Sonic IDW Comic Dub

Project Overview

We at Red star Studios are looking to do a full comic run on the sonic idw comics, that takes place after the game “Sonic forces” we want to bring this comic to life as much as we can and we can’t wait to hear all your fantastic voices best of luck to you all #gottadubfast

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Latest Updates

  • Gemerl, Jet and Cream.

    Hello everyone, here is another VA announcement, Gemerl will be voiced NegativeCharisma, Jet The Hawk will be voiced by Random Goon and Cream will be voiced by Snooyz. Congratulations!!!!! Also I would like to say that the role of Wisper will most likely be decided tomorrow as well as the third wave of character auditions starting on Monday 29th. I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Mr Scruffy, Eggman, Orbot and Rouge

    Hey guys, I have 4 roles to announce. The role of Eggman and Orbot will be voiced by Restless Reptile. The role of Rouge will be voiced by Thea Solone. Finally the role of Mr Scruffy will be voiced by Jsaking11. Congrats!!
  • Rouge

    Sorry forgot to add Rouge to the list.
  • Week 2 Characters

    Hello, I just like to say that we planned to cast 12 characters that were listed on the casting call this week.... we have casted 11 of those 12 characters! I would like to say that it has been amazing to go through all the auditions and hear all the different takes. I would like to announce the next round of characters to be chosen. These are: Eggman Faker Eggman Charmy Mr Scruffy Starline Orbot Cream Vanilla Gemerl Jet If there is character here you still want to audition please do it before it is too late. This will commence tomorrow on Monday and will end next Sunday. #gottadubfast
  • Shadow, Vector and Knuckles

    Hello we have three casts today Shadow, Vector and Knuckles. I have one thing to say to people who audition for these roles......... These were some of the most difficult characters to cast. Everyone who audition to being considered should very proud of themselves. Anyway lets announce the VA's. The Voice of Shadow will be voiced by Acerr, Vector will be voiced by Aragon and Knuckles will be voiced by Hunter Kinville. Congrats to the 3 of you!!!
Video Editor
Video Editor
Video Editor
cast offsite

We need someone who is an experience video editor. It would be best if you use the same software as are current editor however this will not change if you get casted. As long as you can edit comic panels in a fun entertaining way then we are happy with that. Please post a link to example you have made. (The software we currently using is Adobe After Effects)

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Tails is a young fox cub who has a pure and courageous heart. Although he has been persecuted in the past for his dissimilarities, Tails would over time find the right friends to give him support, which in turn gave him confidence. Loyal and trustworthy, he can be counted on to stand firmly by the side of his friends and help them out however he can. While still young, Tails has time and again proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with despite his inconspicuous appearance, especially with his high intellect. As a result of being practically raised by Sonic though, Tails has been known to carry out his plans without warning or a heads-up. Despite this, he still uses his abilities and talents to carefully prepare himself and his friends for various situations if he is not entirely sure about what they will be facing. He is likewise very friendly and tries his best to approach others with a kind-hearted attitude, even towards enemies whom he does not know very well.

  • [Sarcastic] "Oh ye of little faith..." 

  • [Sad/Angry] "I had it. I was so close. And I can't blame you..."

  • [Explaining] "After we beat Dr. Eggman and his forces, we broke the Eggman Empires control over our world."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Charlie Everly 🎙🎭

A cheerful, kind, optimistic and energetic go-getter, Amy is a determined young hedgehog who lets nothing stand in her way. She is girly and sweet, but also temperamental and can be quite stubborn, having a hard time taking a "no" for an answer. She is best known for her long-standing crush on Sonic the Hedgehog, whom she would follow anywhere (if he let her). Like Sonic, she also sometimes find fun in fighting evil and helping others. She similarly takes a simple joy in fighting Badniks.

The time Amy spent in the Resistance has caused her to mature to a great degree, having demonstrated both leadership and logistical skills that has relieved Knuckles in virtually all organizational matters.

  • [Excited] "I heard about what you and tails did in the neighbouring town and hurried over! I just knew you'd stop by here!"

  • [Comforting] "You were helping us down here. And Now were going to help you get your home back."

  • [Apologetic] "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! I didn't know that would-!  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: HuntK7870

Knuckles is a tough and headstrong echidna. Serious, unconcerned with nonsense, and stubborn, he has no patience for stationary work and prefers to be where the action is, unless the safety of the Master Emerald is at stake. Despite this, he is still an overall nice person in normal conversations.

