Sonic Adventure 2 Comic Dub

Sonic Adventure 2 Comic Dub

Project Overview

Looking for more Voice Actors for the comic dub, it will be appearing at a Sonic Convention known as Sonic Revolution 2019 and will also appear on Youtube. The Comic is created by Ziggyfine, link to comic here 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rouge The Bat
cast offsite

Can be a voice, voice impression of one of the Rouge's VA's or can be your own take on the character.

  • Just... Let it go! You Don't Know When to Give Up, Do you?

  • Yours? I found it on top of some broken down shrine on a floating rock! This Beauty needs a better home, and that home is with me!

  • What was that all about?! And look what you did to my emerald! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
News Reporter
Role assigned to: Tyler Velazquez

Must sound like a professional News Reporter. 

  • Video Surveillance detected a hedgehog moving at incredible speeds.  

  • The Suspect was seen fleeing the scene, destroying the reserve's guard robots in his path.

  • Other Than the emerald, nothing else was stolen. The Suspect was identified as the world-renowned Hero, Sonic The Hedgehog. Stay Tuned for more details.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male G.UN Communicator #2
cast offsite

Must be able to sound like their communicating through a radio.

  • This is control tower. We have you on radar. Report Cargo Status on Captured Hedgehog Aboard, Over!

  • Didn't Copy that, over.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
G.U.N Female Dispatcher

Must sound like their communicating through a radio.

  • Attention All Units! Suspect seen heading south,

  • Block All Major Roads And Capture the Suspect.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male G.U.N Soldier #1
cast offsite

  • Freeze! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male G.U.N Soldier #2
Role assigned to: Marvelman101112

  • What the?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
G.U.N Hunter
Role assigned to: Zwataketa

Must sound like a machine.

  • Halt! You are Under Arrest! 

  • Submit or G.U.N will be compelled to use Force!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
F-6T Big Foot
Role assigned to: TrevZed

  • This is F-6T Big Foot, Reporting to Headquarters. Intruder has been located, 

  • Locking On Target! 

  • Error! Re-Calibrating lock on! 


Public Submissions

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