces that are still attacking villages. But it’s a big job for one hedgehog—even Sonic! Fortunately, he’ll have some help from his best friend: Tails!
Can I trust you and your content? What kind of quality can I expect from your project?
Easy! Just take a look on my completed work bar. And you can bet that it'll only get bigger from here on out.
"About Money?"
- This project will be unpaid until further notice. This will a non-profit fan dub in order to not push the boundaries of Fair Use.
"Is my Microphone Quality good enough?"
- Clear and distinguishable voices with little to no echoing and noise, which typically goes USB mics and up, with exceptions of course. I know some built in mics can be pretty good.
"This line up is pretty small... Where is -character X-??"
- This is just the initial line up! Other character should be up soon! Since we don'T know how the IDW run will affect everyone's personality, we'll put the characters on as we go.
"Will I get paid in the future?"
"How long is this project going to take?"
"How long is this project going to last?"
"How much commitment am I going to pour into this if I get cast?"
- First of, you really shouldn't audition in this just for a pay. This is mostly a fun side-project. I can't promise success, but let's all have fun with this and see where the road take us!
- I don't know how long we'll be able to keep this project going. At the writing of this description, we're already two issues in. So for those reasons, I'll keep this project in the Hobby section.
- Well the first 4 issues are coming out at the speed of 1 per week and as of the writing of this description, 2 issues are already out. After which it's going to be 1 per month. Each issue is about 20-30 pages long but since they are mostly filled with action, they're not super dialogue heavy.
"Where will this be posted?"
- Likely on YouTube, while Sneak Peaks will be posted on Twitter.
"Aren't you already in charge of casting call?"
"Can you even manage/handle this project?"
- Like I stated earlier, this is mostly a side-project for me. A friend (who's way more of a Sonic nut than I am) will be handling most of the actual management. Besides, in my other project I'm the one providing the art, unlike this one. The art and dialogue are basically already there. So fear not.
"I've read through all the boring stuff, can the fun start now?!?"
- Hahaha! Yeah! This was painful to type! Have fun auditioning to your heart's content and hope you get the role!
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me.
If you are interested in the current state of this project, you can hop on our Discord!:
Or look at our posts on Twitter:
Did I forget to mention something? Probably...
Guess I'll update it in later if it's important! Doodles
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Latest Updates
We need someone to help oversee this project. The person we assigned to this role previously has been lacking and the project has been delayed because of it. The job would include duties that would range from helping us with casting to scheduling to help arrange group calls with actors for recordings. Note that staff gets priority (aka. dibs) on voicing extras, minor characters and future roles, so I hope y'all will consider. We hope we'll be able to get the casting call up to date in an orderly fashion soon.
The casting call is back online!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to put this project on-hold. But we're not dead quite yet. Our Tangle had to quit due to life reasons so her role will be back up and available for auditions once more. Episode one is in the final stages of production and work on episode two will begin shortly. Thank you all for being this patient! If any of you are not interested in this project anymore, please notify us and (or) remove your audition from this casting call. This should be it for today's update. -
Update #5: Adding Shadow and Rouge!
We were just having a few issues, so I'd like to apologize for the delay! I lost the password to my account as well as some other stuff but we shall not speak about that. So with this month's(belated) issue, our new characters are: Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat. I might have to create a combined role for Cubot and Orbot eventually so yeah. With all the actors picked for the first couple of issues, we're already in the recording process. So with that said, stay tuned and have fun auditioning! -
First round of casting is a go!
I'd want to thank everyone who auditioned! I apologize for not being able to give everyone one proper feedback or compliment on their auditions. But as much as I'd love to do that, the sheer amount of them would be the end of me. Sorry. Like I said on the project description, we'll be casting as time goes. So hurry up while you still have time! >:0 -
Update #3: Adding Team Chaotix and Dr. Eggman
This month's issue is out and so are new characters ready to be voiced! So we have 4 new characters for you guys: Espio the Chameleon, Charmy Bee, Vector the Crocodile and Dr. Eggman Next issue/month, we'll be adding Shadow, Rouge and possibly even more. Also we're finally close to finally picking an editor for this project, so with that, the first round of casting might be upon us soon. So with that said, stay tuned and have fun auditioning!