  • [Angry] "Neo Metal sonic has taken over my island! He's turned it into a flying fortress! And built that... that thing over the master emerald!"

  • [Distress] "It's... the master emerald... somethings wrong..."

  • [chill] "It was more interesting when we were fighting to save the world. Now that we're focusing on rebuilding, it's all scheduling and inventory and... Peh! I've got no patience for it."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jsaking11

Rough is a course and aggressive skunk. Ruthless, cruel, and violent, he takes great pleasure in terrorizing and taking advantage of those weaker than himself, as demonstrated by how he and his brother oppressed the townsfolk of Barricade Town. Meanspirited, Rough showed no concern for the happiness or well-being of the townsfolk he and his brother oppressed, displaying a lack of empathy for others, and he was significantly offended by Sonic and Knuckles ruining their "fun".

  • "Prepare to get wrecked!. It's payback time for -ROUGH AND TUMBLE"

  • (Angry) "Don't act like we're nothin'! You only won 'cause you mobbed us with wisps!"

  • (Panic) "WHAT THE HECK?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Aragon

Tumble is a course and aggressive skunk. Ruthless, cruel, and violent,[7] he takes great pleasure in terrorizing and taking advantage of those weaker than himself, as demonstrated by how he and his brother oppressed the townsfolk in Barricade Town. Meanspirited, Tumble showed no concern for the happiness or well-being of the townsfolk he and his brother oppressed, displaying a lack of empathy for others, and he was significantly offended by Sonic and Knuckles ruining their "fun".

  • "Prepare to get pummelled! It's payback time for -ROUGH AND TUMBLE" 


  • (Panic) "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: coryncidence

Heroic, optimistic, and just as fearless as Sonic the Hedgehog, Tangle is scrappy and loves to tangle with bad guys. Not intimidated by danger in the slightest, she has a thirst for adventure and excitement and craves new challenges for herself. As such, she is capable of heading into mortal peril and face deadly odds, all while wearing a smile on her face and having the time of her life. However, her desire for adventures makes her reckless and prone to jump head-first into danger without a care in the world. She can also be somewhat careless in battle, like using her tail in a way that gets it injured and getting so caught up in her own excitement that she forgets to watch out for enemies.

  • (Sassy) "Ha! You're sweet not to notice. Nice one! You're a natural. Do this a lot?"

  • (Excited) "Is this what it's always like for you guys?" CAN WE HANG OUT ALL TIME?!"

  • (Excited and shocked) "I mean, sure, I miss home. But I'm on a flying tropical paradise! I fought a robot dragon! and survived! The past few days have been so crazy and cool! I don't think I can go back to my old life!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Thea Solone

Solemn, calm, and collected in battle, Blaze is a noble soul. Initially, she was a bit of a loner and somewhat defensive. However, she eventually warmed up to the concept of friendship and became more sociable and positive as a result of her new relationships. She has since come to cherish the friendships she has made and will do anything to keep her friends safe despite having only known them for a short time.

  • "Sonic! You are here. I assume these are Dr Eggman's robots?"

  • (Happiness) "It would be my pleasure"

  • (Serious) "The sol emeralds are not.... chatty. If they directed me here. It was for a purpose."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jobi

Espio is a serious and disciplined ninja warrior, as well as a detective, with a distinct sense of wariness. He is likewise a wise, intelligent, and soulful character, and has an excellent drive to all that he does, always being very thorough with his work. While having a no-nonsense attitude, he also has a bit of an ego which makes him elaborate on stories about his work that go nowhere in order to make his listeners understand how hard he has been working. He is also reluctant to admit his shortcomings.

  • (Serious) "Left, right - everywhere! They have us surrounded!"

  • (Laid-Back) "I wanted you to understand how hard we worked..."


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Speeklo

Charmy is an immature, fun-loving kid. Hyperactive and beebrained, he loves to play and can be seen buzzing around everywhere. However, he is also very friendly, lighthearted and cheerful. He also loves to prank around, like when he annoyed Vector for being wrong, and is rather gullible, having an easy time to quickly forgive and forget, as seen by how he was the first to befriend Dr. Eggman after he had seemingly had turned over a new leaf due to amnesia while the rest of his team remained apprehensive.

  • (Excited) "Except how to fix and build stuff! He's the best!" 

  • (Upset / Angry) "How could you be so mean?! We're supposed to help everyone!"

  • (Fear) "VECTOR! ESPIO!  HELP!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Aragon

An upbeat, laid-back and good-natured crocodile, Vector is an accomplished and firm detective who takes his profession very seriously, his agency's policy being to never leave a case half-done. He is also one of high moral standards, as he questioned whether it would be ethical or not to penalize Dr. Eggman after the doctor had seemingly lost his memories about his evil deeds and turned over a new leaf.

  • (Confident) "The case of the missing Eggman is over! We found out what happened to the doctor, who was impersonating him and helped bring down the perp! Case closed!"

  • (Frustrated) "No fair ganging up on a guy who can't hit you back!"

  • (Confident/serious) "Hey, Espio, you're lead detective now."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eggman/ Mr Tinker
Role assigned to: Restless Reptile

Dr Eggman

Dr. Eggman is an evil and megalomaniacal genius who is constantly planning to take over the world and those beyond his. Showing contempt for how "filthy" and "irregular" the world is, he views himself as obligated to perfect it by ridding it of what he deems as imperfections, including hunger, disease and, above all, free will. Arrogant, raucous and explosive, he believes that he is bringing peace and unity to the world under his brilliant leadership. He also does not accept the world as it is as a whole. Instead, he wants to transform it to his liking and set up terrifying amusement parks like Eggman Land. His reasons for doing so is that he simply likes amusement parks and does not care about their effectiveness; all he wants is to control precisely what his enemies experience in their last moments. Eggman likewise prefers to show up and claim responsibility whenever he is carrying out his villainous deeds and make himself known to his enemies after he comes back from a defeat; as put by Sonic, subtlety is not Eggman's forte. 

Mr Tinker

Mr. Tinker retains his personality from the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comics. Unlike the insane, evil, megalomaniacal Dr. Eggman, Mr. Tinker is kind, friendly, and eager to help. He is noted to be the complete opposite of Eggman, as he was friendly and polite to everyone he met, but he cowered from fights. 

  • Dr Eggman: (Angry) "When did I get here? WHO ARE ALL OF YOU? AND WHO DRESSED ME LIKE THIS?!"

  • Dr Eggman: (Mocking) "Oh-Ho-Ho! If it isn't patient zero! Have you enjoyed watching my unbeatable plan unfold?"

  • Mr Tinker: (Happy) "HaHaHa! All right! No need to get all excited! How do you do? they call me "Mr. Tinker.""

    Mr Tinker: (Fear) "BUT I'M NOT HIM! I DON'T WANT TO BE EGGMAN!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr Scruffy
Role assigned to: Jsaking11

Elder Scruffy is a wise and polite man who priorities his village and its inhabitants over himself. He is also extremely compassionate and willing to forgive and forget. Noticeably, he wanted Dr. Eggman to be free to do some good after the doctor had lost his memory and became a reformed man that would help out Elder Scruffy's village in wondrous ways in spite of having heard stories of the doctor's horrendous acts that he could hardly imagine.

  • (Calm) "Excuse me. I'm the head of the village. May I weigh in on the subject?" 

  • (Calm) "Once we realized he wasn't-well, himself-we nursed his wounds and took him in."

  • "Hello? Is someone there? Please Help!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AkariVA

Best described as a grim anti-hero, Shadow has a strong sense of purpose and pursues his goals by any means necessary. He possesses a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals once he has set his sights on them, including using lethal force. This natural vehemence, however, tends to blind him with anger and make him prone to reckless decisions. It can also cause him to hold grudges, to the point where, if the object of his grudge is in sight, he is blinded to everything else; after being bested by Starline at the White Park Grand Chateau, Shadow decided to chase after him while ignoring not only Rouge and Tails being captured, but also an avalanche that would have injured or even killed everyone else. He also does not tend to take others into consideration, and sometimes his desire for revenge overwhelms his own sense of safety. Being an anti-social lone wolf, Shadow is generally not in favor of team-ups either; although he may occasionally cooperate with others, it is typically for his own reasons and does not guarantee that he is willing to follow orders. He also often leaves without saying goodbye or thanks.

  • (Serious) "Losing one's memory doesn't them any less dangerous."

  • (Frustrated) "Have you forgotten that he made you suffer? That he's tried to destroyed you-Multiple times? How can you even suggest leniency for him after all that?" 

  • (Angry) "This your fault. If I had destroyed Eggman in windmill village, none of this would be happening."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Thea Solone

Cunning, confident, sassy and fearless, Rouge knows how to get what she wants. While she might appear to be ditsy and carefree at first glance, her mind is always actively scheming and making up new strategic plans. A calculating and manipulative realist who can arrange situations to go the way she wants them to, she acts mainly on her mercenary instincts. Because her motivations do not always appear as what they seem at first, Rouge is quite enigmatic and her intentions are not always entirely clear.

  • (Serious) "Talk fast, big blue. We definitely heard him say he was rebuilding Eggman land. And you know how stubborn Shadow can be."

  • (Mocking) "Goodness! Does this one emerald power the whole ship?"

  • (Silly) "The world was about to end! I wanted to spend my last moments with the one I love!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fake Eggman
cast offsite

This is eggman however try to bring something different in your voice make it sound like something isn't right.

  • "I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up to spoil my fun. I just didn't realize you'd come all the way up here to find me!"

  • "But no matter- you're still too late! The gears are already turning! My latest plan is-!"

  • (Confusion) "....Faker?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Neo Metal Sonic
Role assigned to: Stealthy VA

Just a reminder this character is a robot.

  • "I will conquer the world for Eggman as Eggman. And you will tell me where he is so I may hand over control to him."

  • "I have your bio-data. I have my original plan. I will sift through the worlds ashes to find him if I have to."

  • "Such a disappointing choice of last words."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Slamalox | Ecchan

Silver is an optimistic, young hedgehog who has a strong sense of justice. This personality trait is what motivates him to head back into the past in order to correct the future and help his people at whatever the cost. However, he is somewhat over-eager and naïve, which makes him prone to making decisions without fully thinking things through. Somewhat awkward when dealing with others and a bit socially clumsy, he has a tendency to hide behind a façade of bravado. Having suffered from loneliness for a very long time, Silver also has a hard time grasping the notion of someone preferring to stay alone.

  • (Apologetic / cheerful) "S-sorry, I didn't mean to step on your toes."  

  • (Energetic)  "How do you not know about the guardian angel?!"

  • (Serious) "I see. I guess I've been so lonely for so long. I never considered wanting to be alone."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Keelyn Salmond

Whisper is a rather mysterious individual with a quiet and withdrawn personality. Very soft-spoken, she speaks only when the situation calls for it and, true to her name, in a very low volume, rarely uttering more than a few words at a time. Whisper used to be more outspoken, eloquent and joyful, but due to the trauma that Dr. Eggman and Mimic had caused her by ensuring the demise of her friends, she grew much more silent and reserved. Since then, she has been more shy, cautious and distrustful of others, preferring to be out of the spotlight and in hiding. She also values her personal space and limited her interactions with others, fearing that if she made new friends, she could not handle losing them too. When in social situations, Whisper usually exhibits a rather bashful side of herself.

  • (Quietly) "Wisper.." 

  • (Quietly)(Serious) "Were walking into mimic's trap blind. That's dangerous."

  • (Loud)(Sadness/Frustration) "I won't lose another friend! I can't!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Starline was calm, theatrical, and sophisticated most of the time, exuding an arrogant sense of pride in his intellect and abilities. Rather formal in behavior, he often addressed others as "gentlemen". However, he was also ruthless, sinister, and cruel, as he was willing to force Dr. Eggman to be a part of an evidently painful procedure against his will to bring him back to normal. Showing contempt for weakness, he possessed an incredible drive, as seen how he kept searching for Eggman despite becoming quite ill from sleep deprivation in the process. Despite possessing a calm demeanor, his patience did have its limits; after spending time with Eggman, Starline began showing occasional bouts of anger and frustration primarily directed at Eggman's imperfections, stubbornness, and refusal to listen to his reasoning. Ultimately, Starline would lose his patience after being fired by Eggman. In this state, he had proven himself emotionally unstable and prone to angry rants.

  • (Confident) "Trust me, dear doctor. I made my career out of studying you."

  • (Confident) "... I intend to fix that. I will restore you to your former glory. DR. EGGMAN WILL BE REBORN!"

  • (Excited) "About that, sir, you lost your memory-your whole personality-after your last battle with sonic and the resistance."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Restless Reptile

Unlike many of Eggman's robots, Orbot is not a mindless drone and possesses both a personality and emotions of his own. Orbot is one who looks at the bright side of things, especially for the sake of his boss when he is in a foul mood. He is also shown to be lazy

  • (Mocking) "Or perhaps you'd like to review a list of eldritch creatures you'd like to resurrect and then lose control over?"

