Sonic onset Adventure

Project Overview
Sonic Onset Adventure is a Sonic fangame which hopes to recreate the Adventure Formula with physics, controls, and design similar to the Adventure games.
NOTE: Both Sonic and Shadow were casted before this project was posted on the site, Sorry in advance.
What we're looking for: We want people that can help preform the characters that are listed below, Basic requirements, are Good mic Quality, Confidence in the voice you portray, and to have good availability (this can be worked around though). We are trying to give the best performance we can Muster, We are fairly available ourselves, and are always active on Discord, If need be you can also reach me through my email (I'll be watching). There isn't really a set deadline for this project yet, since even we don't know when it will be completed. But We will cast those who we think are the most fit for the roles.
If you want to record additional lines that you feel are more fit for the character, please contact us in our DM's and send them to us! we will always love additional input on a character's portrayal, as it not only helps us but also helps your chances of being casted. We look for people that are Passionate and Professional about this, and hope to see what great voices you lend to the project! As a note We will be making a private server once all of the voice actors on this list are to be casted, it's easier for us to keep things nice and organized and not all over the place.
Contact Info: You can contact us in our DM's or the Public SOA Discord server. (We wont get mad (Promise)) (Perma Invite link to our server (don't mind the "Interesting" people there))
My Personal Discord: ShadeRonin#0949
My Personal Email: [redacted]
Director of the Project's discord: Digital Purgatory#1218
DISCLAIMER: This game is still in development, and whilst the basic mechanics and characters are done, The story is still a HEAVY work in progress, the roles here that are listed Will 100% Be in the game, though we don't know how many other characters will be inside of the game we know for certain that when the time comes for more characters we will make a NEW listing with the side characters that will be inside of the game and be present within the story. If you have recommendations for a certain character contact us and we will discuss things with you in a private and professional manner.
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Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, is the anthesis of Sonic the Hedgehog, Wanting to rule the world the world and see him and his image, Eggman is a Egotistical, Cunning, and Malicious Enemy with a recorded IQ of over 300, Whilst he can act childish at times, he has shown time and again that he can be as Evil as necessary, whether that means Deceiving allies or tricking enemies, he has his way around every Scenario, whether that be by his own qualities, or his machine's qualities.
How Eggman should sound: Eggman can sound like either interpretation of the character, from the Adventure era/4kids era. While Eggman can be somewhat goofy, he can also be just as terrifying, he should be a mix of formidable but also light hearted at times. He should mainly sound deeper Malicious, Cunning, Intelligent, and When he's almost won He should gloat to himself and act fairly egotistical, But when he's on the back ropes, he should sound desperate, tired, defeated, and in some cases he should even shriek in fear and or try to run away.
This is a lead role for Sonic onset Adventure.
- english
- boisterous
- adult
- male senior
- Cunning
- Prideful
(gloating and Boisterous) Citizens of Station square, Lend me your ears! I am Dr. Eggman! The greatest scientific mind in the whole world and your soon to be Ruler!
(Desperate and Frustrated) You annoying little Rat! Why won't you just let me rule this miserable planet!
(Annoyed) Well, This was just a test, you're lucky to have made it through Sonic. Next time you won't be able to best my machines.

Tails is a Gentle-hearted, Sweet-natured and loyal friend to Sonic, Being mechanically Intune and incredibly compassionate for his friends. He'll almost never save the spotlight for himself but is always ready and willing to help others without wanting or getting anything in return. At times tails will get absorbed into talking "Techno-Bauble" and will over explain something, though usually this out of his interest in machinery and inventing.
How Tails should sound: Tails should sound more like his modern game interpretations, because it allows for a wider range of performance and has the ability to be more dynamic. Tails can be rather expressive, When he's around others he should sound more excitable, and when he's alone he should sound more focused and confident in himself. (if you need more input on how the character should sound contact us with the information above).
This will be a lead role for Sonic onset Adventure.
- english
- Young and curious
- young boy
(Happy and expressive) Hey Sonic!, you've got to check out what I've been working on!
(Determined) I know I can do this, Bring it on Eggman!
(Poking fun at) Could you not risk your life for five minutes?

