SK8 The Infinity Fan Dub

Project Overview


Good Evening Everyone this is a casting call for Sk8 The Infinity Fan Dub. This is a non Pay project. We are dubbing all 12 episodes.

Plot: A half-Japanese student who transferred to Okinawa from Canada, with his mother, and ended up transferring into Reki's class. Growing up as a snowboarder, Langa quickly learns to transfer his skills into skateboarding when he jumps into his first "S" run. Always in a daze, he shows a stubborn side at times. These colorful skaters will take you through a thrilling story of skateboard battles and unlimited possibilities!


  1. Please audition with a decent microphone with no little to background noise.

  2. Submit your audition with a maximum of three takes.

  3. You must have a discord in order to communicate.

  4. Please have a good attitude.


The Deadline to submit auditions is going to be on July 30, 2021.

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Video Editor
Video Editor
Video Editor
Role assigned to: Doodlemaster SaintSGA JetixEdits

I'm looking for Video Editors to Help me out.

  • Say something you think would fit

Script Writer

I'm looking for a Script Writer to Co Write the Scripts with me. Since I'm caught up with other projects going on.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Reki Kyan
cast offsite

Reki Kyan is a teenager in his second year of high school who loves skateboarding. He frequently attends the underground skateboarding race "S" and is close friends with Langa Hasegawa, who got wrapped up in the race with him. Reki is a carefree high schooler. At first glance, it's easy to assume all he cares about is skateboarding, and while that's somewhat true, he's also shown to be interested in more creative things like drawing and even making skateboards from scratch.

With his outgoing personality, Reki can get easily along with everyone, although he has a special affinity for those who are also interested in the skateboarding world. He's on the lazier side of the spectrum, only doing the bare minimum in school to get good grades and never really thinking much about the future career-wise, but when given responsibilities about things he's passionate about he tries his hardest and sets high goals for himself.

  • "Thanks new guy. Hello you there? I'm in your class Remember."

  • "Do you Like to Skate? Try It"

  • "Check it. I work at the skate shop over there part time. I could pick out a beginner board for you if you want to practice? It mite be Fun!!!!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Langa Hasegawa
Role assigned to: R3ckl3ssRhinoVA

Langa Hasegawa  is a half-Japanese exchange student who has just returned from Canada to Okinawa, where his mother grew up. He gets caught up in "S", an underground skateboard race, along with Reki Kyan, and the two are quick to become close friends. Unlike Reki, Langa has no skateboarding experience, but his knowledge in snowboarding helped him get a head start. 

He is calm and laid back about most things, but when it comes to snowboarding and or learning to skateboard, he's greatly determined and frequently puts his life at risk. Ignoring self-preservation for the act of fun with Reki. He can be an air-headed and easily distracted. He is very self-assured when he is in his element and is a very quick learner. This can be seen when he easily masters riding a skateboard, using his skills from the fifteen years he spent snowboarding. He was able to make quick adjustments, such as quickly learning how to turn on a skateboard, which is different than turning on a snowboard due to the trucks and wheels on the skateboard.

  • "How much do you make? I need a part time Job."

  • "Then I accept. I can do it!!!!!!"

  • "Reki..... It's a cat""

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shokichi Oka
cast offsite

Shokichi Oka is the manager of the skateboarding shop DOPE SKETCH, where Reki Kyan and Langa Hasegawa work. Although he is the manager at Dope Sketch, he still appears to genuinely care about the wellbeing of his employees, especially Reki. He can be serious, as shown when he brings up Reki's injuries after a beef with SHADOW and when he forbids Reki to take on a job while injured, instead asking Langa to go. At the same time, he demonstrates that he isn't afraid to be dramatic and tell jokes, such as when he led Reki and Langa to believe that the reason he couldn't deliver a package was due to needing to work to pay off Dope Sketch's debt. In reality, the reason he couldn't go was most likely because he had a date, but he was amused the Reki had been gullible enough to buy his lie.