Mobius is populated with a lot of side characters and one-off characters.
Show your range and you might get the chance to actually voice multiple characters!
I don't have anything in particular for this soooooo go nuts people.
You can improvise a much as you want as long as you keep the dialogue mostly PG.
*Introduce the character(s) you'll improv with and roll with it!*
*You can improv as any kind of person or NPC type character you think could be relevant in this setting. Show off your range and have fun*
Example: "We thought we were goners!"
"Sonic! Ms. Rose! Emergency! We're under attack! *GASP!*"
We need someone to help oversee this project. The person we assigned to this role previously has been lacking and the project has been delayed because of it.
The job would include duties that would range from helping us with casting to scheduling to help arrange group calls with actors for recordings.
Note that staff gets priority (aka. dibs) on voicing extras, minor characters and future roles.
Say something you think would fit

Your job is what it sounds like: Managing music and sound effects to make the editor's job easier
Note that staff gets priority in voicing extras and minor characters.
Say something you think would fit

Mobius is populated with a lot of side characters and one-off characters.
Show your range and you might get the chance to actually voice multiple characters!
I don't have anything in particular for this soooooo go nuts people.
You can improvise a much as you want as long as you keep the dialogue mostly PG.
*Introduce the character(s) you'll improv with and roll with it!*
*You can improv as any kind of person or NPC type character you think could be relevant in this setting. Show off your range and have fun*
Example: "We thought we were goners!"
"You're THE Sonic?!"

Shadow is a brooding loner, to put it bluntly. He usually acts with a cool and businesslike indifference, only occasionally showing his vulnerable side. He is rarely seen with others for an extended period of time and usually distances himself from essentially everyone. He is usually soft-spoken, silent and doesn't speak much, but he always knows exactly what to say in combat. However, Shadow never bluffs. If he makes a threat, he has every intention of carrying it out.
Shadow also does not mind boasting about how powerful he is, calling himself the "Ultimate Lifeform" and like Sonic can be extremely arrogant, often belittling his opponents and insulting their lack of strength. He believes no one can beat him, and tends to see anyone as a fool for challenging him. Shadow also has a ruthless and merciless edge in combat that all other characters in the series lack, and displays a natural "killer instinct".
Shadow's infamous ruthlessness and aggression leads to fear and a nervousness that inhibits characters from his unshakable intent or sheer power in combat. Numerous characters from the Sonic series have shown absolute dread from encountering Shadow. Shadow's enemies never treat him lightly; he is one of the very few people Sonic takes seriously and acts hostile towards.
Alongside his dark and violent demeanor, Shadow can be smug and stubborn. He treats others in a very callous manner, throwing in his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is and not caring for whatever the response is. Shadow is also shown to have a sharp wit.
You can base this interpretation on his past voices. If not, well... Alright. Shadow. Shadow should sound... Like a 9.7 on the edge scale. But not ridiculous edge. The kind people actually take seriously.
Dramatic Angst: "You'll never menace the world with Eggman Land again!"
Angry Angst: "I'll DESTROY you first!"
Melancholic Angst: “Have you forgotten that he made you suffer? That he tried to destroy you- Multiple times?”
Angsty realization: “... You distracted me. Lured me away.”
Skeptical Angst: “You. ‘Mr. Tinker’. Show me ‘Eggman Land.’ NOW.”
*Improv that ANGST! (Optional)*

Rouge is a strong-minded young bat, a fearless, treasure-hunting, ambitious, independent, flirty, ruthless, calculating narcissist who most people see as only caring for herself and her gems. It is shown in Sonic Generations that Rouge can be referred to a temptress, due to her flirtatious and selfish ways. Her carefree and playful attitude can be fun or even annoying for the other characters of the series, especially Knuckles. She has a lot of pride and starts to fight dirty when facing a superior opponent, such as Knuckles (when it comes to power) or Tails (when it comes to flight). She can also show a bashful side, such as the time Knuckles saved her life from falling into her doom and became very embarrassed before disguising it with disgust and outrage. She can also be a bit of a hypocrite, especially in regards to thefts. This is especially evident when, after witnessing the Master Emerald being stolen, she refers to the one stealing it as a thief despite the fact that she herself had stolen it from Knuckles earlier, something Knuckles even noted by saying "Look who's calling who a thief!"
Rouge is also at times a government spy who works for her own good. Rouge has a great obsession for jewels or even anything else that shines or glitters. She has been known to seduce people with her attractiveness to get what she wants
You can base this interpretation on her past voices. If not, something flirty yet strong.
Sly and calculating: “Talk Fast, Big Blue. We DEFINITELY heard him say he was rebuilding Eggman Land, and you know how stubborn Shadow can be.”
Feigning ignorance: "Goodness! Me?"
Extremely condescending and sarcastic: “ OOOOH- Threatening.”
Gotcha vibes: “So isn’t it CONVENIENT you got that anonymous tip when you did? You had plenty of time to find your target, verify him, and bring in Sonic.”
*Femme fatale improv (Optional)*