Knuckles the Echidna is a Clever, focused and loyal person. Being secluded from others for so long he grew up believing in honesty, though this can lead to him being naïve at times and also gullible. He's also got quite a temper, usually channeling it in battle, but sometimes getting angry at others when they bother him too much (Tails talking about tech comes to mind at times). He also treasures his island and the Master Emerald and is usually seen guarding it.
How Knuckles should sound: Knuckles should like his Adventure era/4kids interpretation, both have their strong suits, but preferably Knuckles should sound Confident in himself, He can get frustrated when others bother him and usually get angry if provoked, Knuckles should also sound Stoic and reserved when he's not the main focus but should still keep that confidence. He also will occasionally banter with Sonic and co, usually offering up a challenge of sorts.
This will be a lead role For Sonic onset Adventure.
- english
- Reserved
- male young adult
- confident
- stoic
(Stoic but confident) I'm Knuckles the Echidna, The guardian of the Master Emerald, home to Angel Island.
(Angry and annoyed) Alright I get it! It flies and that's all I needed to hear!
(Playfully Bantering) Okay Sonic, How about we see what's better? Raw power, Or Blinding speed?

Cream: Cream the Rabbit is a very polite, Well-behaved, Well-Spoken and graceful young lady. She often refers to others As Mr./Miss followed by their first name. Cream will do as she is told. With politeness being second-nature, she acts out her teachings of politeness with a cheerful smile and a soft spoken voice. Cream will often speak out her mind even if it might endanger her, she is often seen as a voice of reason and rather mature despite her age.
How Cream should sound: Cream is a young child who sounds rather quiet, reserved, and polite. Any one of her voice portrayals is fine since they all sound fairly similar. Cream isn't afraid to give someone a talking to even if it means she'll put herself in trouble at times, though she always believes in herself and others.
This will be a Lead role for Sonic onset Adventure
- female child
Hello Mr. Sonic, How are you?
Lets go cheese! Go get him!
You know, Amy's really getting into this diet thing, isn't she?

Amy: Amy Rose is a Go-Getter that goes after what she wants and doesn’t let anything stop her. Amy is very open about her feelings and emotions, always speaking her mind and never letting her feelings get bottled up. Amy also is obsessive and aggressive, she can also be very great at giving support, as well as leadership, there can be times where she threatens others with her hammer if you've upset her enough. Overall Amy has a kind heart and never gives up, whether it be on herself or on others.
How Amy should sound: Amy should sound like her Sonic X or Sonic 06 interpretations. as we believe they are the best performance of her character. She's Kind and friendly, but knows when to be mature and to help others
This is a Lead role in Sonic onset Adventure
I finally found you sonic! You're mine!
Are you telling me you'd leave someone behind in need?
Grrr! I'm not done with you! get back here!

Rouge: Rouge the Bat is a strong and independent treasure hunter with a collected and convivial voice, She is a person of many mysteries always playing an active role on both sides so she can get what she wants. Rouge’s carefree and playful devil-may-care attitude can be fun for some like Sonic, but will often annoy characters like Knuckles, and to an extent Shadow. Rouge lets on more than what is shown at times, having the most info on a situation than others. Always the one to get the first scoop on a situation.
How Rouge should sound: Rouge should sound like her interpretations in Sonic X and Sonic 06, She's sassy, confident smart and cunning.
This is a Minor Role for Sonic onset Adventure
You may not like the way I do things, but i get them done.
Just leave it all to me!
All the world's gems are mine to keep!
We are looking for extra programmers that are comfortable writing code in C# and C++ we will only take those who are familiar with these programming languages, it would also be beneficial if you had some experience with Godot 4.0 or Previous versions of Godot. We will take everyone into account for this, please send us a message over discord
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions