Sonic Legacy: Animated Special (Christmas OVA)

Sonic Legacy: Animated Special (Christmas OVA)

Project Overview

Sonic Legacy is a Sonic the Hedgehog fan comic created by a group of devoted fans wanting to develop an original story and lore for the blue blur. The comic has been running for 2+ years, and now we're developing an animated special to celebrate the comic and its characters.

The animation is a 20-25 minute Christmas special, where Sonic and friends deal with the evil Dr. Eggman and his dastardly plans to ruin Christmas for everyone! For this special, we have some original characters planned that need some voice acting love.

Quality mic setup - We aim for professionalism, so we need at least a decent mic from our VA's. Limited clipping, no natural reverb, and no background sounds. 
Discord - The project is hosted on our discord server, and is also where most of the directing will be done. While joining the server is not a requirement, correspondence over Discord is the easiest way to get ahold of everyone. 
13+ - Discord's ToS requires all parties on the platform to be of 13 years of age or older. 

With the exception of Aleena, these roles will likely not be reoccurring throughout the comic. While we don't mind people joining the server or auditioning for future roles, please note that these roles do not guarantee a place in the comic in future.

CONTACT US Discord Server - 
Project Admin - CelestOrion#5013 
Voice Director - 1UpWelch#0177

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Decided!

    Big thanks to everyone who has auditioned for roles! After discussing it with the team, we have decided to cast Mushrunner for our Eggman! We hope that everyone else who auditioned continues to enjoy voicing, and maybe we'll see you down the line when new roles are opened!
  • New Role Open!

    Hey, again! We added a new role for Dr. Eggman, as the voice actor we originally had for the project ghosted on us. We'll be accepting auditions up through July 19th, so if you're interested in voicing Eggman for this project, and future comic dubs of Sonic Legacy, feel free to audition here!
  • Casting Decided!

    Sorry for the delay, we were originally going to have the voices cast on June 15th, but we fell behind slightly on things, and only got around to today to get the final results in. We're happy to say that we've cast all three roles that we were looking for! Thanks to everyone who auditioned, we hope you'll still stick around to hear what the final product will sound like!
  • Re-confirming Deadline

    Thanks again to everyone who has auditioned so far! We just wanted to re-iterate that we will not be choosing any auditions for the roles provided until the deadline hits, so do not feel discouraged if you have not seen any comments or replies from us on your audition piece yet!
  • Thanks for the auditions!

    None of us on the team were expecting to see so many auditions this soon after releasing the project info, so thanks for showing enthusiasm about this piece of work! We're still going to allow more people to audition before actually settling on who we feel is strongest for the roles, but we're thankful for what we've received so far!
Project Roles: Spruce Holly Aleena Dr. Eggman
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ZonicTHedgehog

18 year-old reindeer mobian, male. Cool-headed and collected, more often than not can be no-nonsense and to the point, acting older than he is, but is prone to anxiety when things get out of hand. He's the straight man to his fraternal twin sister, Holly. His voice is level, but somewhat airy.

  • (Amused, yet mildly exasperated)

    You’re still using that fake acronym?

  • (Cautious, advising his sister)

    Alright. Keep your guard up, though. For all we know, whoever shot us down could be around here looking for the sleigh.

  • (Yelling out for help, increasingly worried)

    Uh, Holly? Somebody?! Anyone would be nice right now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: crystalavenger

18 year-old reindeer mobian, female.  Higher-toned voice that portrays an optimistic outlook on life. The more socially aware of the reindeer duo, her soft nature belies a determined drive to get things done. While a little more easy-going than her brother, she's not averse to self-defense when it calls for it.

  • (Hostile and loud)

    Those presents are the property of S.A.N.T.A.! Drop ‘em! (S.A.N.T.A. pronounced, not spelled out)

  • (Curious, but clueless)

                Well, looking at this map, I’d say weeeee’re… somewhere in this general area.

  • (As if telling a story to someone)

                A few seconds later, a human soldier rose. Another human. Another mobian. Before long, it had become apparent that, despite being locked in their stalemate for weeks, none of them truly wanted to fight. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Cashlin Snow

35-year-old hedgehog mobian, female. Sonic the Hedgehog's mother. She comes from a line of explorers, and possesses an energetic personality rivaled only by her son. Maternal, yet hot-headed, she cheers on Sonic as best as she can, often described as his number 1 fan. That doesn't stop her from endlessly teasing him, or others though.

  • (Extremely Excited)


  • (Wistful, sounding somewhat somber)

    Heh, she reminds me a little of your father. Too bad he isn’t here; he loved parties.

  • (Questioning, yet teasing and playful.)

    So, my little blueberry, who’s your new friend? Or is she more than a friend?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Eggman
Role assigned to: Mushrunner

49 year old human, male. Scarily intelligent, calculated, and focused. His flair for the dramatic is unmatched, while retaining his competence as a would-be world conqueror. He is first and foremost a scientist, always studying and researching any topic that interests him. His voice has a biting edge to it, but only turns aggressive when pushed to his limit. Barely has an indoor voice.

We are looking for a Mike Pollock-sounding role to fit with what we had for Issue 2's unreleased dub.

  • [Exasperated/defeated, sitting at a desk with a pencil and blueprint designs] "Do me a favor and find the man who invented circles. I want his tomb bombed."

  • [Stated 'matter-of-fact'/Determined, looking down upon Sonic in a Death Egg Robot] "Indeed I do. So, I’ll be taking that. Back off and be good little boys and girls, and I promise that I won’t skewer you today."


Public Submissions

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