Eggman is a short-tempered, raucous, pompous, cruel, evil genius who is constantly planning to take over the world. His primary motivation throughout most games is his psychotic belief of self-entitlement. Arrogant and narcissistic, he constructs countless technological wonders in his own image to fuel his massive ego, usually reinforced by his goal of finally constructing the Eggman Empire, and doesn't care where it starts. His narcissism is such that when he first discovered the Phantom Ruby, what it showed as his deepest desire was Eggmanland complete with various labels of his names and statues to himself, and was saddened when the illusion ended.
Although Eggman is a villain, he helps Sonic when the world is at stake; though the reason is always because he knows there would be nothing left for him to conquer if the planet was destroyed. In some of his incarnations, he actually displays a begrudging respect of his arch-enemy, Sonic.
Despite his intelligence, Eggman can be very immature, throwing temper tantrums when Sonic manages to wreck into his plans.
... Y'all all know that Eggman should sound like. Like come on.
Ominous/evil delivery: ""Oh-ho-ho... Don't you worry, little one. I'll fix your little red wagon."
"Soon, I'll be fixing everything!"
Terrified but comforting: "Shhh! You just hide behind this barricade. Everything will be fine. I promise!"
Casual and inviting (maybe potentially creepy): "I hope you'll come back to visit! I'd love to show you Eggman land once it's completed!"*Improvisation away! (Optional)*

A straight-laced detective,Espio is serious, practical, intelligent and wise. He has a militaristic discipline despite being quiet and laid-back. Espio is additionally portrayed as being stubborn, opinionated and self-obsessed. Despite this, he has an excellent drive to all that he does and flourishes off of peril, getting himself into threatening situations to flex and polish his ninja skills, and, due to his extensive training, he can confront these troubles head-on unconcerned by danger.
Espio values his freedom more than anything else. This is due to his reserved demeanor, which hides a burning sense of justice and a refusal to let evil have its way.
You can base this interpretation on his past voices. If not, something witty, serious but capable of being petty childish.
In the middle of action, throwing a kunai: "Left, right- Everywhere! They have us surrounded!"
"Roger that!"
"We- Hold on. Incoming."
Skeptical: "Actually, I don't believe the doctor is behind this"
Dealing in schematics, dodging the bullet: "We did -AHUM- sort of."
"We received an anonymous tip that led us to the village I'm taking you to now. So technically, we didn't find him.*Improv ninja boi (Optional)*

Charmy is hyperactive and scatterbrained, and not too bright. Because he is a child, he would rather play than work. Due to his age, he is not as skilled a detective as Vector or Espio, but he is nonetheless valuable to the team. It is possible he is also greedy like Vector. Although, as children are prone to do, he may just be emulating Vector's behavior.
An emulation of previous voices could work. If not, hyperactive child voice yo.
Happy to see Sonic: "Sonic! You made it!"
Enthusiastic: "Oh yeah! This place is great! There's a lot of kids my age! And tons of mountain flowers! And they have the best honey tarts EVER!"
Getting told to hurry: "I'm comin'! I'm comin'! Sheeeesh!"
-I told you so- sassiness: "Yeah! I tolja Mr. Thinker was a good guy!"
*Sting like a butterfly, improv like a bee (Optional)*

