Roles chosen
Thank you all for auditioning, we loved listening to you all. It was a hard decision but we've selected the successful candidates now.
Thank you all for your time and good luck with your future projects
Story TLDR
Expanding upon new lore from Elder Scrolls Online, a clan of Dremora are seeking to return their banished Daedric prince Ithelia. A cult in service to them has risen in the area, helping them fully restore the banished prince. The Dragon born will answer a call to aid from a priory of Stendarr, where they will look to put an end to the cult's violence and stop whatever they have planned.
Story Overview
A cult in service to a warband of Dremora from the vanquished clan has arisen. The warband's leader, Quel’toth, was a loyal servant of Banished Daedric prince Ithelia and the protégé of Torvesard seeks to return this banished Daedric prince. Cult activity has called for action to be taken, a priory of stendarr have taken upon themselves to call for aid, sending out notices to nearby cities for vigilants of Stendarr to come to their aid.
The Dragonborn finds one of said notices and makes their way to the priory of Stendarr, found west of Skyrim deep into the mountains. Upon arriving the Dragonborn finds the priory ransacked, the priests and worshippers slaughtered by the cult. There is someone here though a Vigilant of Stendarr called Chaonet who also answered the "Call for Vigilance".
After meeting with Chaonet, the dragonborn will find a nearby town which has just been attacked and raised by the cult. Two survivors will be found Quentius and Veraeli, these two will aid the Dragonborn track down the cult. Find a way to open the portal that is believed to be the hub of cult activity, by gathering a sigil stone from the cult's mortal leader, Errane, and a powerful soul gem.
Upon opening the portal, Quentius and Veraeli reveal themselves to be Dremora who have been using powerful illusion magics to disguise themselves as an Imperial and Dunmer respectively. Having tricked the Dragonborn to open the portal through a ritual requiring divine blood (the Dragonborn’s blood) they are now able to enter a pocket realm of oblivion along with Quel’toth and restore their Daedric Prince.
The Dragonborn must then follow them into the portal, upon confronting the three Dremora before they can reach the primordial glyphic that can restore Ithelia. A Choice must then be made; stop the Dremora from bringing back the prince, or let them.
Mod Details
The mod takes place in a new worldspace, a valley swamp basin and snow capped mountains lining the borders, there’s a 4 stage main quest, and some minor side quests, new weapons and armour, as well as plenty to explore in this new worldspace.
A collection of screenshots from parts of the landscape so far:
Have any questions? Feel free to message me here or on discord: @ TheLootist
Want to learn more about the lore? Some sources below
Ithelia, Vanquished Clan, Ithelia lore in eso (Camelworks video), Ithelia lore (Drewmora Video)
We can't wait to see what you come up with, have fun with it!
Thank you all for auditioning, we loved listening to you all. It was a hard decision but we've selected the successful candidates now.
Thank you all for your time and good luck with your future projects
Hello everyone,
We have begun shortlisting the roles and are looking to make a decision in the coming days. I will send out messages either here or on discord to the successful audition to check you are still interested and move on from there.
We have both massively enjoyed listening to all of you wonderfully talented people and making final decisions will not be easy!
Thanks for all the application and we can't wait to work with you
Personality: Cold, calm and calculated. Speaking with stoicism and fanaticism, has done many awful deeds searching for his purpose and finally has found something to commit to.
“Severed are the threads of many a Man and Mer by my hand. Cut from this plane to serve in the next” (Calm, stoic, gritty yet soothing)
“I serve as Quel’toth’s right hand, a blade in the darkness and the hand at his enemies throat. And… in that… I take great pleasure..” (starting calm yet fiercely determined, and ending in almost euphoria)
“Who do you think you are! Our work here will set us free on the untraveled road. Free to unravel our own destinies from their bindings set by these false ‘Gods’.” (Angry, losing himself to rage at the player’s insolence)
Name: Chaonet
Race & Gender: Redguard Female
Estimated Number of Lines: 100-200
Personality/Voice Style: She is a strongly emotional person, extremely mournful over the deaths of innocents and fiercely angry at the cultists, showing no remorse for their actions. A kind-hearted individual who will do anything to help the needy and those who cannot defend themselves from the evils and perils of this world.
Background/Role: A vigilant of Stendarr who answered “The Call For Vigilance” notice acting as a companion/quest giver for the player through the main quest.
“May you rest easy, you did not deserve this fate and I will see it that these actions are set right” (Mournful, pained, speaking to deceased victims of the cult)
“We must stop these monsters before they bring about any more harm. I will help with the dead here. You track down that hunter before she gets in trouble.” (Stern, commanding. Slight anger at the destruction and needless death.)
“I still have more work to do helping the people here. I’m counting on you to help make sure this doesn’t happen again. ” (Pained, remorseful, speaking while tending to an injured guard)
Name: Quel'toth The Vanquished
Race & Gender: Dremora Male
Estimated Number of Lines: 20-40
Personality/Voice Style : He is a stoic and calculating Dremora. Always seems like he is one step ahead of what’s going on. Dogmatic in his views, deeming them to be predetermined by Ithelia, he has unwavering confidence in his success as the fateweaver’s saviour.
“Fated Dragonborn, you’ve proved yourself a gullible, yet useful pawn in the return of my master” (Stoic, calm, announcing themselves)
“You’ve willingly chosen to not heed my warning, you test me, what reason do you have for following us here?” (Angry, slight confusion, warning the player)
“I will give you a final chance, take it and I will let you leave this realm and fate may ever be twisted in your favor. If not, I will not let you tamper with our plans here.” (Commanding, threatening)
Name: Quentius (Disguised) / Quvvelag The Vanquished (Dremora Name)
Race & Gender: Imperial Male (Disguised) / Dremora Male
Estimated Number of Lines: 100-200
Personality/Voice Style (Disguised): Intelligent, holds himself in a high regard. Looks down on actions such as brute force and fighting, preferring to keep to his studies than get his hands dirty.
Personality/Voice Style (Dremora): Similar to his human disguised form but amplified, viewing himself as smarter and better than mortals, viewing them as mere pawns to achieve his goals.
Background/Role: Quest giver/advisor for the player through the main quest. Survivor from the town attack. Fake personality: Served as the town’s mage, healing, dealing with magical threats, advisor. Felt his potential was shackled, but had to serve this role as no one else could.
Secretly a Dremora from the cult, deceiving the dragonborn to further the cult’s needs (see mod overview for details). A powerful dremora sorcerer, has been Quel’toth’s advisor for centuries
Audition Guide/Notes: For Dremora line, do not worry about the effects we will try to handle that internally, if you want you can try the effects yourself. Some references for voices Dremora voices from the games here, do not need to copy this style can use your own. Dremora lines should say like the same character but "Dremorafied" so the player recognises the character.
“*mumbles* a source of power… the blood of the willing… ah yes the sigil stone must be the key… *mumbles* ” (Reading the instructions to a ritual, mumbling under their breath, slightly worried, slight breaks on the “...”s)
“I was tending to some duties in the priest's quarters when the attack began. I’m lucky to be alive. My brother, not so much I’m afraid.” (slight pain, sentimentality, mostly emotionless as if he’s pretending to care)
“You’ve served your use, begone mortal.” (Read as Dremora, disgust, telling the player to leave them alone)
Name: Veraeli (Disguised) / Vruaine The Vanquished (Dremora Name)
Race & Gender: Dunmer Female (Disguised) / Dremora Female
Estimated Number of Lines: 100-200
Personality/Voice Style (Disguised): Smug, cheeky and cheery; she prefers to work alone. She wants to play the hero and take on the cult by herself, not wanting the help of the Dragonborn (goes to track cult by herself)
Personality/Voice Style (Dremora): A cunning trickster, forever lurking in the shadows. Deceives people to benefit herself. Lines delivered with a cheeky smile knowing she has deceived you.
Background/Role: Quest giver/advisor for the player through the main quest. Survivor from the town attack. Fake personality: Hunter/tracker fetching game to feed the people of the town.
Secretly a Dremora from the cult, deceiving the dragonborn to further the cult’s needs (see mod overview for details). Ithelia’s acting champion, a title handed down from previous unofficial champions. Has been tracking down the primordial glyphic needed to return Ithelia.Audition Guide/Notes: For Dremora line, do not worry about the effects we will try to handle that internally, if you want you can try the effects yourself. Some references for voices Dremora voices from the games here, do not need to copy this style can use your own. Dremora lines should say like the same character but "Dremorafied" so the player recognises the character.
“The bow? It’s a… family relic let's say. Passed down from my predecessors” (Cautious, trying to not give away a secret)
“They left my sight for but a moment and they were gone. I pressed on and my path was impeded by a collapsed bridge, I’m sure they went to the summit.” (Frustrated having failed a task)
“Ha! Quite the elaborate ruse, you wouldn’t have just opened a portal to Oblivion had we simply requested it now would you…” (Read as Dremora, smug, smiling)
Name: Errane
Race & Gender: Altmer Female
Estimated Number of Lines: 20-40
Personality/Voice Style : Snobby, looks down upon non-believers, speaking about them with disgust. She has admiration bordering on obsession with Oblivion and the power that can be harnessed from there.
“You will soon be entangled in the fate weavers embrace, give in while you can.” (Calm, coercing the player, soothing)
“Children of the Fateweaver! Today we gather to celebrate one of our brothers whose thread is coming to an end.” (Powerful, Elated, speaking to a crowd about a sacrifice taking place)
“May the thread of your next life be long and full of joy brother.” (Quiet, solemnly, speaking to the sacrifice personally before finishing the offering)
Name: Vanquished Devotee
Race & Gender: Multiple races, Male
Estimated Number of Lines: 10-20
Personality: Fanatical, devoted, hatred of none cult members.
Audition Guide/Notes: This role is planned to be used for several generic cultist enemies spanning different races if possible.
“Your thread will be severed here, cur!” (Threat, taunt, combat dialogue)
“Your fate has just changed.” (Threat, Taunt, combat dialogue)
“Praise to the fateweaver!” (Elated, Righteous, shouting support and praise during a sacrifice)
Name: Vanquished Devotee
Race & Gender: Multiple races, Female
Estimated Number of Lines: 10-20
Personality/Voice Style : Fanatical, devoted, hatred of none cult members.
Audition Guide/Notes: This role is planned to be used for several generic cultist enemies spanning different races if possible.
“Your thread will be severed here, cur!” (Threat, taunt, combat dialogue)
“Your fate has just changed.” (Threat, Taunt, combat dialogue)
“Praise to the fateweaver!” (Elated, Righteous, shouting support and praise during a sacrifice)
Name: Vanquished Devotee
Race & Gender: Any Race, Any Gender
Estimated Number of Lines: 5-10
Personality/Voice Style : Fanatical, devoted, hatred of none cult members.
Background / Role: After the main quest is completed, the player is given a miscellaneous quest to go back to the priory in search for Chaonet. Here a group of vigilants will be found looking to deal with the cultist you already have dealt with. They will explain that there is no Chaonet in the Vigilants of Stendarr
Audition Guide/Notes: This role is race and gender irrelevant, so choose a race you feel comfortable with/ think would fit the role/have fun with it!
“Stand back civilian, this is vigilant business.” (Commanding, calm, nicely mannered)
“You answered the notice? You’re no Vigilant…” (Confused, slightly annoyed, not sure why the player came to help)
“I’ve never heard of anyone by that name in the order, I pride myself on knowing every Vigilant, so I have no idea who you were dealing with.” (Confused, a little worried)