Soggy Cardboard Dubbing Project!

Project Overview
Soggy Cardboard
Do you know soggy cardboard? Then bring those boxes back inside you dummy. I am talking about Soggy Cardboard, the webcomic made by the bio-luminiscent Cuddlep00p! I have gotten permission to gather up some solid homies to dub over the comic and upload them onto YouTube! This is a non-profit project ofc cus I don't own the comic.
Read the comic up above for a fun time ^^^
Subscribe to his patreon for some sweet art! But be warned, 5 dollars and higher gives you some NSFW material so don't pledge that much unless you are 18+!
Decent Microphone - No background noise and no plosives!
Have Discord - All communications well be done over Discord, so if you are auditioning please have a Discord!
Minimum of two takes per line! I want to at least hear two different takes for each line to get a good idea of your ability.
Be chill - Don't be an ass
Turn in all your lines on time please!
Feel free to join the Discord above after auditioning!!! It is the Discord where the project will be handled, and if you get casted you will be joining anyways.
I am working with a couple good friends of mine to help get this project published, and as such all videos are going to be posted to
belonging to WoodsOfYpresVa who is a pretty cool homie 8)
The audition lines are brief because the Dialogue is fast paced for comedic effect, and lacks notable punctuation, if you want longer lines to help portray your ability please DM me at my Discord link so that I can help you.
I am looking forward to listening to your auditions my dudes 8)
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Latest Updates
I am so thankful for everyone who auditioned, y'all are the best <3 Casting will happen in the next few days as I coordinate between my awesome Co-Directors and the Big Man Cuddlepoop himself 8) The female roles I am effy on casting just due to a very low amount of auditions, so expect to see Joey and Kevin sealed in the next couple of days, and the rest possibly within the week, thank you all for your patience!
Deadline Pushed Back
Hey everybody, thank you for all the auditions so far! Due to lacking on any auditions for Carmen or Katherine, along with only one based audition for Joey's Mom, I am extending the deadline to March 8th in order to hopefully get some applicants. Sorry for the delay, but I appreciate all of you!

Joey is a living agent of pure chaos, being one of the only ones to fully embrace the knowledge of being a main character in a webcomic and utilizes that information to warp reality, and generally is extremely care-free! *There are some moments of seriousness in which his voice will get deep, so be prepared*
His voice should be Medium-High and very goofy! He might do baby talk sometimes, but I leave that up to interpretation.
The young voice should be about the same but higher pitched, expect to do this a lot because both the young and the adult versions come up frequently.
Oh, she was probably having some sort of Vietnam Flashback, you know how old people are
Well my homeless freckled friend, I have great news!!
My Grandma is sick! Terminally!(Young) I farted on Mr. Jones Dog during a walk
He's old so I thought he wouldn't hear
He did
So my mom said I can't go outside for the next week

Carmen is the Down-to-Earth character of the group! She talks pretty normally and as such expresses a wider range of emotion than the other members of the cast! She knows 3 languages and is canonically the daughter of David Hasselhoff. Her voice is Medium-High.
Her child voice should be adorable, and a little higher pitched than her adult version.
(Confused) Viet- How old do you think she is?
(Cute, Young) Oh, um, can Joey come out to play?
(Screaming in fright) Salir! Verlassen! Leave!

Katherine is the resident crazy gal and is very upbeat and energetic! She is the cause of the time shenanigans you may or may not know happened! Her voice is High pitched.
(Flirty) I dunno
I am kinda into it(Crying) Bu- My name really is Katherine Fox!!
(UwU voice) That other stuff you can take it or leave it(Winking) Y'know I don't mind if you just pee

Even though he is a lead character he rarely ever talks! He is actually trying his best not to exist very hard. Not suicidal, just kinda tired, very tired. His voice should be medium-low and he is constantly tired, very very tired.
This is also the casting for child Kevin because I doubt they sound very different and young Kevin only shows up in a couple of panels, but please use a slighty lighter pitched voice!
EDIT: When I say tired, that doesn't mean he has a lack of sleep, more like he has the lack of will to do anything other than lay on the floor for hours at a time, in one panel he says he is trying not to exist very hard, which is why he doesn't show up as frequently as other characters.
(young Kevin) why are you being nice to me?
(young Kevin) yeah that's about what I expect
(Adult Kevin) that's just how I am

Joey's Mom is a very sweet person with a very sweet voice. She should generally sound very loving but can sound stern and even sarcastic at times. Her voice should be Medium to Medium-High.
(Apologetically) I'm sorry, sweetie
But he's grounded this week
You'll have to come by next weekend(Yelling) WHO TOLD YOU TO TURN AROUND
(Serious) Joey who is that girl?
Public Submissions