Vector is easy-going, loud-mouthed and has the heart of a child. The brains behind the Chaotix Detective Agency's operations, Vector is a true leaderthat keeps a cool head even in the most difficult situations. Unfortunately, his position as leader tends to get to his head, which makes him bossy. This often leaves Vector split between the "bossy" and "easy-going" parts of his nature. Nevertheless, Vector enjoys his profession as a leader and detective. He takes his profession seriously and uses his powers of deduction to solve any case with dignity and respect, although he is not above showing them off.
Vector normally displays a tough exterior. He speaks in a rough tone, may not sweat the details and is quick to start a fight, often taking an aggressive approach when facing troubles. Though he is able to find a peaceful solution to a problem, he will only do so as a last resort.
So for Vector you can base yourself on his past incarnations or have your own spin. Smart, tough but still somewhat goofy.
Cool entrance: "Don't sweat it. This is all a case of mistaken identity."
Detective talk: "We'v thoroughly interrogated him and observed him for a couple of days."
"It's legit. He remembers nothing."
Badniks have been spotted and they need to blitz: "You got it!"
"Charmy! Get out here! We got work to do!"
*Killer improv (optional)*

Heroic and just as fearless as Sonic the Hedgehog, Tangle is scrappy and loves to tangle with bad guys. However, she can be somewhat careless in battle, like using her tail in a way that gets it injured and focusing more on cheering than watching out for enemies.
Tangle is a friendly, polite, helpful and open person. While having seen and overcome her own fair share of challenges in the form of Badniks, she is not as experienced an adventurer as Sonic, and has thus seen little of the more outlandish subjects that exist out there, like a pyrokinetic princess from another dimension who guards fiery Emeralds. While such signs tend to leave her speechless, she is nonetheless quick to be amazed by them.
Since Tangle has no formal voice actress as of now, go crazy. As we currently don't have anything in particular in mind for, something peppy, energetic and young would work great,
Is hyped over destroyed a bunch of Badniks but hurt her tail doing it: "Woo! And ow. Woo and ow!"
Sassing with Sonic, welcoming yet sarcastic: "Welcome to my hometown! Sorry for the mess. We've got a bit of a robot problem."
Ready for action, introducing herself after Sonic did the honors: "Oh, sweet! Always wanted to meet you. Tangle the Lemur."
Just had an info dump and just shrugs it off, thanking Blaze for her help: "Haha- Yeah okay. Thanks for saving my home, your highness."
*Improv. She's gonna be a fun one (Optional)*

A noble soul, Blaze is normally calm, solemn and level-headed, but tends to conceal her true feelings. She is often described as elegant, which is demonstrated through her body movements and her ballerina-like fighting style. Being royalty, Blaze is quite mannerly and typically maintains a relatively quiet, stoic and formal air among others. She tends to have body language less casual than most others. She also usually speaks in a polite and lady-like tone. While honored of her heritage as royalty, Blaze is down-to-earth and dislikes being called by her title.
While Blaze gives the impression that she keeps her emotions in check, she is inwardly highly emotional. She possesses a fiery temper, and when she loses her composure she is quite frightening, aggressive, harsh, and prone to making bad decisions. She is similarly very serious about her position as princess and guardian of the Sol Emeralds.
So for Blaze you can base yourself on her past incarnations or have your own spin. Calm, collected, polite yet fiery on the inside.
Just made a badass entrance, calm and smirking: "Sonic! You are here. I assume these are Dr. Eggman's robots?"
Sonic's inviting her to smash some robots, and she literally fires up (in both sense of the idiom): "It would be my pleasure."
A bit embarrassed but still staying composed: "You are welcome. And please, just call me Blaze"
Pensive and introspective: "The Sol Emeralds are not... chatty. If they directed me here, it was for a purpose."
*Improv miss royalty (Optional)*

Sonic is said to be "like the wind"; a drifter that is always on the move and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. He values freedom above all else and strives to live his life according to his own rules rather than the standards of those around him or for the sake of heroism and duty, never thinking twice about what other people say or think. Born to run, Sonic enjoys nothing more than traveling the world. Endowed with a strong passion for enjoying life, he is never in one place for long and always moves forward to look for his next challenge, making his life a never-ending series of adventures. Because of his need for freedom, Sonic loathes the idea of being constrained, and being cooped up for too long makes him twitchy and restless.
Sonic's demeanor is always easygoing, cool and carefree. However, he is often impatient, hates boredom, and possesses at times a short temper. Because of his impulsive nature, Sonic can be reckless and quick to act before thinking, throwing himself into trouble without a second thought and regards for others' warnings. Nevertheless, he is honest and always keeps his promises.
Sonic's personality is a juxtaposition of kindness and ferocity. He is extremely benevolent, driven by his own strong sense of justice and fair play, and firmly stands for truth and freedom.
So for Sonic you can base yourself on his past incarnations or have your own spin, as long as he sounds like a young swood dood.
Running towards the action: "Looks like the locals are putting up a fight! I hope they don't mind me lending a hand!"
Bailing on a fan he just saved: "Maybe get inside, buddy. Need to save your town, bye!"
Trying to cheer up Tails: "Hey sure, we've had some close calls. But we've come out of it fine in the end, right? I'll be careful. I promise"
Busted, not super enthousiatic: "A-Amy. Fancy meeting you here."
*Improv! Have fun* (Optional, but it'll help us measure your range for future lines)

Tails is a gentle-hearted, sweet-natured and loyal fox with a positive attitude. In the beginning, he was timid and quiet, but he has opened up and become more outgoing over the years. Tails is not one to grab the spotlight for himself and, instead, is always ready and willing help others without asking for anything in return.
Tails has a distinct love for mechanics and he finds himself most at home in his workshop working on his next creation. Despite his great skills, Tails is very humble about his abilities, never giving them many thoughts, though he has yet to discover his true potential of what he can accomplish. Although in recent times, Tails has become more confident and outspoken about his intelligence, though he still does not openly brag. Regardless, he has been known to mock Eggman's own creations, and sometimes Eggman himself.
Although in the current IDW run, he has shown the ability to be quite sassy and sarcastic in front of Sonic.
So for Tails you can base yourself on his past incarnations or have your own spin, as long as he sounds like a little smart alec preteen.
Sassy and confident (just saved Sonic): "Could you not risk you life for five minutes?"
Getting thanked by Sonic: "My pleasure!" "Thank you, thank you."
Fed-up and sarcastic: "Oh ye of little faith."
Worried and nostalgic: "J-just... be careful, okay? If you get caught off-guard again... get hurt..."
*Improv, go nuts* (Optional, but it'll help us measure your range for future lines)

Amy in the main series is presented as being somewhat kind and girly. Back in the day, she was referred to as an "optimistic tomboy". However, Amy had grown a more feminine personality, such as an interest in shopping and fashion, but that did not remove her tomboyish nature. Despite fluctuating between a girly-girl and a tomboy, Amy has become a bit more obsessive and far more aggressive, much to Sonic's dismay. She often shows her anger by pulling out her Piko Piko Hammer out of Hammerspace, sometimes threatening Sonic with it.
She has ahown a very powerful and aggressive attitude, willing to fight whenever necessary.
Despite her aggressive tendencies, Amy has a kind heart, never gives up, and is one of the most optimistic and cheerful characters. Amy is always full of hope and is always cheering on for the good side of things. She almost never seems to find anything hopeless.
So for Amy you can base yourself on his past incarnations or have your own spin. Although she can be tricky as she has to mix girly, tomboy and cool.
Comes in smashing a robot Sonic missed: "HYAH!"
Sassing Sonic because he missed a robot: "You're getting sloppy, Sonic"Acting fangirly and cheery: "I heard about what you and Tails did in the neighboring town and hurried over! I just knew you'd stop by here!"
Sonic called her own on her schtick and she's blushing mad: "Not like that! I mean, I'm always happy to see you, and would follow you anywhere if you'd only let me but- -OOH! You get me so flustered!"
Sonic declining her invite: "Oh for the love of- WHY?!"
*Improv time!* (Optional, but it'll help us measure your range for future lines)

Knuckles is independent, wild, tough and a loner by nature. Like how Sonic embodies the wind, Knuckles embodies the mountain; stern, unmovable and anchored to his duty. Due to having lived in seclusion for most of his life, Knuckles is a rather antisocial and reclusive individual. As such, he cares very little about what others think, which makes him bluntly honest, straight-forward and somewhat egotistical.
Knuckles is fiercely loyal to his homeland and does whatever is in his power to protect it. He prefers to stay close to the island's current emerald shrine to keep a watchful eye over everything at his home. Despite this devotion, Knuckles is willing to leave his duty whenever his help is needed, or when he feels the Master Emerald and Angel Island will be safe. Though Knuckles has found other lifestyles appealing, he will never trade away his duties as he is far too devoted to his role as guardian. When not performing his duties, Knuckles prefers spending his time practicing his fighting skills, going treasure hunting or hang out with his friends.
Knuckles is usually solemn, stoic, collected and usually likes to be by himself. He is likewise stubborn, headstrong and inflexible, preferring to do things his way, which causes him to clash with others. Regardless, he is very strong-willed, seldom wavering in his determination and will not give up on his goals once he has set them. While he is cool and determined in battle, Knuckles has an extremely short and wild temper and is hard to reason with when he is angry. Though his temper has often been known to get him into trouble, Knuckles has also learned to use it to his advantage by channeling it into his fighting skills.
So for Knuckles you can base yourself on his past incarnations or have your own spin, as long as he sounds like a tough yet caring bro.
Ticked off and boiling on the inside: "I'm gonna break them in half!"
Still ticked off but a little bit calmer: "Right then I'll break them!"
Sarcastic up the wazoo: "Careful Sonic they're highly coordinated"
Being chummy with Sonic: "I'm ready to get back to angel island and go on a good old fashioned treasure hunt"
*Ayy ayy improv!* (Optional, but it'll help us measure your range for future lines)