  • "Are we sure we want the old boss back?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Voice-Man

Cubot is a good-hearted and easy-going robot. Even though he is supposed to be built with the same CPU as Orbot’s, he is somehow dim-witted and somewhat slow on the uptake; he has no concept of sarcasm (as evidenced by his reaction when Eggman flippantly told them, after Orbot asked if he wanted the remaining Wisps, that Eggman actually wanted them to go fetch him "a cheeseburger and a shake") and even when things are explained specifically to him, it takes a while for him to catch on.

  • "OHH! OHH! I know! How 'bout you threaten us, boss? Nothing cheered you up like saying you'd dismantle us!"

  • (Confusion) "I'm confused is that a threat? It didn't sound menacing this time."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Snoozy

Cream is a very sweet, lovely, polite and well-mannered girl. While still young with an attitude befitting her age, Cream is extraordinarily brave and noble. Noted to possess a lot of potential, Sonic himself has remarked that she is going to become an amazing person when she grows up. She has also been noted for her sensibility, her empathy towards others and her understanding. Notably, she stood up to Gemerl to protect some Zombots while convincing Gemerl to use non-lethal means against the Zombots by reminding Gemerl that they were just regular people forced to do evil things, which meant they deserved a chance to be happy, a situation that Cream noted was not all that different from Gemerl's. During the Metal Virus plague, she also helped the survivors by bringing them refreshments and comforting them in difficult times.

  • (Confident) "But I'll have cheese with me! He'll help look after me! He always does!"

  • (Joyful) "...So I've been bringing them snacks and sweets! I'm trying to be happy, so they can be a little happy, too!"

  • (Monotone/Sad) "H'lo, Mr. Sonic"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A beloved mother and respected elder, Vanilla is a calm and composed woman, never raising her voice. Like her daughter, Vanilla is kind, polite, and always ready to help those in need. Apparently possessing a strong faith in Cream and her friends, Vanilla is not bothered by how Cream goes out on dangerous adventures with Sonic and his friends. However, she does seem to prefer a quiet lifestyle, as she has been known to get somewhat frazzled by Sonic and his friends' adventurous ways.

  • "You're a brave and noble little girl. And I know you've done some amazing things. But I can't allow you to go out there. Stay in here and protect our home, okay?"

  • (Desperate) "Ms. Rose! PLEASE! Get my little girl to safety!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: DevDixon

Gemerl is designed to be a learning robot, making him capable of growing wiser and developing with each new experience. Possessing an artificial intelligence, he is likewise capable of making independent decisions. Originally though, all Gemerl cared about was fighting and destroying. After being reprogrammed by Tails however, Gemerl became a gentle and caring robot towards his friends and adopted family. For this reason, he is ready to do whatever it takes to protect Cream's family.

  • "Request acknowledged. Proceeding to assist village defences to protect cream vanilla and family."

  • Sonic. Designation: Friend. Analysis: Infected with same material as villagers. Assessment: You will transform tool. Highest level threat to cream's safety. I will not allow that."

  • "You cannot help. You are a threat. Reduce threat level or be eliminated."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gio

Jet is a greedy thief, having no qualms about plundering official institutions in order to earn a profit. Even in life threatening situations, Jet has asked if the reward would be big enough for him in return for his help, as he does not do everything for free. However, he does have some standards, as he does not want his gang to appear like brutes, like when he scolded Storm for throwing Jewel out of their blimp. He also only seems interested in using his money to maintain his Extreme Gear. He is also very confident, but possesses a short temper. Despite his selfish nature, Jet is loyal to his teammates, Wave and Storm.

  • (Confident) “WAVE! You take the Top Floor! STORM! Smash and Grab! I got the ground floor!”

  • (Confident) “Hey gramps! Time for you to Retire!”

  • (Confident) “What’s the matter gramps? Afraid to fight your own battles?!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gio

One of Storm's most defining traits is his lack of intelligence. Far from the sharpest tool in the shed, he is dim-witted, goofy, and often takes things too literally. He can also be quick to act and careless, like when he mistook a cowering Jewel for a gemstone after only seeing her rainbow-colored exoskeleton from behind, which costs him his team's reputation and latest profit. He also gets happy and upset in a childish manner quite fast, hinting a simple mindset.

  • “Uh…studdering B-Boss…?

  • (Energetic) “You got it Boss!”

  • (Happy) “Wait til the boss sees you”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Snoozy

Wave is a level-headed figure that is able to ride her Extreme Gear with style. Though she usually has a calm demeanor, she cannot help but get excited over treasure.

  • (Confident) “Sure Thing, JET!”

  • “My Extreme Gear got lost to the Zombots! Storm almost smashed his to pieces!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Zavok is a power-hungry and aspiring conqueror with a strong mind and will, only caring only for power and his pack.[11] Although he is no stranger to doubt and thoughts about surrender, he nonetheless possesses an iron-clad resolve and an absolute refusal to give up.[13] Combined with his refusal to surrender to his foes, Zavok does not give up, even in situations when he has already lost, being willing to fight back with any remnants of his strength combined with his ferocity and hatred.[3][13] He likewise refuses to let any setbacks impede him; to him, defeat is only a foundation for revenge.[3] While some might perceive him as a brute and wannabe world conqueror, Zavok has a penchant for quick thinking and is quite cunning, quick.-thinking and intelligent. Always observant, he is a tactical thinker and knows how to read his opponents in advance in order to use their weaknesses and a situation to his advantage.

  • (Angry) “I will not suffer Humiliation from sonic AGAIN! I will Never Accept Defeat!"

  • (Serious) “I have lost the metal virus and the Zombot Horde. I Have lost the power of chaos Emerald…"

  • (Angry/Annoyed) “You DARE?!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Zor is a gloomy individual that finds joy in the misery of others, though he is not known to outright express feelings anyway. He enjoys reciting poetry and is known to get bored of anything quite easily. He also dislikes beauty very much. Though Zor likes the suffering of others, this applies to himself as well. As such, when he suffers himself and find himself in hopeless situations, he cannot help by enjoy his own agony.

  • (Mocking) "Struggle. Wriggle. Writhe and cry. You can't escape. You'll soon be mine."

  • "How long have you been practicing that line, kid? So what I'm doing now leads to a future of misery and destruction?"

  • "It's all I could've ever hope for"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Speeklo

Zeena is capable of producing red energy tethers from her hands that she can use in combat like whips and to latch onto opponents and control them like puppets. Additionally, Zeena has great strength, enough to let her deflect Sonic's Spin Attack. When it comes to her fighting style, she mainly attacks with kicks. She also has incredible speed and reflexes, being able to effortlessly dodge several laser shots from the Variable Wispon in succession.

  • (Curious) “Whoa! Who’s this brat?”

  • (Cocky) “You brought a robot to fight me when you knew I could control machines? Honestly how stupid are you”

  • “Ugh! Your making me get up and work”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Master Zik
Role assigned to: Restless Reptile

Master Zik is a calm and zen-minded individual who has a no nonsense attitude towards everyone. He believes in survival of the fittest, meaning that the weak should be left behind, although he is willing to make exceptions under extraordinary circumstances. He is very proficient in his work and always prefers it when things go according to plan.

  • (Serious) “Brash young fool, Only now do you begin to understand the consequences of threatening your Elders.”

  • (Angry) “That wasn’t Tactical! There was no skill! You brats got lucky! Lucky I tell you!”

  • (Disappointed) “Your a poor leader child.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Zomom is incredibly strong, able to smash buildings with the simple swing of an arm and incapacitate even Sonic with a single hug. He also has a high level of durability as demonstrated when he received a hit from Amy's hammer face-first and a laser shot shot from the Variable Wispon without sustaining any serious injuries. Zomom is also able to use his massive build to his advantage crashing down into the ground to create large tremors that are strong enough to destroy an entire building. In addition, Zomom is a very profound burrower; by putting his arms out to the sides and spinning around like a top, he is capable of digging through the ground at great speeds.

  • (Surprised to see Tails) “Huh? Oh. Your sonics friend with the weird tail.”

  • (Furious) “No WAY! I’ve got Zombots bringing me food from all over!”

  • (In a panicked state) “OOH?!? WHERE!?! WHERE?!? IM STARVING!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SimitarchVOs

Zazz is known to have super strength, being strong enough to smash a large hole in a wall with his bare hands.Zazz also has enhanced durability, as shown when he was able to withstand several direct attacks from Espio. Zazz also possesses claws which are sharp enough to leave marks on a metal wall. He also has incredible endurance and stamina, being able to keep fighting even when he is completely exhausted.

  • (Bored) “Maaaaaaaaan this is LAME. I can make these Zombots tear into each other all day,But it doesn’t do any damage”

  • (Excited) “WOO-HOO  HA-HA JACKPOT!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

These are any background characters that have voice lines. I would like to see how well you could improv as any voice will suit these characters. Please do research on the comic for the extras. 

  • Improv


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