  • "Were hiring!!!!"

  • "Look I gotta make a skateboard delivery to a client some time night this week. And neither one of us Can do it.  So I'm desperate."

  • ''That'll do. Alright Let's discuss your pay.""

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shadow / Hiromi Higa
Role assigned to: adamvoice

Hiromi Higa . He's an "S" skater who's known for his rowdiness and violence within the race, but who's known for his kindness and serviceability in the flower shop he works at. Hiromi lives something of a double life. During the day, he works at a florist's shop where he is kind to the customers and maintains a positive energy. He is always willing to assist his boss, no matter the task. In the evening, he participates in "S" as Lord Shadow, the self-proclaimed anti-hero of the "S" races. In contrast to his florist persona, Hiromi is arrogant and rude under the guise of Shadow, aiming to entertain the crowd with his tricks.

  • '"Theirs's no way you'll make it in time. You Know the race starts at midnight."

  • "The Winner of to nights match. Get's to give the loser any tattoo he would likeeeeeee."

  • "who will it be posers. I don't mind taking you both out at once."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry Blossom
Role assigned to: KaineWinneg

Kaoru Sakurayashiki is a skilled skater and founding member of "S", he uses his AI board to skate in a calculated and logical fashion. 

Kaoru is calm intellectual, well-known even outside of "S" as a famous and successful AI calligrapher. He's been shown to treat clients and strangers with polite respect,[3] but is often prickly towards those closest to him, most prominently his fellow "S" member and childhood friend Kojiro Nanjo. Kaoru often loses composure when dealing with Kojiro, perhaps due to their contrasting personalities, and the two usually end up bickering and calling each other names whenever they disagree about something.

Kaoru is also notably competitive when skateboarding, always wanting to beat Kojiro during races and beefs and even getting Carla to record his time during the tournament preliminaries to see how it measured up to Adam's.[4]

  • "No. He'll be the one to skate."

  • "If someone gets on a board out here. The rules are he has to compete. No matter his level."

  • "I'm going to ride ahead. Wanna Come?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kojiro Nanjo/Joe
Role assigned to: Nullv

Kojiro Nanjo is a skilled skater and founding member of "S", he uses his unique build and stature to skate in an aggressive, movement-orientated fashion. In "S", he seems to be a playboy who likes to charm and have fun with many women. This is shown in the beginning of episode 1 when he kisses 2 girls at the same time and episodes later, is seen flirting with countless girls. Despite his aura of hostility towards Cherry Blossom, they are good friends; who has the upmost trust in each other and their abilities. He is shown to deeply care for Kaoru, being the person Kaoru sneaks out of the hospital for after he's injured, and the one who carried Kaoru when he passed out after Adam's attack. Kojiro and Kaoru have been shown to be close, using each other's first names alongside the childhood friends aspect. Kojiro is extremely loyal to Kaoru and likewise for Kaoru.

  • "I don't know about that"

  • "He maybe able to maintain his speed. But it takes more then that to win S."

  • ''I guess I'll throw him a bone and not ride him off just yet."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miya Chinen
Role assigned to: RonMVA

Miya Chinen is an elite middle school student and candidate for Japan's national team. Miya was a carefree boy when he was younger, but has grown into someone who can seem very cocky at times. However, this is likely part of a persona he adopted following the events shown in the flashback after his beef with Langa. He was interested in skating from a young age and would often skate with his friends. During this time, Miya had fun skateboarding with others. He mastered the skills of skateboarding quickly, such as mastering the ollie in only two weeks. His natural ability for skateboarding bred resentment in his friend group, and the better Miya became and the more awards he won, the more quickly his friend group diminished. It was around this time that of his friends, Takashi, proclaimed that heroes can't team up with slimes, which was what led Miya to his world view that he is the hero and everyone else around him are the slimes.

  • "there you are. I want to run a beef against you in S. I need a challenge."

  • "It's been awhile since I level up. Are you in?"

  • "I heard that your actually a snowboarder is that right? Very fascinating. I love to see how you managed to beat shadow." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ainosuke Shindo/Adam
Role assigned to: MatthewKBaier

Ainosuke Shindo  known in "S" as Adam. Is a politician who leads a double life as a skilled "S" skateboarder and serves as the main antagonist of the series. While skating, Adam is very confident in his own skills and ruthless towards his opponents, with no concern if he causes injuries indirectly or personally using physical violence. He's very flamboyant with his actions, creating an over-dramatized persona for the audience of "S". He views skating as a "ritual of love" which goes hand in hand with his theme and persona. He is prone to making grand entrances for himself such as rolling out a red carpet to skate down or parachuting out of a helicopter. Adam's racing style involves him getting up close to and physical with his opponents, locking their boards together to incite fear and crush the other's will to continue the race, all the while demonstrating mastery of difficult techniques such as the Casper Slide to further demoralize his opponent. He has no qualms with inflicting violence on his opponents, especially ones that he has a personal vendetta against, even to the point of possibly causing death.

  • "skating should be fun. yesssss"

  • "That's something that each of us can stand to learn."

  • "Friend skating is wonderful. At this point in your life. You have nothing Left."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tadashi Kikuchi
Role assigned to: Bliss

Tadashi Kikuchi, known in "S" as Snake. He is Ainosuke Shindo's secretary and the person who originally taught him to skate. During the series, he seems to display a formal and professional attitude in front of Adam, just like a normal secretary. He also displayed a calm demeanor, even when Adam referred to him as a 'dog' due to his position as an obedient servant. Tadashi is unable to display his dissatisfaction with his treatment in the Shindo household. He seems like the person Adam trusted the most, enough to let him know about secret races like "S" and Ainosuke's identity as Adam.

  • "The police are here. Please get in"

  • "That's so strange. We took this location off the patrol route."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Melissa Zamudio

Cherry's AI skateboard.

  • "It's time to wake up."

  • "Under age drinking is strictly prohibited."

  • " Ok Master. 3. 2. 1.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kiriko Kamata
Role assigned to: Mal P

Kiriko Kamata  is a police inspector, and the person in charge of Ainosuke Shindo's political corruption case. Kiriko is a stern woman, a trait is befitting of someone in her line of work, and is shown to have a strong sense of justice and belief in the work she puts in for the criminal system. It appears her aim is to see through that all criminal and illegal activity she encounters is terminated and the details brought to light, no matter who the culprit may be. Due to this professional attitude, she seems to dislike less strict people such as Ainosuke, and is visibly creeped out when he deflects her accusations with flirtatiousness.

  • ""well I appreciate your brilliant covert leak superintendent." 

  • "And trust me It's not over yet."

  • "I will nail Mr. Shindo. he not going to get away with a false testimony."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nanako Hasegawa
Role assigned to: thetricksterdecives

Nanako Hasegawa is Langa's mother. She grew up in Japan and moved in Canada with her husband, Oliver. When he died, she and Langa moved back to Japan. She cares a lot for her son, as she has shown panicking about Langa's injuries. She is a very excitable women, who deeply loves her son. After her late husband passed, when she gets on excited or nervous she often asks the image of Oliver for advice. Often jumping to conclusion of her reclusive son. Such as assuming the injuries were from being bullied not skateboarding. When she found out he made a friend she was extremely happy and proud of her son. She loves him dearly, often talking about him to her colleagues.

  • "What is it?"

  • "It's happening he asking my opinion on adult weather predictions? Speaking of sunny he not very happy lately.""

  • "Wait he want's to discuss his feelings. What should I do Oliver!!!!!!!!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mal P

I will be needing Extra's for future episodes.

  • let me hear your voice

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

I will be needing Extra's for future episodes

  • Let me hear your voice

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Bliss

I will be needing Extra's for future episodes

  • let me hear your voice

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ECVoice

I will be needing Extra's for future episodes

  • let me hear your voice


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