Described as more of a bully than a mastermind, Rough is ferocious, impish and cruel. He takes great pleasure in mocking the unfortunate and treating those he has terrorized into servitude like his personal slaves. He is also arrogant with an inflated sense of self, and does not take kindly to those opposing him. He is also very vengeful, as seen when he assured Sonic and Knuckles that they had made "lifelong enemies" of out of him and Tumble after they defeated them.
Like Tumble, Rough has displayed a quirky sense of showmanship: for introducing themselves, the skunk brothers have prepared a routine where they tell about themselves with a rhyme while striking flashy poses. Rough is particularly proud and protective about their routine, as he got greatly offended when Sonic and Knuckles imitated it (in a mocking manner no less).
Since there are no canonical voices for him yet, I'm imagining a little punk trying to sound big and tough.
After Sonic introduces himself to him:Yeah, we're heard of you, hero! But you clearly ain't heard of us!"
Seeing Sonic and Knuckles imitate his and Tumble's intro:"That's our thing! You can't do our thing!"Preparing his intimidation catchphrase with his brother:
"You lookin' for scraps?"
"Then get ready for trouble!"
"Brace yourselves for-"
*Improv baby!* (Optional, but it'll help us measure your range for future lines)

Described as more of a bully than a mastermind, Tumble is ferocious, brutish and cruel. He takes great pleasure in mocking the unfortunate and treating those he has terrorized into servitude with physical punishment. He is also short-tempered, and does not take kindly to outside interference. He is also very vengeful, as seen when he assured Sonic and Knuckles that they had made "lifelong enemies" of out of him and Rough after they defeated them. In stressful situations, he also tends to be stubborn, as seen when he repeatedly tried to get his Wispon to work, even though it was obviously that it was out of commission.
Like Rough, Tumble has displayed a quirky sense of showmanship: for introducing themselves, the skunk brothers have prepared a routine where they tell about themselves with a rhyme while striking flashy poses.
Since there are no canonical voices for him yet, I'm imagining a big gruff guy trying to sound to be smart.
Mocking his clumsy servant: "Yeah! Now get us another round before we beat some sense into ya!"
Arming himself with a Lightning Wispon: "No more messin' around!"
Preparing his intimidation catchphrase with his brother:
"You lookin' for scraps?"
"Then get ready for trouble!"
"Brace yourselves for-"
*Improv big guy!* (Optional, but it'll help us measure your range for future lines)

The name says it all. I'm going to need a video editor for this project.
The job description:
Being in charge of syncing up audio, voices and the images in in a visually appealing way and assembling them into a video.
Here's an example of the kind of style we'd like to try out here:
Although a fair thing to point out it that I personally use Premiere Pro CC for my videos and comic dubs. So using that program would be appreciated for better teamwork and synergy.
Comic dub experience and being able to double up as an audio mixer is a bonus.
And those who apply for this might also get to work with me on other projects with higher chance of pay.
Say something you think would fit

People may see this as optional but I think this is an important job
The job description:
Being in charge editing various visuals, comic panels, onomatopoeia and whiting out speech bubbles to make life easier for the video editor and enhance the overall presentation of the dub.
Here's an example of the kind of style we'd like to try out here:
Although a fair thing to point out it that I personally use Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop (Elements) for my visual edits. So using those programs would be appreciated for better teamwork and synergy.
Comic dub experience and being able to double up as an audio mixer is a bonus.
And those who apply for this might also get to work with me on other projects with higher chance of pay.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions